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1、译林新版英语四(下)Unit2 After school一、教学内容Fun time & Cartoon time (第二课时) 二、教学目标1、知识目标:(1)通过复习,熟练掌握本单元的星期类单词。(2)能综合运用句型“What day is it today? Its ”和“What lessons do you have? I have ”进行交流。(3)能有感情的朗读Cartoon time的故事,并尝试表演。(4)能运用所学内容,尝试编写并朗诵小诗Im happy every day。2、学习策略和情感态度目标:(1)能通过独立思考、合作探讨、模仿表演的方法激活已有知识和学习新授内容

2、,并做到灵活运用。(2)让学生能够积极、大胆、自信地参与各项课堂活动,体会英语学习的乐趣和成功感。三、教学重点和难点1、教学重点:(1)能熟练掌握本单元的星期类单词。(2)能综合运用句型“What day is it today? Its ”和“What lessons do you have? I have ”进行交流。(3)从整体上阅读并理解Cartoon time的故事。2、教学难点:(1)能熟练地运用句型来与同伴交流星期几、有什么课。(2)用正确的语音语调朗读Cartoon time的内容。四、教学准备单词卡片、多媒体课件、学生自制转盘等五、教学过程Step1 Revision1. R

3、eview the words about subjects T: Lets play a guessing game. I have some riddles about subjects for you. Can you try to guess?让学生通过给出的谜语或同学编的谜语猜学科:Science,Music,PE,Art,Chinese, Math2Review story timeT: What lesson are we having now?S:An English lesson。T: Yes. We are having an English lesson now. Do

4、you like English?S1: Yes. I like English. Its interesting. S2: Yes. I like English. Its easy and fun.T: Im very happy to hear that. This class lets go on learning Unit2 After school. (揭示课题)T: Boys and girls, what do you usually do after school? You can say like these.(出示课件) First,please say in group

5、. You only have 30 seconds to share.学生先在组内分享,接着在全班分享。T: You do a lot of activities after school. What about the children? (课件出示刘涛、王兵、苏海和苏阳的图片) What do they do after school on Wednesday?Can you remember?Lets see who has a good memory.先引导学生通过回忆上一课时的内容,说一说story time 中孩子们在周三的课后活动,再完成关于story time的课文填空。2.

6、 Review the days of the weekT: What day is it today?S1: Its Wednesday.板书,教读句型,让学生练习说,复习星期类的单词。T: How many days are there in a week?S:Seven.T: Which day is the first day of the week?S: Sunday.教师将Sunday 单词卡片贴到黑板上的一朵花的花瓣上T: Which day comes after Sunday? S: Monday.教师将Monday单词卡片贴到Sunday后面,接着请几位同学将剩下的星期类的

7、单词卡片按顺序贴在花的花瓣上。引导学生说:Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. That makes a week. T: Look at the screen,they are seven days. These are their abbreviations. Can you find some rules?引导学生用汉语说出星期类单词缩写形式的规则。Step2 Fun timeT: Look,this is our timetable. Weve learned these.引导学生读出Class meetin

8、g, ME,Computer studiesT: What day is it today?S: Its Wednesday.T: What lessons do you have?S1:I have.板书、教读后,先让学生运用句型谈论Thursday,Monday,接着引导学生拿出提前做好的转盘,同桌间运用句型开展转盘游戏活动,然后全班利用课件上的转盘开展游戏活动。Step3 Cartoon time1.play the game(继续开展转盘游戏活动)S1: What day is it today?S2: Its Saturday.S1: What lessons do you have

9、?S2:I dont have any lessons on Saturday.2.Watch the cartoonT: Yes, we dont have any lessons on Saturday. Our friend Bobby doesnt have any lessons on Saturday, too. On Saturday morning,Bobby meets Mr. Rooster. What are they saying? Lets watch the cartoon.学生观看视频3.Think and sayT: Do you like the story?

10、 Yes, its great fun.What do you think of Bobby?Is he silly? Is he funny? Yes, hes a little bit silly and funny. I like Bobby.4. Read and answerT:Bobby and Mr. Rooster, who gets up earlier? With this question please read the story by yourself.学生自读故事T: Who gets up earlier? When do they get up every da

11、y?先学习新单词、短语when,every day,再引导学生说出:Bobby gets up at six. Mr. Rooster gets up at five.T:When do you get up every day? S1:I get up at.板书并教读,先个别答,再引导学生进行问答。5. Try to read一幅一幅图出示故事对话,引导学生用正确的语音、语调进行朗读,鼓励学生加上表情和动作。6. Try to act先让学生两人分角色表演故事,要求做到语气生动,表演形象,并能增添句子,扩充对话,再让学生尝试上台表演。Step4 ProductionT: Do you wa

12、nt to know more about Bobby? Look, its a poem. Its written by Bobby. Listen to me.教师配乐有感情朗读小诗T: Bobby can write a poem. Bobby is so cool. Can you write a poem? Its time for you to write a poem.学生先自己写小诗,接着在小组内分享,然后让学生上台朗诵。(如果时间有限,也可以让学生在课后进行小组分享)Step5 SummaryT: Boys and girls, you did a very good job

13、 today. You tried a lot in this class. You tried to think, share, act, write and so on. I hope you try more and enjoy your life. And you life is as beautiful as a picture. Just like the picture on the blackboard.Step5 Homework1. Act out Cartoon time with your friends.2. Read your poem to your parents.附:板书设计



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