【精校版】河北省八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake导学案人教新目标版

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake第1课时:(集中识词)【学习目标】1.学习 SectionA单词短语,能够熟练听读单词,发音准确。2.部分单词简单拓展运用。 3复习祈使句。 4复习可数名词和不可数名词【课前预习】完成下列单词,一个两遍。摇动_ 奶昔_ 食物搅拌器_打开_ 剥皮_ 倒出_酸奶_ 蜂蜜_西瓜勺锅添加最后食盐食糖奶酪玉米爆米花机器掘洞【知识点探究】 1. shake,(1)动词, “摇” shake hands with sb 翻译_; shake ones head_.Eg: 当你遇到朋友时,和他们握握

2、手.When you meet your friends,_. 如果你说不,就摇头.If you say no, _ (2) 名词;milk shake中文是_.不可数名词,许多奶昔_ 一点奶昔_指份数可数。一份奶昔_ 五份奶昔_2. turn on 指打开水流,煤气,电灯,电视,收音机等电器的开关; 代词放中间. 译:打开电视_ 打开收音机_ 把它打开_拓展 译: turn down turn up turn off_ turn right_变红_; Its your turn (次序) to clean the room._.辨析 open指打开关着的门,窗,箱子等. 反义词_. 开着的_

3、open_; 关着的_closed_.小练 (1)Please _ the door. (开门) (2)The boy _ the computer to play games last night . (打开)(3) Dont forget to _ the door (关门) or _ the lights(关灯).3.finally副词,意思 _ 同义词组: finally = at last = in the end ; 形容词 final 最后的.练(1)Finally, he thought of an idea .=_ _, he thought of an idea .= _

4、_ _, he thought of an idea. (2) Tom worked hard. _ (final), He got good grades.4peel意思是_, 后直接跟所要削的果实或水果,常用于:peel sb sth= peel sth for sb.译:给他削苹果_ 给妈妈削土豆_给姐姐扒香蕉_ 给我修梨_5. pour, 意思是 _ ,常用于: pourinto, 把倒进,Eg: Please_his cup. 请给他的杯子倒些果汁。 Please _ the bottle. 请把这些水(the water)倒进瓶子里。 pourout, 把倒出, 请把脏水(dirt

5、y water)倒出来。 Please _. 注意:pourout是动副短语,宾语是代词时,必须放中间,译:把它倒出来_ 本单元类似的动副短语还有:cut up, 把苹果切碎_把它切碎pour sb sth= pour sth for sb 为某人倒某物 请给我倒杯茶。Please pour me a cup of tea. =_.6. add, 意思是_, addto, 把加到上(中), Eg: 把盐加到水里_ 把蜂蜜加到酸奶里_ 把糖加到锅里_ 把牛奶加到搅拌器里_【自学效果检测】 I.词汇1.Lets make _ _ _(水果奶昔)。 2.The boy is_ (剥) an oran

6、ge. 3.Your mother needs _ _ _ (三杯酸奶).4. Please_(剥) three bananas. 5._ _(切碎) the bananas. 6. _(放)the bananas and ice cream in the blender 7._ _ (倒) the milk _ the blender.8. _ _(打开) the _(搅拌器). 9. I need two _(茶勺) of honey. 10.- How much _(酸奶) do you need? -We need one _(杯) of yogurt.II单项选择( ) 1.Dont

7、 forget to turn _the TV before you go to bed. A.off B.to C.on D.down( ) 2.You _the light. Its bright enough here. We can see everything clearly. A.mustnt turn off B. must turn on C. neednt turn on ( ) 3.If you want to eat a banana, you must _it first. A.peel B.sell C.put D.peeling( ) 4._the yogurt i

8、nto the blender . A.To pour B.Pour C.Pouring D.Pours( ) 5.I cant hear the TV. Please_ it_. A. turnoff B. turnup C.turndown D.turnon( ) 6.- _are the apples? -Two yuan a kilo. A. How much B.How many C.What D.How ( ) 7. How do you _ a turkey sandwich? A. take B. make C. cook D. carry( ) 8. Look! Linda

9、is _ hot water into the blender. A. pour B. pours C. pouring D. to pour( ) 9. If you want to be _, you should eat more fruit. A. health B. healthly C. healthy D. healthily( )10. Would you mind turning _ the light? Its too dark here. -OK. Wait a minute, please. A. over B. on C. off D. down( )11. Plea

10、se give me _. A. two glasses of apple juice B. two glasses of apple juices C. two glass of apple juice D. two glasses apple juice( )12. I cant see clearly. Please_ the light. A. turn up B. turn off C. turn down D. turn on( )13. Cut_ the apples and then put them _ the blender. A. in; up B. on, up C. up, in D. up, on ( )14. The problem was very difficult, but he worked it out_. A. last B. end C. final D. finally( )15.The meat is big, and lets_. A. cut it up B. cut up it C. cut them up D. cut up them( )16. Dont _ dirty water into the river. A. turn B. pour C. make D. cut



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