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1、能够介绍一点我的经验,让大家少走弯路。第一部分是基本原理介绍第一章:什么是软件安装,我们为什么要适用这项技术随着计算机技术的日益发展,操作系统越来越复杂,而软件也越来越多,越来越大。所以我们需要一种专门的技术,解决这些问题,在系统中合理的安排应用程序,让客户方便使用程序。这就是软件安装技术。当时市面上出现了各种各样的安装技术和工具,当时又后来呢大家发现有很多问题还是无法解决。比如版本的冲突,程序损毁以后的恢复第二章:WINDOWS ISNTALLER介绍也就是说从WIN2000开始,WINDOWS ISNTALLER是作为操作系统的一部分的。WIN2000以前的操作系统,对WIN98,winN

2、T等也微软也发布了可以使用的安装服务的包。现在WINDOWS ISNTALLER最新的版本是4.5。XP最初发布的好像是2.0。我们可以从它更多的PROPERTY知道它的版本。WINDOWS ISNTALLER也就是我们简称的MSI包。主要包括WINDOWS ISNTALLER数据库,相应的数据文件(一般要被压缩,比如说CAB文件)。MSI的数据库,是一个COM结构的存储构架,包含了超过80个表,现在版本更新,表也更多了。这些表能够很好的描述目标系统的变化。第三章:几个重要的表和规则1. COMPONENT组件是安装中非常重要的概念。组件是资源(文件,REGITRY KEY等等)的集合。它是在

3、系统中能安装或移除的最小单位。组件只有唯一的一个CODE,GUID。Component TableThe Component table lists components and it has the following columns.ColumnTypeKeyNullableComponentIdentifierYNComponentIdGUIDNYDirectory_IdentifierNNAttributesIntegerNNConditionConditionNYKeyPathIdentifierNYColumnsComponent Identifies the component

4、record. Primary table key.ComponentId A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language. Note that the letters of these GUIDs must be uppercase. Utilities such as GUIDGEN can generate GUIDs containing lowercase letters. The lowercase letters must be changed to uppercase to make these val

5、id component code GUIDs.If this column is null the installer does not register the component and the component cannot be removed or repaired by the installer. This might be intentionally done if the component is only needed during the installation, such as a custom action that cleans up temporary fi

6、les or removes an old product. It may also be useful when copying data files to a users computer that do not need to be registered.Directory_ External key of an entry in the Directory table. This is a property name whose value contains the actual path, which can be set either by the AppSearch action

7、 or with the default setting obtained from the Directory table. Developers must avoid authoring components that place files into one of the User Profile folders. These files would not be available to all users in multi-user situations and could cause the installer to permanently view the component a

8、s requiring repair.External key to column one of the Directory table.Attributes This column contains a bit flag that specifies options for remote execution. Add the indicated bit to the total value in the column to include an option. NoteIn the case of an .msi file that is being downloaded from a we

9、b location, the attribute flags should not be set to allow a component to be run-from-source. This is a limitation of the Windows Installer and can return a feature state of INSTALLSTATE_BADCONFIG.Condition This column contains a conditional statement that can control whether a component is installe

10、d. If the condition is null or evaluates to true, then the component is enabled. If the condition evaluates to False, then the component is disabled and is not installed. The Condition field enables or disables a component only during the CostFinalize action. To enable or disable a component after C

11、ostFinalize, you must use a custom action or the DoAction ControlEvent to call MsiSetComponentState.Note that unless the Transitive bit in the Attributes column is set for a component, the component remains enabled once installed even if the conditional statement in the Condition column later evalua

12、tes to False on a subsequent maintenance installation of the product.The Condition column in the Component table accepts conditional expressions containing references to the installed states of features and components. For information on the syntax of conditional statements, see Conditional Statemen

13、t Syntax.KeyPath This value points to a file or folder belonging to the component that the installer uses to detect the component. Two components cannot share the same key path value. The value in this column is also the path returned by the MsiGetComponentPath function. 文件的表极其规则ColumnTypeKeyNullabl

14、eFileIdentifierYNComponent_IdentifierNNFileNameFilenameNNFileSizeDoubleIntegerNNVersionVersionNYLanguageLanguageNYAttributesIntegerNYSequenceIntegerNNColumnsFile A non-localized token that uniquely identifies the file, and is used as an external key into other tables.Component_ The external key into

15、 the first column of the Component Table. This field identifies the Component that controls the file.FileName The file name used for installation. The name may be localized. For more information, see the Filename column data type. Because some web servers can be case sensitive, FileName should match the case of the source files exactly to ensure support of internet downloads.FileSize The size of the file in bytes. This must be a non-negative number.Version This field is the version string for a versioned file. This field is blank for non-versioned f



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