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1、2020 年湖南中考英语模拟试卷考生注意:1 试题卷中听力朗读材料将以中速朗读两遍;2 全部答案必须按要求写在答题卡相应的位置上;3 本试卷共四个大题,满分为 120 分,120 分钟完卷。第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,满分 20 分)第一节(共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两 遍。( )1. What is the weather like now?A B C( )2. What did Nick get for his bi

2、rthday?A B C( )3. Where does the dialogue probably take place?A. At the supermarket. B. At the airport. C. At the hotel.( )4. When will the girl have a party?A. Tonight. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.( )5. Who is Emma?A. The babys mother. B. Teds cousin. C. The babys aunt.第二节(共15个小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听

3、下面6 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2-3 个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。( )6. What are Molly and Tim doing now?A. Making a phone call. B. Doing some shopping. C. Enjoying a concert.( )7. How long will the yard sale last?A. For 4 hours. B.

4、For 7 hours. C. For 9 hours.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。( )8. What is Ben going to do this Saturday?A. Ride his bike.B. Buy some flowers.C. Go to the butterfly festival.( )9. What should Ben bring with him?A. Glasses. B. A cap. C. Gloves.听下面一段对话,回答第10和第11两个小题。( )10. Where is the new sports center?A. In Brid

5、ge Street. B. In Long Road. C. Next to the station.( )11. How much a year does Nina need to pay if she wants to become a member?A.50. B.30. C.20.听下面一段对话,回答第12至14三个小题。( )12. When did the man move in the library?A. 70 years ago. B. 60 years ago. C. 50 years ago.( )13. What has the woman seen over the

6、years?A. Changes in education. B. Changes in clothing. C. Changes in technology.( )14. What does the man like to read?A. Treasure Island. B. Alice in Wonderland. C. Harry Porter.听下面一段对话,回答第15至17三个小题。( )15. How many students are there in the class?A. 12. B. 20. C. 22.( )16. Where does Susan have the

7、lessons?A. At the college. B. At the Spanish club. C. At the town library.( )17. What language can Rose speak already?A. Italian and French. B. Italian and Spanish. C. Spanish and French. 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。( )18. What is Sarah organizing?A. A story-telling club. B. An English club. C. A movie cl

8、ub.( )19. Why has the location changed?A. Because the new place is less expensive.B. Because the new place can set more people.C. Because the new place has a large screen.( )20. What kind of movie is it?A. A comedy. B. A scary movie. C. An action movie.第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分 25 分)第一节 语法填空(共10 个小题;每小题1 分,满

9、分10分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。( )21. What songs do you like best ? I prefer the songs _can touch the hearts of people.A. who B. which C./( )22. Shall we go climbing this Saturday or Sunday morning?_ is OK. Im free this weekend.A. Both B. Either C. Neither( )23.Miss Smith comes from _ European country. I

10、n order to get a better job ,sheplanned to learn _ third foreign language.A. a , a B. an, the C. a, the( )24.Oh , there you are ! You _ be tired after such a long walk.A. cant B. neednt C. must( )25. There _ a sports meeting in our school next month.A. will be B. will have C. is going to have( )26.

11、Lucy ,the plate is broken. How did it happen?Sorry, I dont know. I _ outside.A. have played B. was playing C. am playing( )27. I havent seen your uncle for a week . Where is he ?Sorry, I dont know_.A. where has he gone B. where he has been C. where he has gone( )28. _ Mr. Smith watched the picture,

12、_ he felt.A. The more; sadder B. More; the sadder C. The more; the sadder( )29. I hate watching game shows. Its just a waste of time. Im _ you. Some are quite amazing.A. against B. with C. for( )30. The girl was made _ her familys clothes.A. to wash B. wash C. washing第二节 完形填空(共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读

13、下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。I used to be very shy. If I was asked to speak in front of the class, I couldnt say a word. And I was even 31 of talking to cashiers (收银员) at McDonalds. Then, when I was in the eighth grade, my mother asked me to 32 voice lessons. I did lots of speak

14、ing exercises there. I even learned to make funny 33 like a cowboy and an old lady. I also learned singing from my sister. Later I became much more 34 .Last week, my class 35 a school trip. My teacher asked me to sing a song for my classmates. To my 36 , my classmates liked my singing very much. I f

15、elt so happy because I could see the 37 on their faces! They all said I sang very well.Now I am not shy any more. I can talk to anyone freely. I can 38 stand in front of all the students in our school and say a lot for a long time without 39 .You see, how confident I am! 40 you dont want to be shy any more, please take voice lessons.( ) 31. A. proud B. afraid C. tired( ) 32. A. take B. give C. make( ) 33. A. voices B. faces C.



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