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1、判断题1. 1. more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons.( F) Actually modern linguistics lays more emphasis on the spoken form of lg than the written form for a number of reasons.2. Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both Chinese and English.( F)Voicing disti

2、nguishes meaning in Eg but not in Chinese.3. The compound word bookstore is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.(F) The meaning of some compound words has nothing to do with the sum total of the meanings of

3、their components, such as the compound redcoat.4. Syntactic categories refer to sentences (S) and clauses (C) only. (F) Apart from S and C, they also refer to a word, or a phrase that performs a particular grammatical V function.5. Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects

4、such as B. Eand A. E but cannot be found within the variety itself, i.e. within B. E or A .E. (F) Dialectal synonyms can often be found not only in different regional dialects such as B. E and A. E but also within the variety itself. i.e., within B. E, girl is called lassie in Scottish dialect, and

5、liquor is called whishey in Irish dialect. 6. Only when a maxim under Cooperative Principle is blatantly violated and the hearer knows that it is being violated do conversational implicatures arise. (T)7. The territory in which the Indo-European lgs are mainly spoken today also includes lgs that are

6、 not Indo-European. (T)8. In most bilingual communities, two lgs have the same in speech situations known as domains.( F) They have a fairly clear fairly clear functional differentiation, i.e. one lg may be used in some domains, other lgin other domains.9. According to the strong version of the Sapi

7、r-Whorf hypothesis, speakers perceptions determine lg and pattern their way of life.( F) The true statement is According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, lg determines speakers perceptions and patterns their way of life10. All normal children have equal ability to acquire their f

8、irst lg.( T)11. All words may be said to contain a root morpheme.( T )12. .Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning.( F ) sense13. Linguistics is the course of lg.( F ) scientific study of lg14. The part of a sentence which compriese comprises an infinite verb or a

9、 verb phrase is grammatically called predicate ( F ) finite verb 15. Historical linguistics equals to the study of synchronic study.(F ) diachronic16. The term dialect,as a technical term in linguistics,carries value judgement and not simply refers to a distinct form of language.( F ) no value judge

10、ment17. Morphology is translated as 形态学。( T )18. The word “photographically” is made up of 4 morphemes.( T )19. The smallest meaningful unit of lgis allomorph.( F ) morpheme20. Semantics is the main part of linguistics.( F ) one of the parts( F )21.In the history of any lg the writing system always

11、came into being before the spoken form.The contrary is true. The writing system is always a later invention.( T )22.In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a state of tension.( F )23.A compound is the combination of only 2 wor

12、ds.Some compounds contain 2 words.(T )24.“The student” in the sentence “The student liked the linguistic lecture.”,and “The linguistic lecture” in the sentence “The linguistic lecture liked the student.”belong to the same syntactic category.(F)25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have diffe

13、rent references in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense.It is false because linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense. A case in point is the two expressions morning star and evening star. They refer to the same star but

14、differ in sense.(T)26.An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition, unlike entailment, is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.( F )27.The division of Eginto Old Eg, Middle Eg, and Mode

15、rn Egis nonconventional and not arbitrary.The division of Eg into Old Eg, Middle Eg, and Modern Eg is conventional and somewhat arbitrary.(T)28.Lg reflects sexism in society. Lg itself is not sexist, just as it is not obscene; but it can connote sexist attitudes as well as attitudes about social taboos or racism.(T )29.If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language succes


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