M8U2 Where's the cat 教学设计[2].doc

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1、M8U2 Wheres the cat ? 教学设计一、教学内容:Module 8 Unit 2 Wheres the cat?本课主要是培养学生能够对物品的位置进行询问,寻找物品,用到句式“Wheres .?”并用“Its in .”来进行回答。二、教学内容分析:本单元是Sam和Daming在找猫和小鸟。由于Daming一开始完全不知道猫和小鸟在哪儿,所以用“Wheres ?”来询问。后来看到了不同颜色的袋子后,就开始使用“Is it in?”进行询问。提问者在不知道物品(动物)在哪儿的情况下,用“Wheres”进行询问;当对未知有了大概的想法时,用“Is it in ?”句型询问。三、教学

2、目标1.语言知识目标:a. 单词:全体学生能够初步理解并运用where(wheres=where is), in, bag.b. 语句:全体学生能够初步运用Wheres ? 并用Its in 来回答。2. 语言技能目标:全体学生能够听懂,能说,能够整体感知并初步运用Wheres ? Its in 3. 情感态度目标:通过本单元的学习,培养学生能够根据需要勇于并乐于提出问题并回答他人的问题,激发学生们对英语学习的兴趣,是学生树立学习英语的自信心。四、教学重点:1. 掌握单词:where, in, bag.2. 掌握句子:Wheres? 并能够用Its in 来回答。五、教学难点:where的发音

3、,dont know的发音。六、教学准备:PPT,单词卡片,书包,钢笔,书桌,书本,帽子,铅笔等实物,磁扣。七、教学过程: 、Preparation1. Greetings:T:Hello boys and girls. Ss: Hello,teacher.2. Review last class: T: Last class, we learnt how to ask something. Can you remember? And I have some pictures. Can you guess what is it? Use: Is it a ? Such as: Is it a

4、blue pen? (PPT展示brown book, green desk, yellow cap, blue kite, red ball, monkey图片的一部分。然后去掉遮挡部分,全班作答Yes, it is/ No, it isnt.) 最后一幅图是猫在包里。3. T: Look, is it a cat? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is it a bag? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Oh, like this, how to say? Lets open your books and watch the CD-ROM.听过录音后,教授本课新单词bag, in,

5、我们用in来表示某物在另一个物体的里面,同时教师一手握拳,被另一只手包住,讲解in。4. T: Now lets read after the CD-ROM. Ss read. 、 Presentation1. T: Our old friends Daming and Sam have a cat and a bird. But they are missing. They cant find them. Can you help them? Ss: Yes.T: OK, and today well learn how to ask somewhere. 今天我们就一起来学习怎样来询问地点

6、。Now lets look at number 2. lets watch the CD-ROM and think: How many bags? What colors are they?(听音找答案)Ss: Two. Green and blue. 2. T:Well done! Lets watch the CD-ROM again and think: Wheres the bird? Wheres the cat? (PPT出示问句,其中where用红色字体标出,首先讲解)Where whats meaning do you know? 教授新授单词where。(然后听音找答案。

7、)OK, who can answer question1? S1: Its in the blue bag. (PPT出示答案)T: Good, and question2?S2: Its in the green bag. (PPT出示答案) 3. T: Now lets look at the blackboard, (PPT展示课文中猫和鸟在袋子里),师与一生配合示范:Where is the cat? Its in the green bag. Where is the bird? Its in the blue bag. Can you do it as us? Work in y

8、our groups, ask and answer. 学生小组内模仿老师的示范进行重点句的练习,教师板书重点句。4.小组汇报,教师带领操练黑板上的重点句。、Practice1.T: Boys and girls, lets do some practice. Look at the blackboard, ask and answer as this: A: Wheres the cat? B: Its in the yellow bag. (PPT展示几幅不同的动物分别在不同颜色包里的图片,引导学生进行问答) Work in pairs please. 两人一组进行汇报。2. Now le

9、ts listen and number. 听音排序。、Production1. Game: Hide and seek. 教师准备书包,书,桌子,帽子,钢笔,铅笔等物品,由教师与一生示范:T: Do you like hide and seek? Close your eyes. Now OK, wheres the pencil? S: Is it in the desk? T: No, it isnt. S: Wheres the pencil? T: Its in the book. Can you do it as us?小组内进行猜测问答,教师深入小组内去指导评价,然后由组内推荐学

10、生到班级前来,与全体学生进行猜测问答。2. T:You did good job. So, Ill take you a present, lets sing a song, OK? First, lets listen and read after the CD.Then sing with the CD. Then sing together and sing in groups. 3. Game: Draw and guess. T: Wow, you sing very well. So lets play another game, OK? Its a guessing game.

11、Idraw, and you guess. Then I hide it, and you guess. You can use Is it a .? / Wheres .? OK? 教师示范:教师利用投影在纸上画简笔画,于此同时学生可以用“Is it a .? ”来询问。教师用“Yes, it is / No, it isnt”来回答。画完后教师让学生闭上眼睛,把画藏在书桌等地方里,问学生“Wheres .?”让学生用“Its in .”来回答。T:Can you do it as me? I can give you some examples.(PPT展示几个物品的简笔画,几个提供藏物品

12、的场所,desk, book, bag.)同学们,谁是优秀小画家?谁是智慧大侦探?Now work in your groups. 小组内活动,教师深入小组指导,时间允许情况下有小组推荐学生到班级前面用大屏幕展示,让学生来猜测。评出优秀小画家和智慧大侦探。、Summary.1. Summary: T:Todays lesson will be over. And who can tell me, what have we learnt today? S1:今天我学会了三个新单词:where, in, bag.S2: 今天我学会了问物品的位置,要用“Wheres.”,并用“Its in .”来回答。2. Homework:T:大家总结的真好,and homework for today.(PPT展示作业。)八、板书设计:M8U2 Wheres the cat? in Wheres the cat ? bag Its in the green bag. where


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