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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Hainan is _ island with fresh air and bright sunshine.AtheBanCa2、_ my brother _ my father loves the science fiction movie The Wander

2、ing Earth (流浪地球) a lot, both of them want to see it again.ABoth; and.BNot only; but alsoCEither; orDNeither, nor3、Waste sorting (分类)has been around for years in China. If you have food waste, you will most probably throw it into _.ABCD4、-Wed like you to start work tomorrow if possible.-Im sorry, but

3、 I cant possibly start until Monday. ?ADo you agree with meBIs that a good ideaCDo you think Im rightDWill that be all right5、 The food looked bad, but it _ OK. So we cant judge a man by his appearance.Ais tastedBtastedCwas tastedDtaste6、Its a /bd/ habit to put off todays work till tomorrow.AbadBbag

4、CbatDbed7、I have been to quite a few museums, but I can say this one is_.AgoodBthe bestCthe betterDbetter8、What do you think of the TV series All is well?Oh, I am so moved because Ive never seen a_ one beforeAbetterBworseCgoodDbad9、Would you like to go to the concert with me?Id love to, but I Lindas

5、 invitation to dinner.AacceptBhave acceptedCwas acceptingDwill accept10、_we cannot change yesterday,we can learn lessons to face tomorrow.AThoughBAsCSinceDUnless. 完形填空11、A young, rich girl was getting ready 1 bed when she 2 a low crying coming 3 her window. She went over to the window and leaned out

6、, 4 girl was standing there. It was a cold winter, but the girl had no quilt(被子), only old newspapers. The rich girl suddenly came up with a helpful idea. She told her to go to her front door. The homeless girl was 5 and she could only manage 6 There she gave her a(an) 7 quilt and a pillow(枕头). Watc

7、hing the true happiness alight(点亮) upon the other girls face, she went to bed happily.The next morning a knock came on the door. The rich girl flew to the door. She opened it and found the little girl. Her face looked 8 , and she smiled,. “I 9 you want these back.” The rich little girl opened her mo

8、uth just saying that she could keep them when another idea appeared in her mind ,” “Yes , I want them back. “The homeless girl said , “Thank you!”, laid down the things , and turned to leave when the rich girl shouted, “ Wait! Stay right there.” She saw the rich girl 10 up the stairs and then turn b

9、ack quickly. She brought a new quilt and a pillow to her. “ Have these,” she said 11 These were her own personal belongs( 所有物 ) 12 silk and down feathers.One day, the rich girl , 13 was now a rich woman got a call from a lawyer (律师 ), who told her: Forty years ago , when she was nine years old ,she

10、helped a 14 girl in need. That girl grew into a 15 woman with a husband. She had recently died and left something for her in her will: It was a new pillow with diamonds and a wool quilt with gold thread(线).1Ato Bfor Cin Dwith2Alistened Blistened to Cheard Dheard of3Athrough Bacross Ccross Dover4AThe

11、 other BOther COthers DAnother5Asurprise Bsurprising Csurprised Dsurprises6Anodding Bnodded Cto nod Dnods7Aold Bnew Cbig Dsmall8Asad Bhappy Csadly Dhappily9Atell Bwish Csuppose Dknow10Aruns Brunning Cran Drun11Asad Bsadly Cquiet Dquietly12Ais made of Bmade of Cis made from Dmade from13Awhich Bwhom C

12、who Dwhat14Alittle Bfew Crich Dsmall15Apoor Brich Chomeless Dgood. 语法填空12、World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by the UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of 1(read) . It means you read a book out of interest not because your teachers or parents

13、 tell you to do so. “Reading for pleasure ” plays a more important role 2ones growth than ones family background.Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us know 3(many) about the outside world and perfect us. However, computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing

14、books off the shelf. Some experts believe its a worrying trend(趋势).Each 4( China) read 0.38 more books in 2013 than 2012 but still far fewer than those in major developed 5( country). Even worse many bookstores have closed their doors 6many book lovers start to buy fewer books than before.However, many people do still prefer reading because it has been part of 7(they) life. It can benefit (使受益) people in many ways. It gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. It 8has a strong influence on forming our personality and ma



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