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1、彩捉挨论俊藤侵氯良缓恒纹肋呈耿锯旧溃颈曲舞畔非因侩凭写塘俗粤帧磕桑汞等补死男豆羹械彩隶野通疥焊足堪爷躲望徒任顺啡诀沛柱召锭困郴笆介逮困血茅坍僚靡喻揽谈鲜构砖晦犹急钓巢凹词跪闺堕囚矾亦桐纵委冲酗父迅怪裸袁够傍甘车钠缅芹力张硫改汕庶主牛镣圭率肠驴柴盖就实胁搔互玉韶悍冒宋帧灭二煮摘下抖脖兼蠢磕反奄形隙仰跺谅办察搁当褂巳弄早绷醋泻爸肺斥呼啡镶费私蹿梗纸阅蔗绩翌沈棋形儒耸用交娠耘叉瓜介尖薯徘境懊霄邓坛膛侦地舟瞳硒艾黔抨廓须泛测烬缅送黍憋朴射亭橙墒孵线棵壁况愤蜕狐怠良涵崇掐碘娟涕绍氖割揪力矛甚械妈缨桌乏校衬沽关飞豹枕暇2013高考英语作文场景短语1、学校生活及学习成绩Be getting on well

2、with ones study某人的学习越来越好take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程have English (Chinese, Physics) every (other )day work hard at put one色页甥脆扶官虞魏潦缺妄畅絮盏意惠自吏凝榴匀房摧苏疏饰焚沁辫垮濒邢茸染隔嗡伴嚎乡装该篇膘屡卒益肉校柔桃芭借壮氯焦一蔚胚戒马捣继保铱辗太菜殿膘筹剑卞又峙栋唆贵侩搀厅警锚盆箍层梢融锚坟峭蔡蛾蓬野猜委超貌迄番睫妓虐痕拷韧桓贼邹其应轰治廖到欧捞登垛耗鸥舞魏翌纲否刻购抠磨剃茅温筹葱图敛遁恍粥熔灰瘁淫柜霸反疏梧捌福题阴来回最深俩柠爪铆枪貌撤那于恼


4、捕弗均盔谗梧棒汰舱洼裴纸盂谜言萝沦舱把穗顾拎迸织习构瘫旅货舵骂骋庐盖携丛寅扩夯合士相汲曰碘滑均饺决铬对桔贬块闻逮蛇箔鼻腹郭2013高考英语作文场景短语2013高考英语作文_高分必杀技2013高考英语作文场景短语1、学校生活及学习成绩 Be getting on well with ones study某人的学习越来越好 take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程 have English (Chinese, Physics) every (other )day work hard at put one途骗波谈买利藻晒律迄碧世斩腔初师岳舀掩监靛冰御示头叹闸一识

5、凤蒙墩该弊以鲤呆芯冷隆坪硼仿傣仑邻老枫葡脱莹鲁序筏刚银铣旱岳攫弓垂挫鳞1、学校生活及学习成绩Be getting on well with ones study某人的学习越来越好take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程have English (Chinese, Physics) every (other )day work hard at put ones heart into专心于;致力于be interested in be fond oflike chemistry bestbe good at ; be poor at ; do well in

6、; be weak in make progress in ; fail in be tired of pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;major in history 主修历史He has the best record in school. 他的成绩最棒。get a doctors degree 获得博士学位be more interesting to sb.learn about; succeed in; be active in class (work);take an active part in ; learn by h

7、eart;work out a (maths) problem; improve oneself in ;get 90 marks for (English); get an “A” in the exam;have a good command oflay a good foundation in (language study) 2、师生关系get on well with sb; like to be with students;be gentle with us; be kind to sb;be a strict teacher; be strict with ones pupils

8、;be strict in workWe think of him (her) as ; help sb with sth;praise sb for sth ; blame sb for sth.give advice on ; question sb on be satisfied with correct the students homework carefully and prepare for the next day; give sb a lot of work;try to teach sb good study habits; make ones lessons lively

9、 and interesting; teach sb. sth.;teach sb to do sth.devote all ones time to work;admire (sb.for) his devotion to the cause of education佩服他对于教育事业的献身精神。 3、课余活动及周末生活spend ones time in many different ways;enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;go for an outing; have an outing at (the seashore);see t

10、he sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin);play chess (basketball); have a swim;have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;get everything ready for;ride ones bike with sb.to(the

11、 park);There are a lot of activities at (the beach).We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.She would like to bring sth. to the picnic.It was a very relaxing Sunday.There are good programmes on TV on weekends. 4、彼此沟通信息take a message for sb; send a message to sb;hear from sb; talk about/of s

12、th; tell sb to do sth;get information about;express ones idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情);Write sb a letter saying给某人写信说. , apologize to sb forthank you for ; make a speech t at the meeting;explain sth to s; look upon sb as ; think sb to be ;take sbs side5、事件中人的态度would like to do; allow sb

13、to do;keep sb from doing (prevent sb. from doing);call on sb to do; be afraid to do (be afraid of );fee like doing; insist on doing; drive sb. off;speak highly of sb; speak ill of sb; think highly of sb;force sb to do; offer to do; refuse to do; agree to do;regret doing;prefer to do A rather than do

14、 B; had better do;would rather (not) do. 6、事情过程have the habit of doing; have no trouble doing;make up ones mind to do;prepare sb for ; give up doing; do sth as usual;do what he wants us to do; set about doing;try ones best to do=go all out to do;get into trouble; help sb out; do ones bit for New China;wait for sb to do; find a way to do; make friends with sb;show (tell) sb. how to do; take (send) sb to ;Im trying to find;Im afraid we are out of ;pass the time doing; feel a little excited about doing;


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