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1、最浪漫爱情物语篇一:爱情物语美文(中英文) 1、如果两颗心彼此忠诚于对方,距离将不是问题。 Distance doesnt matter if two hearts are loyal to each other. 2、如果你将真的爱上某人,那么就用你拥有的一切去爱他。 If youre going to truly love someone, then love them with everything you have. 3、别让已经过去的关系毁了未来的快乐。 Dont let past relationships ruin your future happiness. 4、那些曾经的拥抱

2、是你不想让它流逝的。 Those hugs where you just dont want to let go. 5、生命中遇见的所有人都可能给你带来伤痛,你需要想清楚哪些痛苦是值得承受的。 Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain. 6、你永远是我要的一切。 Your forever is all that I need. 7、一旦我得到你了,就没有打算失去你。 Once I get you, I dont plan on losing yo

3、u. 8、我们的漫谈对我来说也意味着很多。 Our pointless conversations mean a lot to me. 9、作为某人的初恋是非常棒的,但是,作为某人的终恋则更棒。 Being someones FIRST LOVE is great? but being someones LAST LOVE is even better. 10、拥抱着爱人带来的那种感觉是你不愿意让它流逝的。 That feeling you get when you hug someone and you just dont wanna let go. 11、关系能维持多久取决于双方的意愿 A

4、 relationship will only go as far as you both want it to. 12、仅当在意,人们才会嫉妒。 People only get jealous because they care. 13、人们惯于把爱与欲混淆起来。 People tend to confuse Love with Lust. 14、走到终点,爱是唯一值得的,它比死亡更强大。 In the end. love is the only thing that counts. Its stronger than death. 15、我之所愿:夜晚入睡,每天醒来,呼吸时就能感到你真正属

5、于我。 I want to go to sleep at night, wake up every day, and breathe knowing you are truly mine. 16、我依旧记得第一次跟你交谈时的感觉。 I still remember the feeling I felt when I first started talking to you. 17、每天早上我都期盼着回家去睡觉。 every morning,I look forward to coming home and sleeping. 18、单子上所列的两样明显是不可能同时拥有的:1、一个贴心的男友;2

6、、一个披萨 list of things you apparently cant have at the same time. 1. a nice body. 2. pizza. 19、我希望提升境界,解决问题,并且从生活中找到乐趣。 I want to refresh my mind, clear all my problems and just have fun with life. 20、过度思虑会毁了你,毁了你的四周,把事情搅做一团,让你焦虑,让所有事情变得比原本更糟。 Over thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twists thing

7、s around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. 21、不管睡多久我始终觉得好累。 no matter how much I sleep,I am still always so tired. 22、当女人告诉你她的麻烦事,这并不意味着她是个爱抱怨的人,这意味着她信任你。 When a woman tells you about her problems, that doesnt mean shes complaining. It just means she trusts y

8、ou. 23、有时,我想坐在户外,与某人彻夜倾谈。 Sometimes, I just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night. 24、当你需要时,我总会出现在你身边,希望你也一样。 Ill always be there when you need me and I hope youll do the same. 25、我希望在倾诉自己的真实感受后会感觉好一些。 I wish I was better at telling people how I really feel. 26、当感觉生活并不快乐时,总是应该去想想,会有某个人

9、因你的存在而快乐。 When you think youre not happy with your life, always think that someone is happy simply because you exist. 27、维系各种关系主要靠的是信任。 Trust is the main need in every relationship. 28、你爱我是因为我这个人,因此别指望我有什么改变。 You love me for me and dont expect me to change anything. 29、当女孩知道,你在任何时候、任何人面前都把她视为你的一切时,她

10、是最开心的。 A girl is happiest when she knows that you make her your everything. In front of everyone, every time. 30、有时,你最不期待的人却成为你最需要的人。 Sometimes, the person you least expected becomes the one person you need the most. 31、如果一个女生承认她喜欢你,你应该明白,这已经耗尽了她所有的力气,别把她的表白当成是理所当然。 If a girl admits that she likes y

11、ou, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Dont take her for granted! 32、简爱书(jianaishu168) 所有的男生都应该学马里奥兄弟,无论他们的女神离得有多远,他们都应追随其后。 All guys should learn from Mario Bros. No matter how far their princess is, they should go after her. 33、有时你会感觉,正在听的那首歌的歌词就是为你而作。 Sometimes it feels like th

12、e lyrics to a song youre listening to, were written just for you. 34、每一刻都有撞见生命中的爱的机遇,抓住它还是让它溜走取决于你。 Every moment is a chance to meet the love of your life, take it or ignore it. 35、除非完全信任,你不可能彻底投入地去爱某一个人。 You cannot love someone completely unless you trust them completely. 36、人们在改变,事情弄糟了,但是生活得继续。 Pe

13、ople change, things go wrong, shit happens, but life goes on. 37、有时,被伤害是为了成长,失去是为了获得;有时,最有深刻的教训来自于痛苦。 Sometimes, we need to be hurt in order to grow. We must lose in order to gain. Sometimes, some lessons are learned best through pain. 38、我是敏感的人,一点小事也让我琢磨半天,我太过在乎了。 Im sensitive, I over think every l

14、ittle thing, and I care way too much. 39、当男生具有保护欲时真是超可爱。 I think its super adorable when guys get protective. 40、尽管说我落伍好了,但是当某人给你写来情书,那依旧是件美妙的事情。 Call me old fashioned, but I still thinks its cute when someone writes you a love letter. 41、我想连睡两年,醒来时学位、房子、银子全都有了。 I want to sleep for 2 years and wake

15、up with a degree, an apartment and money in the bank. 42、如果婚礼上丈夫看到我却没有流泪,我会轻轻地踢他小腿,直到他流下泪来。 If my husband doesnt cry when he sees me on our wedding day I will softy kick him in the shin until he sheds a tear. 43、你是数学狂吗?我就是弄不明白你。 Are you math cause I just cant understand you. 44、希望我的学校象电影里演的那样精彩。 I want my school to be like in the movies. 45


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