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1、【中考预测系列】2011年中考英语完型填空、阅读理解预测卷人物传记故事篇1. Finally my parents allowed me to adopt(收养)little cats. I was so happy to get the 16 to have some lovely animals around. I wished to join the Humane Society(保护动物协会)where many animals were waiting for adoption.Once there, I found that there were not enough suppli

2、es (供给)for the animals. 17 the people working there cared very much about the animals, there was still hardly enough food and medicine to keep them 18 .We finally 19 to adopt two little cats. We went to the front desk to sign the papers for them. Then I found a box on the counter(柜台). The Humane Soc

3、iety was hoping to get enough 20 to help more abandoned(遗弃的)animals.We took our little cats home. Later that day I went shopping with my mum, and when we were walking, I noticed a 21 piece of green paper. I walked over and picked it up. It was a twenty-dollar bill!When I got home, I dried it and cle

4、aned it. 22 , I considered spending it on a toy. Right then one of the little cats jumped onto my lap, and I knew what to do with the 23 . I asked my mum to take me back to the Humane Society and I put the money in that box. The lady at the counter smiled and nodded to me, which made me feel much 24

5、 than ever.Since then, I have been donating money to the Humane society, because if they can 25 money to build a new building, many more animals will come to live there. 16. A. idea B. chance C. duty D. result17. A. Because B. When C. If D. Although18. A. cheerful B. clever C. silent D. healthy19. A

6、. decided B. advised C. asked D. insisted20. A. presents B. attention C. interest D. donations21. A. wet B. big C. dry D. clean22. A. In time B. At times C. At first D. Then 23. A. lap B. cat C. toy D. money24. A. good B. well C. better D. best25. A. raise B. spend C. take D. refuse【答案】 (1620)B D D

7、A D (2125)A C D C A2. When Mary was young, her work was to drive a school bus. Every day, an 8-year-old school boy called Charlie took her bus and made trouble on it. Charlies father was dead and he didnt live with his mother. So Mary tried her best to show the boy some kindness. One day, Mary got a

8、 small tin heart from a little girl as a gift. On the last day of school, she found that the tin heart was gone. “Does anyone know what happened to the little heart?” she asked. One boy said, “Charlie was the first one on the bus. I am sure he took it.” “Have you seen the tin heart?” “I dont know wh

9、at youre talking about,” Charlie said. “Check his pockets!” the children said. Mary put her hand into one pocket and found nothing. Then she reached into the other pocket and she felt it. Charlie looked at Mary for a long time. There were no tears in those big eyes. “Let him keep it,” said a voice i

10、n Marys heart. “I must have dropped it before I got here,” she said to the children. Many years later, Mary was in a supermarket when someone said, “Mary?” She turned to see a middle-aged man. It was Charlie. Then he pulled something out of his pocket the little tin heart. “You were the only one who

11、 kept trying to help me,” he explained and hugged Mary. 34. Charlie was _, so Mary showed some kindness to him. A. a naughty boyB. an honest boyC. a good boy D. a boy without parents love 35. Marys words “I must have dropped it before I got here.” showed that _. A. Mary saw the tears in Charlies eye

12、s B. Mary really dropped it on the way to work C. Mary wanted to forgive the boys mistake D. Mary didnt find the tin heart in Charlies pocket 36. Charlie kept the little tin heart in his pocket for many years _. A. to get money by selling itB. to show his honesty C. to remember Marys kindnessD. to g

13、ive Mary as a gift 37. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. Charlie was the last to get on the bus. B. Mary was once Charlies teacher. C. Mary found her gift missing on the first day of school. D. Charlie knew what the children were talking about on the bus.【答案】DCCD3. Some fr

14、iends have opposite views and interests, and some like the same things. What is your opinions? Should friends be different or the same? We asked some people what they think and this is what they said.I like to have friends who are like me. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. There are some differences, though. Im smarter than Yuan Li. Shes more athletic.James GreenIts not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sp


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