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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The cats happy expression bore testimony that it had eaten the cream.问题1选项A.doubtB.proofC.experienceD.revelation【答案】B【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项doubt“怀疑,质疑”;B选项proof“证明,验证”;C选项experience“经验,经历,体验”;D选项revelation“启示,揭示”。句意:那只猫快乐的表情证明它吃了奶油。Testimony“证据,证词”,由此可知B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项

2、正确。2. 单选题This product is( )to change without notice.问题1选项A.despiteB.evilC.subjectD.crust【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。be subject to“受支配,从属于;常遭受;有倾向的”。A选项despite的常用搭配有in despite of / despite of不管,不顾;B选项evil的常用搭配有speak evil of 说坏话;诽谤/ do evil 作恶;为非作歹;干坏事;造孽;D选项crust“地壳,地表,坚硬外壳”,常用固定搭配很少;句意:本产品( )更换,恕不另行通知。根据句意可知C选项

3、更符合句意,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题The rats( )bacterial infections of the blood.问题1选项A.developB.produceC.stimulateD.induce【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。develop意为“发展,患(病),出现(问题)”;produce意为“生产,制造”;stimulate意为“刺激”;induce意为“引诱”。bacterial infections意为“细菌感染”,时一种病症,主语为“rats(老鼠)”,故只有A选项符合逻辑。句意:老鼠出现了血液细菌感染。4. 单选题The corporation expects

4、only( )increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business.问题1选项A.modestB.predictableC.dynamicD.expanding【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项modest“适度的,谦虚的”;B选项predictable“可预言的”;C选项dynamic“动态的,动力的,有活力的”;D选项expanding“扩大的,扩展的”。句意:尽管用过去一年的时间去努力恢复零售市场,但是公司仅仅期盼业绩( )增长即可。题干中的despite表转折

5、,因此空格所填单词应该与despite所引导的句子产生的结果相反,正常情况下,付出了努力必然期盼有回报,所以这里应填与increase意思相反的词汇。因此A选项正确。5. 单选题She gets along very well with everyone, so she is the most ( )member of our family.问题1选项A.rustyB.impetuousC.congenialD.imperious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。rusty意为“生锈的,腐蚀的”;impetuous意为“鲁莽的,冲动的,轻率的”;congenial意为“意气相投的,情趣相投的,

6、合得来的”;imperious意为“专横的,蛮横的,盛气凌人的”。由前面的She gets along very well with everyone(她和大家相处得很好)可知她是个容易相处的人,因此选C。句意:她和大家相处得很好,所以她是我们家最容易相处的人。6. 单选题Some people think that a( )translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.问题1选项A.liberalB.literaryC.literalD.linear【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。l

7、iberal意为“自由的”;literary意为“文学的”;literal意为“文字上的,字面的”;linear意为“直线的,线形的”。由句中的than可知是与a free translation(意译)相比较,翻译一般分为意译与直意,因此选C。句意:有些人认为直译,或者说逐字逐句的翻译,比意译容易。7. 单选题He claimed that he would compile an English masterpiece if he could find a(n) _ to deal with the less essential parts.问题1选项A.accompliceB.collab

8、oratorC.confederateD.cobber【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项accomplice“同谋者;共犯”,指在犯罪行为中帮助另一个人;B选项collaborator“合作者;协作者;合著者”,指在做好事中帮助另一个人;C选项confederate“同盟国,同盟者;帮凶;美国南部邦联支持者”,常指国家或政府层面的结盟;D选项cobber“伙伴;朋友”,不常用,属于澳洲俚语。句意:他声称,如果他能找到一位_来处理不太重要的部分,他将编写一部英语杰作。此处填“合著者”一词更符合句意,所以B选项正确。8. 翻译题Put the following 3 Chinese sente

9、nces into English and 3 English sentences into Chinese.事实上,与普通高校毕业生相比,名校毕业生由于享受更好的资源、受到更好的教育,所以他们也就更有创造力和生产力。而且,从知名高校毕业的学生会发现自己无论在心理上还是在学术上都更突出一些,因而也更加自信,这就形成了良性循环。几周以前,英国食品标准局(FSA)发表了一份报告。报告评估了有机生产的水果、蔬 菜、肉类、蛋类和奶制品等与非有机生产的同类食品营养水平的差异。这是一项完整而严谨的研究。通过研究他们发现,在营养成分上,有机和非有机食品间的差距可以忽略不计。根据心理学家克里斯托弗彼得森的观点

10、,自尊与幸福度和生活满意度有关。我们尊心越强,幸福度和生活满意度就越高。它要求我们对自己的自尊有清醒的认识,但不要期待自己会十全十美。要原谅自己犯下的错误,并尽快摆脱消极的态度。The obesity is a national health crisis, one thatquite literallyweighs on us all. It costs lives. It costs dollars. And in the context of our current health-reform debate in Washington, its time we took action,

11、as a nation and as individuals, to address this cost. While infectious disease was a disaster threatening our grandparents generation, chronic disease is killing us and harming our well-beingand obesity is the root cause. The growth in obesity is strongly linked to heart disease, hypertension, and t

12、he explosion of diabetes that our country is currently experiencing.The context of leadership is changing, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modern companies and democracies, power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies are being undermined, making soft

13、 power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion. Instead, there should be a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Power to Lead, stresses a combination of hard and soft power, which is called smart power, is the best approach.For Em

14、ily Dickinson there are three worlds, and she lived in all of them, making them the substance of everything that she thought and wrote. There was the world of nature, the things and the creatures that she saw, heard, felt about her; there was the estate that was the world of friendship; and there wa

15、s the world of the unseen and unheard. From her youth she was looked upon as different. She was direct, impulsive, original, and the droll wit who said unconventional things which others thought but dared not speak, and said them incomparably well. The characteristics, which made her inscrutable to those who knew her, continue to bewilder and surprise, for she lived by paradoxes.【答案】As a matter of fact, the graduates from elite s


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