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1、课题Lesson 8: Marco Polo and the Silk Road 时间3.16班级七年级教师李卓科目英语课时 1课型 New一、教材内容分析: 本课主要让学生学习了解马可波罗,了解丝绸之路的历史意义,通过本课的学习,让学生接触一般过去时态。二、教学重、难点:重点:学习本课的词汇,句型。难点:一般过去时三、教学目标(知识,技能,过程方法,情感态度、价值观):1. 知识与技能:(1)掌握词汇: age, Europe ,Asia , journey ,king, coal, discover ,invent ,other (2) 接触词汇:Italy, goods (3) 短语和词

2、汇: at the age of ., be new to 2过程与方法:通过教学视频让学生学习,小组合作,学生自主探究学习3情感态度与价值观:让学生通过本课的学习来让学生了解马可波罗和丝绸之路。四、学情分析:七年级的学生,由于年龄小,又加上生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛等特别感兴趣。针对学生现状,在课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,营造学英语的氛围,鼓励学生开口说英语,特别是给差生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。五、教学策略选择与设计(教法及学法的设计):Speaking and talking method; Communicative teaching me

3、thod.六、教学环境及资源准备:在教室运用多媒体七、教学过程:Step 1 Class Open 1) Greeting 2) Review 3) Lead Step 2 Present 1) Discuss what is happening in this lesson .Teacher : Jenny and Danny are working on their projects .What is Jennys project about ?Students :Its about Marco Polo and the Silk Road .Show the picture of Mar

4、co Polo and the world map .Point to the Silk Road on the map then write Marco Polo and the Silk Road on the blackboard .Teacher :Look at the map.Can you name the continents?Help the students name the continents : Asia, Europe , America, America and Africa.Teacher :Where was the Silk Road ?Ask one st

5、udents to come to the front and point to the Silk Road on the map .2) Show some pictures of the goods that Marco Polo brought back to Italy with him ,such as silk ,tea ,paper and coal .3) Show the pictures of coal and paper .Step 3 Listen Class Work : Lets Do It ! No.11) Play the tape for Lesson 8 a

6、nd complete the exercise .2) Check the answers as a class .Step 4 Break It Down Independent Work : Lets Do It ! No.2 1) Instruct the students to read Lesson 8 silently ,and answer the questions independently .2) Students can check and correct their answers in groups then again as a class .3) Instruc

7、t the students to skim over Lesson 8 again and ask each other more questions about the reading in pairs .Step 5 Task Group Work : Lets Do It ! No.41) Have a brief discussion about statues .Come prepared with a list of some famous statues from around the world .2) Instruct the students to follow the

8、instructions in the book and draw a statue of their own . The students may draw in students book or on separate .Step 6 Language Notes 1. At the age of 17,he went to China .在他十七岁的时候,他去了中国。at the age of . 意为“年龄在.时,在.岁的时候”,还可以说at age.。例如:George could swim at the age 5 (= at age 5).乔治在五岁的时候就会游泳。2. Toge

9、ther,they moved goods between Europe and Asia on the Silk Road .他们在欧洲和亚洲之间一起运送货物。between.and . 意为“在.之间”。between是介词,表示两者之间。例如:Whos that girl between Lily and Lucy ?莉莉和露茜之间的女孩是谁?There is a small river between the two villages .两个村子之间有一条河。3. Their journey lasted about twenty years !他们的旅行持续了大约二十年!last 在

10、句中是动词,意为“持续,延续”。last 作形容词表示“最后的,上一次的,最近刚过去的”。last 作副词表示“上次,最后”。例如:The rain will last three days .这场雨将持续三天。That was my last time to see him .那是我最后一次看见他。What did you do last Sunday ?上周日你做了什么?I will speak last at the meet .我将在会上最后发言。4. The Chinese discover coal and invented paper .中国人发现了煤,发明了纸。discover

11、 意为“发现”,指发现早已存在的东西,只是以前没有人知道或看到。find 也表示“发现”,是最普通的用词。例如:Who discover America first ?是谁最先发现了美洲?He found a new book on his desk .他在自己的课桌上发现了一本新书。Step 7 Sum up Step 8 Homework 八、教学评价设计:1、知识评价:本课知识相对来说比较简单,学生容易理解。2、能力评价:学生的底子相对来说还算可以,经过反复训练,掌握起来还是比较轻松的。九、教后反思:在本节课的教学过程中,我更多的是让学生通过自读的形式,小组讨论练习短语,让学生自己领读,其他学生认真的听,并通过图片的形式让学生来了解历史文化。



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