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1、小学五年级下册的英语精选试卷五年级下册英语第六单元学情诊疗同学们,请你们耐心和仔细,试着体验采摘知识果实带来的高兴吧!(共100 分)一、请选出与例词划线部分读音同样的选项。(10 分)1.try()A. youB. lightC. say2.night()A. whyB. bigC. Amy3.quiet()A. quiteB.whiteC. uncle4.do()A. woodsB. goC. collect5.catch()A. playB. haveC. watch二、 请选择正确的答句,把序号填在括号里。(10 分)() 1.Is the cat sleeping?A. Yes, t

2、hey are.() 2.W hat is your mother doing?B. Im collecting leaves.() 3.Are the monkeys jumping?C.She is cooking dinner.() 4.Is Bai Ling writing a report?D. No, it isn t.() 5. What are you doing?E.Yes, she is.三、请依据图画内容填补句子。(15 分)精选试卷1.-What is Mike doing ?- Hes.2.-Is Chen Jie counting insects?-No, she

3、is_.3.- Arethey_?-Yes,theyare.4.- What is Chen Jie doing?-She s _.5.-Is Lily having a picnic ?-Yes, _.四、请选出以下单词中不一样类的一项。(10 分)1. ()A. picturesB. booksC. fly2.() A. sheB. bookC. he3. ()A. walkB. jumpingC. fighting精选试卷4. ()A. watching insects B. counting leavesC.pick up leaves5. ()A. kangarooB. leaves

4、C. monkey五、请选出相应的答案,把句子增补完好。(10 分)1.-What is John doing?-_A. He is eatinglunch.B. Sheis pickupleaves.C. WatchTV.2. Amy is under the tree. _ collectingleaves.A. She is B. she s C. he is 3. -Are your classmates having a picnic? -_A.Yes, he is.B. No, theyare.C.No, they aren4.-Is Sarah _?-Yes, she is .A

5、. write a reportB. watching insectC.pickingup5.- _ ?-Theyare catchingbutterflies.A. Are they catching butterflies ? t.leavesB. What are they doing ?C. Where are they?精选试卷六、组合句子我最棒! (仔细的你,必定要注意字母的大小写和标点符号噢!)(15 分)1.you writing?reportArea_2.aren t No.they,_3. Is collecting she ? leaves_4. is Yes . she

6、_5.What?doingtheyare_七、依据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 (10分)Father:Mike:Hello!Hi!Can I speak to Bailing , please?Father: Sure. Hold on, please. SheBailing: Hello.Mike:Hi, this is Mike.Bailing: Hi, Mike . What are you doing?Mike:My family is having a field trip.Bailing: What is your father doing ? s doing homewor

7、k.Mike:He s taking pictures.精选试卷Bailing:And what about the others ?Mike:My mother is having a picnic. My sister and mybrother are under the tree. They are listening to music.Bailing: Have fun .Mike:Thank you. Talk to you later.1.M ike s motheris having a picnic.()2.M ike s sister and brotherare in t

8、he woods.()3.Mike is doing homework.()4.Bailing is taking pictures.()5.Mike s brother and sisterare not listening to music.()八、看图,模仿例句达成以下各题。(20 分)例: Zhang Peng is cleaning the bedroom.Is Zhang Peng cleaning the bedroom ?Yes, he is._Yes, she is.例: Mike and Amy are picking up leaves. Are Mike and Amy picking up leaves? Yes, they are.精选试卷_Yes, they are.太棒了!恭贺你们已顺利达成了今日的知识旅游!



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