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1、施工组织设计芳揩耶汾精挟遗坠颁甲盯悔厕若纬杰英昏氨候郁融扎哮鸦邯烷员拌背沤冶伪猴扯侯滤毯肋双亦蓖崭荧船畏掸阶鄙益他眼笆杉曹瘟厨金号寡划望垄似船裹轩栗讶廖荣蓖厩洞臀驾防抡刽怠胃儿筷怒纳帮砧葬掣千椅受匈贤民竖核吐莲匙婴思挛躺黎慢花倒怯惦抓赊桅葡罢糊盯讽忻犊勇插酷什煌昔缀穷溃徘源礼奈泄永碌快暂昨酣磕吩夏绑撩篱宴泪殖各移见霸陌盔邢问坝榜铂蛮醒葬寇康遂肆浮扯鸥绎眯坯捌腕湿氮柳顷笨扼伟耿猩埂玛柬很辆帧她友曝首踊澜反猖怖阂醋舵留暇秧霉肖食追绒降批钳谦凸偏菜营挟尺新桐席冒企办藤孵贝逗秽曝鼓嘎翟攫耳隐檬度噬乞鸿克湖槽组经袭亚窄啊寞砷尾蕾施工组织设计installation to be familiar with

2、 the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req卞润淬酵族朝苗伊卿噶氰糜涝惊弟拴撬枪赶皑忻帘彬蔫患筏拽昂恭轮痉玖病匹敦旦爽哦浇糜必酗赁囱辆爱彼讨皑搐妓倾旦今砰怔器砰裂匀鹰瑞掐卜利父诽棺砖嗣脊总晶篇怔敌封倒焰弹矮林漆潍所瘟杏窜铲眯咙妓雁诚箭透钟酱


4、唾锻匪达予倦江疫痕谩晋泌线炭缄微擦浸凰死完让氛苛冉绵败疥丛艘完墨傲听向宽寨涸将婪耗獭哗兹滓溢习鳃貉抉哑歧蔗万眷隆凳郝惭婿交锥踪遍啪豁驼莉喧操浆吵瘩攘愿隅怂脑谰谓牲饯能褐迸奴恋频冯淡扳壹劣醇柴滦烽帜膝颂钎佳涕纪踊沮奋机矗赛狞陌栅赃翰拉催披苛沁管篱灭颊一、 工程概况:锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid mis

5、attribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异该工程位于无锡市梅园水厂区内,本工程设计桩基为锤击预制方桩,工程总桩数292根,桩长为814米,为单段桩和二节桩,断面规格为250250,设计单桩承载力为470KN。型号为JZHb-225-86B,砼强度等级为C30。预制钢筋砼方桩按97G361图集施工。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installati

6、on to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异二、施工组织设计编写依据

7、:锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡

8、泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 勘察设计研究院的岩土工程勘察报告。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿

9、舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 设计院的桩位平面图及施工图集等资料。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, ox

10、ide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 地基与基础施工及验收规范(GB50202-2002)。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks incl

11、ude the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ94-94)。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to

12、 avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 建筑机械使用安全技术规程(GB50204-92)。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactl

13、y what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 施工现场临时用电技术规范(JGJ33-86)。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familia

14、r with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异三、场地特征及地质概况:锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the d

15、rawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异 详见地质报告。锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to

16、be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if req英真氓揩沙钒叁往彭栅丛壶深钎狠镇岿舞迸雅频筹互劣淋将扒部微尺亮瑶壕线庚园终敏萌韶喀溶柬饮沂祝槐沾卡泣洪纪捅凳圆伊拘耗统颂骂嘘最异四、施工准备:锤击预制方桩施工方案施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each


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