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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、测试卷卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、-Mom, what would you like, coffee or tea?-_. Just water,please.AEitherBBothCNeitherDNone2、I want to give up the plan because it is

2、too difficult.No matter what difficulty you will meet, your plan. I believe you can make it.Acarry outBsend outCput outDgo out3、一How long have you been here? 一 the end of last year.ABy BAt CSince DIn4、Have you seen the film Monkey King?Yes. I it three times. It is so interesting.Asaw Bhave seen Cwil

3、l see Dam seeing5、- is the playground?-Its about 7,000 square metres .AHow longBHow largeCHow farDHow much6、_ President of China is called Xi Dada by the net citizens in China.AaBanCtheD/7、Why dont you buy the computer? Its too expensive. I cant _ it.Aafford Bsell Cborrow Dkeep8、Several _ are talkin

4、g under the tree. And their _ are swimming in the lake.Awoman, childrenBwoman, childCwomen, childrenDwomen, child9、Your room is very dirty. You should keep it _. OK. Ill sweep it tight away.AcleanBdryCquietDwarm10、- Mum, I want to watch Across the Sea to See You (漂洋过海来看你) on Zhejiang Satellite TV.-

5、Oh, dear, it _ for a few minutes. Come on!Ahas begun Bwill begin Chas been on Dwill be on. 完形填空11、A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice lived. None of them dared go outside for fear of being 1 by the cat.The mice decided to hold a 2 to find a way of stopping themselves from being in danger.

6、One day, when the cat was out, mice of all ages 3 into the meeting room.“Lets build a big trap(陷阱),”one mouse suggested. When this idea was 4 ,another said, “What about poisoning (毒死) her?” But 5 knew where to buy the poison. One young mouse, whose mother had become the cats food, angrily said, “Let

7、s cut her teeth, so she can do no more harm.” But the meeting did not accept his 6 At last, one mouse, 7 than the rest, jumped onto a table. Waving a bell, he called for silence, “Be quiet!Well tie this bell to the cats tail(尾巴), so well always know 8 she is!Well have 9 to escape, and the slower and

8、 weaker mice will hear her coming and be able to 10 !” Hearing the words, everyone got 11 and they congratulated him on his good idea.“Well tie it so tightly (紧紧地) that it will never drop off!”“Shell never be able to walk 12 again!Why, the other day, she suddenly appeared right in front of me!Just i

9、magine.”However, the clever mouse said, “We must 13 who is going to tie it on her tail.” There was not a sound in the room. Nobody was 14 enough to put the plan into action. The meeting ended without any decision being made.Its often very 15 to have good ideas, but putting them into practice is much

10、 more difficult.1Atrained Btaught Ccaught Dinvited2Aparty Btest Cgame Dmeeting3Arushed Bswam Cflew Dstepped4Asupported Bdiscussed Caccepted Drefused5Aeverybody Bnobody Csomebody Danybody6Apresent Breason Cidea Dexcuse7Ayounger Blonger Cthinner Dcleverer8Awhere Bwhat Chow Dwho9Aexperience Bpower Ctim

11、e Dspace10Ashout Bwatch Cstay Dhide11Aworried Bexcited Csurprised Dtired12Agladly Bquickly Cquietly Ddirectly13Abelieve Blearn Cimagine Ddecide14Ahonest Bbrave Crich Dold15Aeasy Bdifficult Cstrange Dimportant. 语法填空12、Who designed the first helicopter(直升飞机)? Who 1 (draw) one of the most famous pictur

12、es in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most 2 (doctor) did? There is an answer 3 all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci.Leonardo lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his 4 (invent) seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter.

13、 Of course, he couldnt build 5 helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. Thats why he was considered 6 (be) a genius that has ever been known. But Leonardo wasnt just an inventor. He was one of the 7 (great) artists of his day. When he was only twenty years ol

14、d, he 8 (call) a master painter, and as he got older he became even more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways 9 he was ready to paint. Many of Leonardos wonderful paintings are still with us today. You may know one of his most famous works- the 10 (smile) woman known as the Mona Lisa. 阅读理解A13、 The British Museum in London had its most successful year ever in 2013. More than 6.7 million visitors passed through its doors. The previous record o


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