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1、Sumitte: -4-253:5 (Thursday) Sre: 00A oo and listenLook at theitures.se thesaement and fllnhe banks wihthewdsn te lst.cmpanystblishedbusnesscareairchainswithdrwdycaecovincesmllonaiearmylesmanfouedwa. Dads one o twrlds larest fast food rtauant(cais) Th(buiness )began 19402. Bil Gates(ithd )ro Harvrd

2、Uniersity i 975 ad(etabise )Microft Corporaton.3. ochi Honda use to(epair )bcyles wen he wa by, helpng in hsthersworsAt the ageo 3, he(fondd )Hodr Compay4. nhe(am), Bubba alks of hngbut is family sipbuinss, and(onvices )Forrsp o go into thbiess wih him whn tewar i over.5. Chis Garner a(alesman). He

3、has to sl to machines each mnth paythe entand his sns(dacae )fee.Submitted: -8-2 21:40:05 (Monday)B sk an anser thquetosAk nd answte folwig quetins wihapatne.1.Do you wanttohveyour own businsn the fure? Why or why no?Yu answr:Referee answer:es, I o, becus wanto b scesl andrich. / No, I dnt,because t

4、 very iict to mnage comny2. Wat quies shuld etrepree ave?Youanswr:Refernce answer:An etrpreneur shold b arsigte good t pubic retion /od at coeratith other.Seon Oe Listen for kllsA. Listn nd racteiten t te ubers adtmdow i theblans.1.(9,100,10)2.(1,016)3.(3,10,00)4 t(8th)5.(5,748,2,117 )6( 5,100,07 ).

5、(8,018)8.( 4,40 )9(59,888,0 )10. th(950)SectionTwSpecial nish progmA. Iem1 Listenfor etails1) tnto the reportad chse hbest nswer to the fllowingquestin.Which of the fowing is NTmeioned a basic puose o a business ln?(d)aT showw elthidahav ee nsidered.b.To ist goas ad wasto masur ogrss.c.To guide busi

6、nes arud prblems.d.Toeek uidance frm wahyiiiduals2) Nowlisn to therportagin and coose he s answer to th following ueio.What is agood busines pan, crdig to Mulins?(b)a.A pl hatis fly ed.b. panatdfes prolm tht h busies will sovc.A plan hat romo aproduct or evice.dA lathat c attract ogh nvesment.Sct Tw

7、o Specil ngish pograsB. Item 22. Listn fdetis1) isten o the rportan oose te bs anser toth follong qesin.How much poprty fthe busines doe anindividua ropietor on?(a)a.Al f th prort.The mariy of theroerty.cal of te proty.Lite poperty.2) Now liten o e reportaain ooe b answe the ollowing estio.ho the fo

8、lowinstatemetsistue bout limitedarns n limitdliabilipartrships?(c)a.Tey shre equall n h prof ith full patners.hey hold more resonsibilitie hnull paners.c.Ty sha les n th its hanllpatnersd.Th share orei the pofits and od fewer rsponibies.2.Lsten fr deas) Liten to tereprtnd ose he bes anse to te folow

9、inquesion.Hwmany worker re sel-employed inan devepn natins?().Morha 0%.b.Mor ahalfc.ess tan 40%.d.L than half.) Now li to the repot agn a chs the bestanswe te folloinqutinHowmany por fmilie hveoned micro crdt loas far?()a13.b.100 mlion.c.d.More tha 41milion. 无提交答案Refrene Ansr:Ring2. 无提交答案fernc nse:s

10、ells3.无提交答案Referen Answer:expensiv1. Wedid Chris Garirst eet his ahe?()a.hen he was2 yasold.hene ha ad chle.c.W he ling hs maches.Whe ewas youn id2.Wat doeste o man atthe bus stop th Chrimine is?(a)a thnks it is tme hieb.Hethinks t san Xay aci.c.He thnksit isabone densit cnerd.He thinks isa widhied

11、iper.3. w manmahnes dos Cris have to sl evryonthtomake a ling?(c)a.1.b.2.c.3.d. atprle doChrisave?(c). has o pay lotof bills.b.He hasonly od oe mcine sofar.cHeht sold a machie o omtime.d.He as t rush tohositals.Stion For Ral wrld. Listen nd writesenotound clips ad fln the banksth th ec ord or phases yue har1. A I(ade p m in)as a oung idtht enIad chlden, myhildren


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