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1、行业文档(word可编辑版)Nutrients Standards营养标准Amino acids 氨基酸Sows 母猪Finishers 生长育肥猪Minerals 矿物质Vitamins 维生素Vitamin E 维生素EThe feed evaluation system in Denmark丹麦猪的营养评价体系In 2002, a new feed evaluation system was introduced in Denmark. This newsystem is based on the physiological energy value of the nutrients a

2、nd on standardised digestibilities, and two new feed units have been introduced replacing the old feed unit: FEsv (feed units for pigs including lactating sows) and FEdr (feed units for gestant sows).在2002年,丹麦引进了新的猪营养评价体系。新营养评价体系的基础以营养元素的生理能量值、标准的消化力和两个新的营养单位即FEsv (包括哺乳母猪在内的营养单位)和FEdr(妊娠母猪的营养单位)。The

3、 content of feed units in the individual ingredients has been calculated on the basis of knowledge of the following factors:各营养元素每饲料单位的含量的计算根据下列基础知识:Digestible crude protein in ileum在回肠的可消化粗蛋白Digestible crude fat in faeces粪便中的可消化粗蛋白Easily digestible carbohydrate易消化碳水化合物Carbohydrate not easily digest

4、ed (fermentable carbohydrates)难消化的碳水化合物(可发酵的碳水化合物)Extra carbohydrate (included only in the calculation of FEdr for gestant sows and takes into account the fact that gestant sows digest 18% of what is indigestible for finishers)多余的碳水化合物(只包括在计算妊娠母猪的营养需要和考虑妊娠母猪只能消化相对于育肥猪可消化的多余碳水化合物的18)Energy loss in co

5、nnection with digestion (2.8 KJ per g indigestible dry matter at ileum)与消化 有关的能量损耗(2.8兆焦/克在回肠中的未消化干物质)The protein evaluation system is based on standardised ileal digestibility for each amino acid.蛋白质的评价体系基础是每种氨基酸的标准回肠可消化力。In the old feed evaluation system, the content of feed units is calculated as

6、 follows:在旧的营养体系中,饲料单位的含量是按照下列公式计算的。Amino acids氨基酸The standards in tables 1 to 4 denote the minimum content estimated to be necessary to ensure an optimum production. The standards for weaners, growers and finishers are based on approximate ad libitum. All amino acids are stated per feed unit in the

7、 old feed evaluation system (FUp) and the new feed evaluation system (FEsv and FEdr).表1至表4中的氨基酸标准表示确保最佳的生产性能必需最低估计含量。断奶仔猪、生长猪和育肥猪的氨基酸标准基于自由采食。所有的氨基酸含量按照旧的营养体系(FUp)和新的营养体系(Fesv和FEdr)进行表示。The standards were revised in:营养标准的修订时间表1990:The standards for the first five amino acids were revised on the basi

8、s of the latest weaner trials.按照最近的断奶仔猪试验,修订了标准中的前五种氨基酸的含量。1991:The standards for male pigs were reduced by 10% on the basis of the latest Danish trials. Therefore there are no specific standards for male pigs.按照最近在丹麦的试验,公猪的营养标准减少了10。至此,再没有公猪的特殊营养标准。1996:Standards were established for the remaining

9、six amino acids.建立了剩余的六种氨基酸的营养标准。1998:Standards were incorporated for use at phase feeding.建立了阶段饲养的营养标准。2001:The standards for methionine, methionine + cystine, and threonine for sows were revised. Furthermore, the standards for leucine for weaners and growers, and for methionine for finishers were

10、revised (cf. note LU0126).修订了母猪的蛋氨酸、蛋氨酸胱氨酸和苏氨酸的营养标准。另外,修订了断奶仔猪和生长猪的亮氨酸、以及育肥猪的蛋氨酸的营养标准。2002:The standards for threonine and tryptophan for weaners were changed. New amino acid standards and recommendations for minimum content of crude protein have been incorporated that apply to the new feed evaluati

11、on system introduced in the summer of2002 (cf. note LU0216). The amino acid standards are changed from apparent faecal digestible to standardised ileal digestible.修订了断奶仔猪的苏氨酸和色氨酸的营养标准。综合了新的氨基酸营养标准和最低粗蛋白的推荐含量,应用于2002年夏季引进的新的营养标准。氨基酸的营养标准由表观的粪便消化率改变为标准的回肠消化率。Table 1. Amino acid standardsfor sows, g di

12、g. per feed unit表1、母猪的氨基酸营养标准,克(可消化的)/饲料单位Old feed evaluation system旧的营养评价体系New feed evaluation system新的营养评价体系Gestant妊娠Lactating*哺乳Gestant妊娠Lactating*哺乳Per FUpPer FUpPer FEdrPer FEsvLysine赖氨酸3.蛋氨酸1. + cystine蛋氨酸胱氨酸3.苏氨酸3.

13、色氨酸1.异亮氨酸3.亮氨酸2.组氨酸1.苯丙氨酸1.苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸3.缬氨酸3. protein, min.粗蛋白,最少含量9011090110* If it is not possible to reach an average feed intake in the lactation period of a

14、t least6.0 feed units per day, it may be necessary to increase the content of amino acids per feed unit by 8% for all amino acids.如果母猪在泌乳期的采食量不能达到每天至少6.0饲料单位的平均水平,就有必要将所有氨基酸的每饲料单位含量增加8。Table 2. Amino acid standards for weaners, g dig. per feed unit表2、断奶仔猪的氨基酸营养标准,克(可消化)/饲料单位。Old feed evaluation system旧的营养评价体系New feed evaluation system新的营养评价体系Age, weeks 周龄Weight interval, kg体重范围,公斤3-56-95-89-205-119-3020-303-56-95-89-205-119-3020-30Lysine 赖氨酸10.810. 蛋氨酸3. + cystine蛋氨酸胱氨酸5. 苏氨酸6.5*6.2*6.1*5.7*6.


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