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1、内蒙古师范大学青年政治学院信息工程系毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)题目:基于Java的酒店管理系统的设计与实现摘 要 当前酒店管理系统己经得到了充足的发展和完善,一些大的酒店购买了功能强大、数据量处理快速、客户行为研究的软件,借此来提升酒店的核心竞争力。但是对于一些中小规模的酒店而言,昂贵的系统花费、专人的维护是不现实的,也是非常不灵活的。一款简单、灵活、经济适用的中小型酒店管理系统的开发非常具有市场前景。 本文针对上面提到的问题,基于JAVAEE平台设计并实现了一套基于B/S模式的中小型酒店管理系统,其主要研究的内容如下: 1.本文基于B/S的应用实现模式,设计并实现了

2、一套中小型酒店管理系统,包括了客户订房管理、接待管理、收银管理、客房管理和系统管理五大功能模块,重点解决了人工管理酒店方式的缺点、客房信息的及时反馈问题以及系统访问安全性等难题。 2.本文的开发过程遵守软件工程的理论,详细地介绍了中小型酒店管理系统的开发背景、研究现状、系统业务需求、功能需求、非功能需求、系统架构设计、数据库设计、安全设计,给出了核心功能模块的界面实现和代码实现过程,并对系统做了较为详细的功能测试和性能测试,保证了系统的正确性。 通过在酒店的模拟运行,本系统能够实现简化酒店原有工作流程、提高人员与相关资源利用率的目的,同时B/S模式的应用能够在一定程度上节约酒店成本,提高了酒店

3、科学化管理水平。关键词:酒店管理系统;JAVAEE平台;SQL Sever 2008 R2Abstract With the rapid development of the recovery of the global economy and the domestic economy, to date, the hotel is an irreplaceable part of commercial development, the speed of development of the hotel industry is moving beyond traditional industri

4、es, changing into a special service industry. And the hotel management is one of top ten industries in the world. With the widespread popularity of computers and networks, at this stage, the service of the hotel is no longer limited to check in - check out as traditional and simple operating mode di

5、d. But in the context of the informational technology and electronic commerce, gradually developed into a modern business mode given its wide range of services, comprehensive business, sophisticated infrastructure. With the help of informational technology and network, a professional large hotel man

6、agement system, that is simpler to operate, provide more convenient for services,give more satisfaction to customer and show higher market competitiveness, is arisen at the historic moment. If this mechanism is applied in the management of small or medium-scale hotels, it is a waste of resources, an

7、d the system is too complicated to maintain.In order to improve the management of small or medium-scale hotels, make it more convenient, fast, and accurate, as well as to obtain tremendous economic benefit and work more efficiently, to prepare and program an information management system for small o

8、r medium-scale hotels is inevitable. Through market research and feasibility analysis, this paper presents hotel information management system specifically for small and medium-scale hotel, the main contents includes: 1. Requirements analysis of hotel information management system. Firstly, this stu

9、dy gives a preliminary analysis and argumentation for the feasibility of the system from the aspect of technical, operational and economic. Secondly, roughly draw the overall design of the system and a functional block diagram of each module, and the management system is divided into five levels, th

10、e level of analysis were carried out then. 2. Specific design for hotel information management system. Firstly, determine the overall design of the system overview of basic management modules. Secondly, design of key technologies, development environment and database in detail, which involved in the

11、 development of the system. Finally, we drawn diagrams for the implementation of the main function modules, including room management module, financial statistics module, personnel management module and warehouse management module. 3. Process and system testing. At beginning, home page of the hotel

12、management system was tested. Secondly, the development tools were used to test each subsystem interface, the testing include the interface of user registration and log in, the interface of room reservation for users, the interface of users manage for reception, the interface of objects query, the i

13、nterface of checkout for reception, the interface of personnel management for manager and the interface of warehouse management. And the final testing was carried out for the operating environment. From the current perspective, no matter large, small or medium sized hotel companies, hotel management

14、 does a good job or not is a key factor directly affect the development of the hotel itself. The system can be effective in helping to save the daily management of the hotel appeared in a variety of problems and improve the operational capacity of the hotel, the hotel to promote good services and ra

15、pid development. Keywords: JavaEE; small or medium-scale hotels; SQL Server 20098 R2目 录Abstract3第1章 绪论11.1背景11.2酒店管理系统的现状21.3本文的主要工作及组织结构2第2章 开发工具42.1开发工具42.1.1 Eclipse42.1.2 SQL Sever 2008 R25图2-2 SQL Sever 2008 R26第3章 需求分析73.1可行性分析73.2 系统功能分析8第四章 系统设计104.1数据库设计104.2系统界面设计124.2.1系统登录界面设计124.2.2主界面设计124.2.3订房信息界面设计134.2.4接待管理界面设计144.2.5结账界面设计154.2.6客户管理界面设计154.2.7退出系统界面设计16第5章 系统的实现175.1系统框架设计175.1.1系统登录模块设计175.1.2主界面模块设计185.1.3为数据库建立连接类195.2基本信息管理模块205.2.1房建项目设置205.2.2客户类型设置215.2.3计费设置235.3.2营业查询245.4旅客信息管理模块255.4.1旅客信息查询25第6章 系统运


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