教学设计Module6 Unit2.docx

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《教学设计Module6 Unit2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教学设计Module6 Unit2.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学设计Module6 Unit2 What doesLinglinghaveatschool?一、学习目标:知识与技能: 1、继续认读会单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has。 2、会说句子:What does she/ he have at school ? She /He has ; 过程与方法: 情景交际法,小组合作法,游戏法情感与态度: 喜欢听说英语并敢于用英语表达。二、教学重难点: 1.单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has2.句子:What do

2、es Lingling have at school ? She has 教学难点:主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化以及单词science的准确发音三、教学准备: PPT课件、单词卡片、实物,多媒体。 四、教学过程 一、 Greeting questions situation 创设问题 1、 Greeting 2、Sing a song“We like school” 二、Giving directions 点拨释疑1、 Check the words and sentences2、 Play game、chant and quick response三、Self-learni

3、ng 自主探究学习1、Watch the video2、Listen and answer the questions 3、Repeat the dialogue 4、Read by your self四、Showing and upgrading 展示提升1、Group work 2、Pair work五、Classroom test 当堂检测 六、 Summary 七、Homework1、 Listen to the tape and read after it. 2、课后调查本级其他班的课程表,下节课交流。板书设计:Module6Unit2WhatdoesLinglinghaveatschool?


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