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1、Unit four Earthquakes1、In the city, the water pipes in some buildings crached and burst. 城市里,一些大楼里的水管爆裂。burst爆裂,突发 用法归纳: The square is bursting with tourists. 广场上到处都是游客。 I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。 The police burst through the door. 警察破门而入。 There was a burst of laughter

2、in the next room.隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。 联想扩展:(1) burst in on突然打断 He burst in on our conversation. 他突然打断了我们的谈话。(2) burst into +n. 突然 The speaker burst into angry speech. 演讲者突然讲粗话。(3) burst out + doing突然The woman burst out crying like a child. 那个妇女突然像小孩一样哭了。(4) burst to do sth. 迫切想做某事 I am bursting to tell y

3、ou the news. 我迫不及待的想告诉你这个消息。2、But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. 但是认为这没什么的一百万城里人,那天晚上还像往常一样睡觉。 易混辨析:affair, event, accident, incident, matter 和business 事;事情affair 指要做的事或已经发生的事。多用复数。event 指重大历史事件,也可指日常生活中较重要的事或比赛项目。accident 指意外

4、或偶然的不幸事件,多有不良后果。incident 与重要事件有关的事情,尤指政治、军事上有争议的情况。matter 需要认真考虑的事情。business 日常事务、商业事务;还可以是公事。3、The suffering of the people was extreme. 人们极度痛苦。suffer 用法归纳: A, 受苦 He suffered terribly when his mother died. B, 受到损失 If I lost, my self-esteem will suffer. C, 遭受 He suffered no pain 联想扩展:suffer from 1、受之

5、苦 I suffered most from lack of rest. 2、患病 I am suffering from a cold. 特别提示: suffer表示“患病”时,后面一般跟疾病名称。 即时活用: _ such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river . A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 答案:A4、Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the

6、 earthquake. 地震中,有三分之二的人死亡或受伤。 易混辨析:injure ; hurt; wound; harm 伤害 injure比hurt 正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。 hurt 既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly, slightly, seriously等连用;但若果指精神上的创伤,只能用very much, rather / deeply。 wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,特指战场上受伤。可以是肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的创伤。 harm

7、 表示引起对身体、物质或精神上的损害,常指伤害人的肉体,损坏东西以及损害健康、品质、事业等。 即时活用: 1、Did you say that our neighbor _ in the accident?A. badly hurtedB. was badly hurted C. had badly hurted D. was badly hurt 答案:D 2、My chest _ when I take a deep breath, doctor.A. hurts B. wounds C.harms D. injure 答案:A 3、There was a fight in the str

8、eet yesterday. Three people were seriously _.A. hurt B. killed C. broken D.cut 答案:A 4、The old lady died from the _on her head; she was _when cleaning windows on the ladder when she fell off it.A. injury; injured B. wound; wound C. wounded; hurt D. hurt; injured 答案:A 5、The bus driver was badly _on bo

9、th legs in the traffic accident.A. wounded B. broken C. injured D. destroyed答案:C5、The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. 伤亡人数达到四十多万。reach 用法归纳:(1)到达 The started early, hoping to reach there before dark. 它们很早就出发,希望天黑前到达那里。 易混辨析: reach; get; arrive 到达 reach后直接加地点; g

10、et加to再加地点;arrive后加at/ in再加地点,at 后加小地点;in后加大地点。如果表示地点的词是副词,get和arrive后都不能用介词。另外,只表示“到了”,不强调到什么地方用arrive。 (2)达到 The number of the students in our school will reach 2000 next year. 我们学校学生的数量明年会达到2000。()用手或脚够到Can you reach the book on the top of the shelf? 你能够到书架顶上的那本书吗?特别提示:reach还可以作名词,表示“用手或脚能够到的范围;管辖

11、范围或臂展”。Please pass me the salt, its out of my reach. 请把盐递给我,我够不到。 (4)传到某人手中/耳中Your letter reached me yesterday. 我昨天收到你的来信。The news reached me just now. 我刚刚听到那个消息。 (5)通向;延伸Where does this road reach? 这条路通向哪里?即时活用:1、Most children stay at home until they _ school age.A. get B.come C. reach D. arrive 答案

12、:C 2、Dear Jenny, thank you for your letter which _ on April 1st.A. arrived B. arrived at C. arriving D. arrived me 答案:A 3、It is _that the letter will _you this afternoon.A. most like; arriveB. likely; reach C. mostly like; getD. best like; reach 答案:B6、Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves

13、. 砖头象秋天的红树叶一样覆盖着地面。cover 用法归纳: (1)覆盖 The playground is covered by fallen leaves, we should clean it. 操场被落叶覆盖,我们应该清扫。 特别提示: 表示“覆盖”时,常用coverwith / by句型,并且译法比较灵活。 I am covered by dust. 我满身都是土。 She covered her face with her hands. 她用双手捂着脸。 (2)包括;包含;涉及 The study of physics covers many subjects. (3) 保护;掩护

14、 The mother covered the baby from the falling ceiling. 母亲保护婴儿不受下落的天花板的伤害。 (4)走完多少路;看完多少页书。 I can cover 100 Li on foot a day. 我一天不行能走100里。 How many pages have you covered? 你看完了多少页书? (5)占多大面积 Our school covers an area of 60.000 square meters. 我们学校占地60000平方米。 特别提示: 表示“占多大面积”用covers an area of +数词。 (6)采访 The chief editor sent a reporter to cover the event. 主编派了一记者去采访整个事件。 易混辨析: cover和interview cover表示“采访”时,表示对整个事件的采访;而interview多指对人的采访。 即时活用: 1、The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and _ an area



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