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1、Module 9 检测题听力部分(省略) 笔试部分基础训练(25分)V. 词汇(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。21. No wonder the park is so clean! Uncle Wang collects r_ here every morning.22. The p_ are looking for the thief here and there.23. I cant go with you. I have an a _with Mr Wang.24. There were many people there so he pushed his way

2、through the c_.25. I am sorry. It is my f_.B)根据括号中所给的词填空,有的需要变换形式。26. The river was _ (pollute) by the waste water seriously.27. My English vocabulary is _(increase) step by step.28. Many old houses have been changed into beautiful _ (flat) now.29. Please give me five more _(minute) to talk with you

3、, sir.30. 80_ (percent) of the students are hopeful to pass the exam.VI. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )31. Can I help you, madam? Im looking for _ pair of shoes for my daughter.A. the B. anC. a D. some( )32. It _ my pleasure to see you here today. A. looks forward toB. adds toC. leads to D. thanks to( )33. _ha

4、ving a cup of tea? Good idea! A. How aboutB. Would you likeC. Do you likeD. Do you enjoy( )34. Whats the _of the country? About one billion.A. peopleB. populationC. pollutionD. position( )35. I am happy because my mother has _ my pocket money. A. addedB. influencedC. increased D. risen( )36. I nearl

5、y thought there was a fire! How long have you _ since you came to this office? A. sorted B. sharpenedC. set D. smoked( )37. “Sixty _ of the pupils are boys ” means that there are sixty boys in every hundred pupils.A. percentB. pollutionC. presentD. population ( )38. I didnt make a(n) _ with the doct

6、or, so I need to wait for a long time. A. agreement B. decisionC. appointment D. mistake( )39. _ book you bought yesterday is one of _ cheapest in our store. A. The; a B. The; /C. A; aD. The; the( )40. Its a _ to waste your parents money. You should be punished. A. crimeB. troubleC. temper D. detail

7、( )41. You talked _ today. Have a rest and drink some water. A. too many B. too muchC. much too D. too long( )42. How to speak “333,333” in English? _. A. Three hundred and thirty three million. B. Three hundred and thirty three thousand.C. Three hundred and thirty three, three hundred and thirty th

8、ree.D. Three hundred and thirty three thousand, three hundred and thirty three.( )43. The street was so _ that he had to drive very slowly. A. crowd B. crowdedC. pack D. packed( )44. Lets finish this topic. Tell me whats next _ this class? A. onB. byC. forD. of( )45. Do you know why Li Lei was late

9、again? Sorry. _!A. No idea B. I dont believe itC. I have a secretD. It was OK提高发展(50分)VII. 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)A We and some of our good friends have decided to take a two-day 46 to Disneyland. Without stopping to unpack from my Houston trip, I 47 into the car with my family and headed to California. 48

10、 of our families had taken vacations during the 49 and we thought Disneyland wouldnt be as crowded in October as it was during the summer break, 50 we were wrong. It was 51 and were not saying just a little crowded. It got much 52 after 6:00 when California Adventure was closed and all of the park h

11、oppers came over to the Disneyland. You 53 had to hold onto your 54 so that the crowds couldnt peel them away from you. Luckily I did not lose any of my children but I felt very tired 55 keeping my eye on them. Finally we just gave up and left.( )46. A. meeting B. eventC. ceremony D. vacation( )47.

12、A. kicked B. jumpedC. disappeared D. handed( )48. A. NeitherB. EitherC. All D. Both( )49. A. springB. autumnC. summer D. winter( )50. A. butB. asC. and D. if( )51. A. hotB. crowdedC. beautiful D. terrible( )52. A. betterB. colderC. worse D. hotter( )53. A. finally B. impossiblyC. hopefully D. really

13、( )54. A. children B. parentsC. purses D. bags( )55. A. for B. ofC. in D. byBA recent survey found that over 60% of young Chinese people have grown up as single children. Most of them felt depressed and lonely in their 56 . Were you an only child? I was an only child, but I never felt 57 in my child

14、hood because I had my friends Yaya, Kitty and Rebecca. We were the same age and we 58 all of our time together when we were free. Yaya and I were born in the same hospital, and we 59 went to school together. I still remember 60 nice smile. Sometimes, I often got up late in the 61 , but she never complained (抱怨). Kitty and Rebecca were my best friends, too


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