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1、Modal Verbs 情态动词(A) : 情态动词的基本用法: (1) 后接动词原形 (2). 否定句: 后加not (3). 疑问句: 提前(1). We should care for others.(2). I can not swim.(3). May I come in?一.can, could1. 表能力: 能, 会(1). Can you speak English? (2). I cant swim.2. 表许可: 可以(1). Can I use your telephone? Yes, you can. No, you cant. Could I use your tel

2、ephone? Yes, you can. No, you cant. (could 语气委婉)(2). You cant park your car here. (不可以)3. 特殊句式(1). can not/nevertoo 或cantenough越越好, 无论怎样也不过分You cant be too careful. 越认真越好.You cant work too hard. 工作越努力越好.I cant thank you enough. 感激不尽.(2). cant help doing sth., 情不自禁 cant but do He couldnt help crying.

3、When a close friend dies, you cant but feel sad.can 与be able to 的区别(1). 时态: can只有一般现在时can 和过去时could, 而be able to 有各种时态(2). 主语: can 的主语指人也指物, 而be able to 只指人二. may, might1. 表许可May I come in? Yes, you may. No, you mustnt.Might I come in? Yes, you may. No, you mustnt. (语气委婉)2.表祝愿May you succeed. May yo

4、u live to 100 years. May God be with you. (愿上帝保佑你.)3. 用于目的状语从句 和 让步状语从句中(1). He speaks English slowly so that (in order that) his students may (can) follow him.(2). Whatever he may say, I dont believe hime.4. 特殊结构 may/might as well do sth. 还是做的好You may as well go to Beijing next Monday.Since we have

5、 nothing to do, we may as well go for a walk.三. must1. 表命令, 义务: 必须, 必要(1). Must I go now? Yes, you must. No, you neednt.(2). You must do as you are told.(3). Cars mustnt be parked here. mustnt 不准, 不允许, neednt 不必, 没必要 第1页2. 表必然性 : 不免, 肯定(1). All men must die.人不免一死.(2).Careless reading must give but p

6、oor results.读书不用功, 成绩肯定不好.3. 表固执: 硬要, 偏要Why must you be so stubborn? 你为什么偏要这么固执呢?If you must know why, Ill tell you the reason.四. shall1. 用于第一人称的问句, 征求对方的意见或指示(1). Shall I shut the door? Yes, please.对比May I have a look? 我可以看一下吗? Yes, you may.Shall I have a look? 我看一下好吗? Yes, please.2. 用于二, 三人称, 表命令,

7、 允若, 警告, 决心(1). You shall (must) go to the front前线at once. (命令)(2). Dont worry. You shall get the answer this afternoon. (允若)(3). He shall be sorry one day. I tell you. (警告)(4). Nothing shall stop us from fighting against pollution. (决心)3. 用于法律, 条文中(1). The fine shall be given in cash.罚款应以现金交纳.(2).I

8、t shall be unlawful for any person to keep any wild animal in captivity. 任何人圈养任何野生动物都是违法的.五.should1. 表义务, 责任: 应该You should apologize to him.We should attend the meeting.2. 表惊讶, 遗憾: 竟然, 居然(1). Im surprised that you should speak in such a way.(2). Im glad that your story should win the first prize.3.

9、用于疑问句, 表惊讶: 究竟是, 到底(1). Why should you think that way?(2). Who should come in? but my friend betty!我当是谁进来了呢, 原来是我的朋友Betty.4. 用于条件状语从句 (虚拟语气)中: 一旦, 万一 (1). If she should know the truth, she would be greatly depressed. (失望)(2). If you should change your mind, let us know.(3). She gave me a list just i

10、n case I should forget what to buy.(4). He ran away for fear that he should be caught.六. would1. 表过去常常(1). When I was a child, I would go swimming.(2). Should come to me just when I was busy. 第2页2. 表请求, 语气委婉(1). Would you take a seat?请你坐下好吗?(2). Would you mind my opening the window?3. 用于表将来的虚拟语气中; 愿

11、意, 乐意If you would go there instead of me, I should (会) be very glad.4. 用于否定句中, 表事物暂时的特性: 就是不The window wouldnt open.My car wouldnt start.(B). 情态动词表推测must 可能性最大: 肯定, 一定should: 应该会, 一定会, 很可能, 表将来can/could : 有时候会 (用于肯定句), can/could 一般用于疑问句和否定句may :也许 (语气不肯定)might: 可能性最小, 也许 (语气不肯定)would : 大概是, 可能是, 似乎是

12、(一). 情态动词+动词原形: 对现在或将来推测 ( 疑问句和否定句只能用can ,could)(1). Its already 12:30. You _ be hungry now.(2). The light is still on. He _ be working in the office now.(3). He is always hunting the lions, so terrible things _ happen to him.(4). -Where are you now? - Im on the bus. I _ be back in ten minutes.(5).

13、Jogging (慢跑) _be harmful for the health.(6). London _ be rather cold in summer while I stayed there for years.(7). Mr. Bush is on tine for everything. How _ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?(8). Michael _ (not) be a policeman, for hes too shout.(9). He _ be in the classroom. Ill go an

14、d make sure.(10). -Are you coming to Jeffs party?-Im not sure. I _ go to the concert instead.(11). That _ be in spring 1964.(12). I _ be about ten when my brother left home. (二). 情态动词+have done 表对过去的推测1. must have done (一定, 肯定) I didnt hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 2. may/might have done (也许, 可能) Tom hasnt come back yet. He may have missed the bus again. Sorry Im late. I might have turned off the alarm clock and goneback to sleep again.3. cant/couldnt have done (不可能) Jack cant have arrived yet; otherwise he would have telephoned me. My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterda



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