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1、课 题Lesson30 My favourite school work设计者教学目标知识与技能write, read; 知道 what are school works.过程与方法自主探究,小组合作。情感、态度与价值观help each other in pairs or groups, the development cooperates the spirit.教学重、难点重 点write(a story), read(a book) I Am Drawing,(song)难 点My favourite school work is _教学时间2教学具准备 Courseware, radi

2、o and tape.教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:第一课时一、Greeting and Warming-up:1.Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ?2.Play a game: Can you guess What do I like to do ? What does he/she like to do?S: You/He/she like(s)to_.复习动词词组Play basketball Sing a song Read books Draw a picture 【设计意图: 本课重点学习喜欢做

3、的学校活动,继续学习巩固sb like(s)to sth 句型, 复习一下动词like,以便更好进行下面教学活动,用游戏的形式营造轻松的英语课堂气氛。】二、Key Concepts:3.T: Yes .I like to _and_. But my favourite school work is _.4 Showing the pictures with the courseware, and ask the students what they can see.5.T: Today lets learn Lesson30 My favourite school workT: Do you

4、know what about school work?S: T:Tell the class these active are “school works.”Teach “read a book”, “write a story” a few times.T: My favourite school work is to play on the computer.I like to play on the computer.Whats your favourite school work?Students should answer follow the teachers demonstra

5、te.(Single.)三、作业第二课时一、复习二、新授1、Showing the courseware(A girl is reading a book): “Whats she doing?”【 说说、演演的形式加深了学生对句型的理解,利于他们在现实中运用。】(1) “Its you!Whats your favourite school work?”then practice several times with different students.(2) Ask 4 or 5 students, “Whats your favourite school work?” they sho

6、uld say “Our favourite school work is to _.”(3) Ask the whole class “Whats their favourite school work?” The students should answer with “Their favourite _.” 【设计意图:以一条主旋律favourite things贯穿首尾,运用中既有铺垫又有高潮,使孩子们在日常的交流中得到了充分的锻炼,达到了学以至用的目的。】2. Read the text after the radio.3.Drill: Stuents in the classroo

7、m practice to ask and answer the questions each other. To find out who has the same hobbit in 3 minites.4.Learn the song:.Listen to the new song one time. “I am drawing” with the actions.Follow it at the second time.Sing the song together:【用唱歌的形式营造轻松的英语课堂气氛。巩固练习动名词形式,为下一个环节做铺垫。】5.Practice : Do the ACTIVITY BOOK三、Class closing. Play “Secret Word”with the audiotape of the song to make sure the students hear and understand “reading” and “writing”.个案设计:板书设计:Lesson 30 My Favourite School WorkWhat s your favourite school work? play basketball / sing a song/ read books/ draw a picture



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