
上传人:夏** 文档编号:548541933 上传时间:2023-09-04 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:36.50KB
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1、女性如何用英文聊美容1. I want to have a foot massage. 我想做个足部按摩。2. Id like to have a mudpack on my face. It is supposed to help with your complexion.我想做一个泥敷美容面膜,这对改善面部皮肤有好处。3. We should also get pedicures and manicures.我们还应该做足部和手部的美甲。4. Maybe we should try a Thai massage too.或许我们还应该试一试泰式按摩。5. Id like to have a

2、 facial massage first. Trim my eyebrows and tint the eyes.我想先来个面部按摩,然后修一下眉毛,画点眼影。6. Give me a light make-up, not a dark one. 我要淡妆,不要太浓。7. Did you try the snake massage? It was scary but very comfortable. Cool, a little bit tickling.你试过那个蛇按摩吗?有点吓人,不过很舒服。凉凉的,还有点痒痒的。8. This could become a very expensiv

3、e trip to the beauty parlor!去一趟美容院得花很多钱。美发店常用口语1. I would like a shampoo and set. 我想洗头,做个头发。2. What style do you want? 你想做什么样的?3.Id like to try a new hair style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles?我想换个新发型。你能不能给我看些发型式样的照片?4. We have various models: hair bobbed, hair sweptback, chaplet hai

4、r style, shoulder-length hair style, hair done in a bun.我们有各种各样的发型,如剪短发、后掠式、盘花冠式、齐肩式,还可以把头发挽成发髻。5. Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer. I would like hair spray, please.请你按这张照片上的发型做,波浪烫长些。再喷些发胶。6. Your hair dryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?吹风太热了,麻烦你调一下吧

5、。7. Please have a look. 好了,您看一看。8. Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.做得好极了。麻烦你帮我把眉毛修一下,再画一下吧。9. Would you like a manicure? 您还要修一下指甲吗?10. Yes, use a light nail varnish, please. 好的,用浅色指甲油吧。11. What would you say if I have my hair dyed? 我要把头发染了,你觉得怎么样?12. It depends on what colo

6、r you choose. 那要看你染成什么颜色了。美容化妆必备英语词汇nutritious滋养 oil-control控油 oily 油性皮肤 pack 剥撕式面膜 peeling 剥落式面膜 repair 修护remover 去除、卸妆 revitalite 活化 scrub 磨砂式去角质sensitive 敏感性皮肤 sun block 防晒用toning lotion化妆水 cosmetic applicators/accessories 化妆工具cosmetic brush, face brush 粉刷 powder puffs 粉扑sponge puffs 海绵扑 brow bru

7、sh 眉刷 lash curler 睫毛夹 eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 眼影刷lip brush 口红刷 blush brush 胭脂扫 electric shaver-for women 电动剃毛器electric lash curler 电动睫毛卷 brow template 描眉卡 oil-absorbing sheets 吸油纸 cotton pads 化装棉Q-tips 棉签 clarifying cream 清洁面霜eyelid cream 眼袋霜 eye gel 眼部嗜喱refirming 紧肤 moisturizing 补水oxygen

8、ating 补氧 collagen hyaluronic 补充骨胶原pour mask 倒膜 pigment 色素acidity 酸性 alkaline 碱性mineral substance 矿物质 protein 蛋白质energetic cell 活性细胞素 vitamin 维生素oxidant 氧化剂 rouge 胭脂multi-color eyeshadow 多色眼影 lip gloss 唇彩lip balm/lip salve 润唇膏 mascara 睫毛膏foundation 粉底霜 eyeliner pencil 眼线笔eyebrow pencil 眉笔 lip pencil 唇线笔lipstick 唇膏skin analysis apparatus 皮肤测试仪breast strengthening apparatus 健胸仪weight reducing apparatus 减肥仪fleck removal apparatus 扫斑机eyebrow-tattooing apparatus 文眉机beauty apparatus 美容仪器


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