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1、1、说教材本课是人教版2014新目标八年级下册第三单元Could you please clean your room?的Section B 的一节阅读课,通过对两封关于学生在家应不应该做家务给The Sunday Mail magazine杂志社的信的阅读,让学生学会对信息的处理和加工,提高学生的综合语言运用能力和阅读能力。2、学情分析本人担任八年级三个班的英语教学工作,学生103余人。通过初中一年半的英语学习,多数学生已能听懂有关家务劳动话题的语段和简短的故事,能就做家务的话题交换信息,能读懂短篇故事,能写便条和简单的书信。3、说教学目标【知识目标】:1.单词:stress, waste,

2、 in order to, provide, anyway, depend, depend on, independence, independent, fairness, since, neighbor, take care of, ill, drop,2.句子: 1、Kids these days already have enough stress from school. 2、Housework is a waste of their time. 3、It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment

3、 at home For their children. 4、I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. 5、Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. 6、The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for

4、their future.【能力目标】通过本节课的阅读教学,使学生从阅读中获取相关的关于学生在家是否应该做家务的信息,让学生学会对信息的处理和加工,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。【情感态度和价值观】:【学习重点】: 学生对两封信的理解和能将Ms Miller 和Mr Smith关于是否让孩子在家做家务的各个观点梳理清。【学习难点】: 运用本课的知识点表达自己关于做家务的观点。4、说教学方法1. Scene teaching method.2. Reading method.5、教学准备 PPT, MP3, VCR6、教学过程Step 1 check the Pre-reading about n

5、ew words.Step 2 leading in 1Discuss: What do you often do to help your parents at home?Do you think kids should help out with chores at home?2. Watch a video about Kids doing chores at homeStep 3 Reading Pre-reading阅读前 Read the two letters to get the main opinions of the parentsTo understand these n

6、ew words in the sentences: stress, waste, provide, anyway, depend, independence, develop, fairness, since, neighbor, ill, drop, fair, unfair1、SkimThis means looking quickly through a piece of writing to find the main idea without reading every word. It is still a good idea to read the first sentence

7、 in each paragraph a little more carefully.2、T:The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents to write about whether they think young people should do chores at home. Skim the two letters on page 22. Which one agrees and which one disagrees?While-reading 1、show the table and play then answer according to

8、it.Mr. Smith agrees and Ms. Miller doesnt agree.2、read again What is Ms. Millers opinion? How do you know?She thinks doing chores is parents job. What is Mr. Smiths opinion? How do you know?He thinks its important for children to do chores and help their parents with housework.3、groups workAfter-rea

9、ding阅读后1、complete the exercise.Step 4 Discuss Discuss the questions with a partner.Which letter do you agree with? Why?What would you say to the person who wrote the letter you dont agree with?Step 5 Do more exercises 作业布置:HomeworkWrite an article about your doing chore opinion in the lesson.7、说板书设计Design on the blackboard: Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B 2a-2eMs Millers opinions:Mr Smiths opinions:Your opinions: We should/shouldnt do chores at home.Retell the two letters:


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