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1、课题名称Lesson10:Looking for Lisa 备课组英语备课组审核校对焦军霞授课人焦军霞授课时间9.12学习目标1. 掌握的词汇及短语:library, shout, rush into, a quarter2. 识别词汇及短语:librarian, no noise, download, suddenly, whisper3. 语法:present perfect tense重点难点学习重点:Present Perfect Tense现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响句子中可能出现before, never, already, yet等副词 学习难点:1. Presen

2、t Perfect Tense现在完成时 2. 时间的表达问答自主学习一 英汉互译1. 图书管理员_ 2.放松,休息 _3 放松,休息 _ 4. 一刻钟 _也许 _ 6. 下载 _No noise _ 8. Talk show _9. A quarte to three _ 10. Half an hour late _二 现在完成时结构:have/has(助动词)+done(动词的过去分词)E.g.I havc downloaded some more pictures of Beijing.聪明的你可以在课文中找到更多的例句吗?三 读课文,回答问题1. What time did Jenn

3、y and BIll meet to work on their project?2. What did the libarian help Jenny find?3. What time did Danny tell Lisa to meet him?4. Where has Danny looked of Lisa?四 根据句意及首字母补全在课文中出现的单词1. “May I help you, Jenny?” the l_(图书管理员)asks.2. Danny rushes into the l_(图书管).3. “No n_ please!” says the libarian.4.

4、 Have you looked in the g_(体育馆).5. He is c_a basketball.探究交流课堂练习Activity One: Write out the time using words1. 12:00_2. 11:06_3. 10:35_4. 9:30_5. 8:45_6. 7:55_Activity Two: 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. There are two _(图书管理员)in our school.2. He has _(be) to Beijing for three weeks.3. Yesterday many boys_(take) bus

5、 to Tongwei.4. I told my mother I_(have) exam next Tuesday.5. Ms. Cox has _(find) Lisa everywhere.课外提高课外练习Li Ming is in the library. He is borrowing a book.A. Can I help you?B. Then you must come back and renew it.C. How long can I keep it?D. Can I write on the book?Libarian: _Li Ming: Yes, please. I want to borrow Harry Potter.Libarian: Let me see. Here you are.Li Ming: _Libarian: For two weeks.Li Ming: But I cant finish it in two weeks.Libarian:_Li Ming: Thanks., I will try to finish it on time._Libarian: No, you cant. You must keep it clean.Li Ming: All right. I understand. Thank you.教学后记


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