【关于别挂电话英语怎么说】 .docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【关于别挂电话英语怎么说】 中国经济的迅猛进展以及胜利地加入世界贸易组织召唤越来越多的能运用英语进行交际地人才。我整理了关于别挂电话英语,欢迎阅读! 关于别挂电话英语一 1. Wait! Dont hang up! 等等, 别挂断电话! 2. Hold the line while I see if shes here. 请别挂断电话, 我去看她在不在. 3. Hold the line while I see if she is here . 请别挂断电话,我去看她在不在。 4. Well , yes , he is here , but he s on

2、another line. hold the line please , and I ll tell him you are call . 是的。他正在打电话,请别挂断电话,我就告知他。 5. The telephonist asked the caller to hold on while she connected him. 话务员要打电话的人别挂断电话,她替他接通电话。 6. The line was engaged and the operator asked if Id like to hang on. 电话占线 了, 话务员问我是否情愿等一下(别挂断电话). 7. The line

3、 was engaged and the operator asked if Id like to hang on. 电话占线了, 话务员问我是否情愿等一下(别挂断电话). 8. Lines busy. Could you wait for a moment? Hold on, Ill get/ put you through. 占线,您情愿等一会儿吗?别挂断电话,我给您接通。 9. Dont hang up, please. Ill switch you to my boss. 请别挂断电话,我这就给你转接到我的上司那边去。 10. disconnect a telephone 切断电话线路

4、,挂断电话 11. The line is busy, would you like to hang on? 电话有人在打,请别挂断好吗? 12. Hang on a minute while I get a pencil and a piece of paper 电话别挂断,等我拿纸笔来。 13. Hold the line (不挂断电话)等候 14. To end a telephone conversation. 挂断电话结束电话交谈 15. Please hang up, and I ll call again . 请挂断电话,我会再打。 16. I ll have to ring o

5、ff now . 我现在得挂断电话了。 17. He broke the connection. 说罢,他挂断了电话。 18. She was so angry that she hung up on him 她气得挂断了他的电话。 关于别挂电话英语二 Jessica: Good morning. AET company. How may I direct your call? 杰西卡:早上好。AET公司。您想转接到哪里? Mike: Sales department, please. 迈克:请转到销售部。 Jessica: Would you like to speak to someone

6、 in charge? 杰西卡:您要找负责人吗? Mike: Yes. Mr. Smith, please. 迈克:是的。请接史密斯先生。 Jessica: OK. Let me see if Mr. Smith is available. Please hold. 杰西卡:好的。让我看看史密斯先生在不在。请不要挂断。 Mike: OK. 迈克:好的。 Jessica: Mr. Smith is having a meeting. Would you like to speak to someone else? 杰西卡:史密斯先生在开会。您要找其他人吗? Mike: OK. Id like t

7、o talk to Mr. Smiths assistant. 迈克:好的。我想跟史密斯先生的助理通话。 Jessica: I will put you through to Miss Lin. Please hold. 杰西卡:我帮您转给林小姐。请不要挂断。 Mike: OK. Thank you. 迈克:好的。感谢。 看了关于别挂电话英语后,我共享报警电话一则! A:Hello.Police Station. B:Hello.My house has been burglarized. A:Whats your name and address,madam? B:Its 88 GrandA

8、venue.Andthisis Mrs.Green.A:Oh,madam,whendidthathappen? B:This morning I went to sleep and forgot to lock the windowand a burglar cameinthewindowandcleanedusout.A:Oh? B:I mean he took everthing of any value:money,watches,TV,VCD,everything.What should I do? A:Imsorryabout that,madam,but dont worrytoo

9、 much.Well send someone to you right away.B:Thank you.A:Good-bye. Dialogue C(A:A policemanB:Jack Nelson) A:Hello.Fourth Street Police Station.B:Hello.My car was stolen last night.A:whats your name and address,please? B:My name is Jack Nelson,and my address is 66 Washington Street. A:What kind of car

10、 is it,sir? B:Its a blue 1989 Ford Escort.The license plate number isABC123. A:And where was it parked? B:It was parked in my driveway,in front of my house.A:Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen? B:I can tell you the timeit was 420 a.m.A:Waityou mean you saw the perpetrators stealing t

11、he vehicle? B:No,I heard them.The car alarm went off,but they mustve disengaged it.A:Oh,sir,were open all night here.Why didnt you call then? B:I was so sleepy,I thought it was my alarm clock.So I looked at the clock,reset it,and went back to sleep. A:Oh,I see. 看了关于别挂电话英语的人还看了: 1.如何委婉地表达你想挂断电话 英语 2.替别人接电话用英语怎么说 3.和别人英语打电话时该怎么说 4.挂电话礼貌英语用语 5.商务打电话英语怎么说第 1 页 共 1 页


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