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1、优化英语教学环境激活口语课堂 一、课题:5BUnit 6 At a PE lesson Part A 二、教材简解:本课通过一堂体育课“按指令做动作”这一语言项目,主要学习Put on Touch withStand in a line. Put your feet together. Jump up and downtimes. Put your feet together.等祈使句及其答语。在教学中应尽量为学生创设情景,通过实践活动帮助学生理解这些句子的功能和意义,并引导学生操练、运用。句型操练力求与学生的实际生活相结合,以提高学生实际运用语言的能力。三、目标预设: 【知识目标】: 1、能

2、听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Put on,Touchwith 2、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语及句型Stand in a line. Put your feet together. Jump up and down. Turn left and right. Lie on your back. Lift up yourleg. 【能力目标】:能够看懂、听懂指令性的日常用语,并能用英语发指令,注重观察,提高学生交际功能。【情感目标】:1、 注重培养学生学习的兴趣,鼓励学生参与实践活动。2、通过小组合作等形式来增加学生课堂学习的积极性。并让学生在边说边动的课堂中培养学生对英语的兴趣。四、重点、

3、难点: 1、听懂指令性的日常用语,并能正确的用英语发指令。2、对于重点句型Touchwith ,Puton的正确理解及运用。五、设计理念:本课目的在于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养其学习的积极态度,使学生有学习英语的自信心。培养学生良好的语音语调,为进一步学习打下良好的基础。首先活跃气氛,激发兴趣;以学生为主体,采用多种教学方法,全身教学法、情景教学法、任务型教学法等,通过听、说、做、唱、玩、演等方式,鼓励学生积极参与,提高听、说、唱、演的能力。六、设计思路:在小学英语学习的课堂上,让学生的语言能力在活动中进行,让孩子在做中学,本课我将用英语带着学生们上一节体育课,运用全身教学法,从学生的生活和

4、兴趣出发,创设与完成任务相关的情景进行语言训练,使学生在真实的情景和方式中学习英语知识,发展语言技能。七、教学过程:Step1. Warming-up 1.Listen to a song: 英文版兔子舞【设计意图】:欢快的节奏,配上可爱的舞蹈,既愉悦身心又陶冶情操,还能调动学生上课的积极性。随着旋律的起伏变换,学生在感到松弛,愉快,满足的同时,会产生兴奋情绪。而这首舞曲中包含了left和right的操练,让学生在潜移默化中对它们有一个初步的认识。2.Free talk:T: Wow, the rabbits are dancing in the park. They are doing so

5、me exercises. Its good for our health.(呈现:exercise/ do some exercise 做锻炼,尤其注意exercise 的读音。) T: Shall we do some exercises?S: All right.T: Lets do some exercises. Stand up, everybody!T: Stand in a line (做手势示意学生),now, follow the tape, please. (播放兔子舞音乐,让学生边做边说) Left, left, right, right, go, go, go! Rig

6、ht, right, left, left, go, go, go!【设计意图】:课前通过这种形式来热身,让学生都动起来,为接下来教学流程的有效开展做了铺垫,也为课堂营造了一种活跃的气氛。T:Now, Ill give you some orders. Listen carefully everybody. You should try to follow the orders.【设计意图】:通过给学生发号口令让他们都动起来,教师语言中初次提及order,帮助学生初步理解order的意思。Step2. Presentation and practice:1. Teach “left” and

7、“right”T: Boys and girls, show me your hands, show me your left hands( 教师做动作示范,并要求学生跟着后面做) Show me your right hands, left hand, right hand.(多操练几遍,加深印象)T: Now, follow me please.Left, left, turn left(让学生听口令转动身体)Right, right, turn right.【设计意图】:通过做动作,帮助学生理解以上各口令的含义。充分利用体态语,以丰富的表情,协调的动作表达意义,能够增强语言的感染力,一来

8、可以激发学生积极性,二来可以培养学生直接用英语进行思维,理解和表达的习惯。T: Good job! If you want to be healthy, do some exercise everyday. Right?Ss: Right!3: Teach the Part A. Pre-reading:T: Look! Whos the man? Is he an English teacher? (教师呈现课文插图) Ss: Hes Mr. Ma. Hes not an English teacher, hes a PE teacher. T: Where are Mr. Ma and h

9、is students?Ss: They are in the playground. T: What are they doing there?Ss: I think they are having a PE lesson. T: Are they having a PE Lesson? Lets go and have a look. (watch the cartoon) T: Yes, youre right. Theyre having a PE lesson now. 【设计意图】:让学生完整地看一遍课文动画,帮助学生对于课文内容有一个初步的理解,在看动画之前,通过与学生围绕课文图

10、片进行交流,可以引导学生有目的地去观看动画。While-reading: T: What is Mr. Ma doing ? What are the students doing?(watch the cartoon again) S1: Hes giving orders.(呈现并教学短语give orders:发命令) T: Now, I will give you some orders. My first order is stand up. My second order is put your English book on your head My next order is

11、put your hands on your head touch your nose, touch your ears, touch your mouth My last order is sit down.T: I can give orders to you, 板书:putontouchwith Can you give orders to your classmates? Work in pairs, and give orders to your classmates.【设计意图】:根据提出的问题,让学生自己找出order这一词,并结合具体的情境帮助学生理解order的含义,让学生自

12、己理会它的意思,充分体现了教师引导学生学习的原则。 T: Good, you can give orders to your classmates. Mr. Ma is giving orders. What are the students doing now? Ss: Theyre trying to follow the orders.(呈现并教学follow the orders:执行命令) T: Good job! Mr. Ma is a PE teacher. Hes giving some orders to his students now. What are his orde

13、rs? Please open your books, find out the orders and underline them.(学生阅读课文并画出命令。接着由学生一边说出命令,教师一边黑板上板书呈现,并利用肢体语言让学生理解命令,同时教学新词汇:line, lie, lift, touch)T: Boys and girls, you did a wonderful job, but do you know the orders? Can you follow the orders? Now lets watch the cartoon carefully again and unde

14、rstand Mr. Mas orders.(教授本课新指令) Now Im a PE teacher, Ill give orders to you. Listen carefully, you should follow the orders.(将之前新授的几个指令以这种方式进行操练,并让学生以小组的形式进行活动)【设计意图】:本环节让学生先自己找出文中含有指令的句子,并让他们划出来,然后通过再次观看动画,让学生理解指令的意思,并让学生先根据图片猜意思。给学生留出了独立思考的时间,环节的设计也充分体现了课堂中学生的主导地位。Post-reading: Fill in the blanks.

15、 T: Boys and girls, here are some orders at the PE lesson, please read the dialogue and put them in the correct orders.( )Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand. ( )Put your feet together.( )Jump up and down ten times.( )Lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand. Do this ten times. ( )Put your hands on your head and turn left and right . Do this ten times.( )Stand in a line. Lets do some exercise. 【设计意图】:通过让



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