牛津译林版8BUnit2重点基础知识复习(带练习题)-无答案(DOC 7页)

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牛津译林版8BUnit2重点基础知识复习(带练习题)-无答案(DOC 7页)_第1页
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1、牛津译林版8BUnit2重点基础知识复习(带练习题) 无答案牛津译林版8BU2重点基础知识复习(带练习)【板块一:重要词汇】【基础知识】1. miss: (1) miss为动词,意为“想念,思念”。如:When I was abroad, I my parents. 当我在国外时,我思念我的父母。(2) miss 还可意为“错过,没赶上”。如:Hurry up, or you may the bus. 快点,否则你可能赶不上公共汽车。(3) Miss 可做名词,意为“小姐”,后接姓氏,常常大写。如:This is my English teacher, . 这是我的英语老师,李小姐。2.fan

2、tastic 为形容词,意为“极好的,美妙的”,其同义词为wonderful。have a fantastic time 也可说成have a good/great/wonderful time。如:I have a social life. 我的社交生活丰富多彩。3.speed:(1) speed作名词,速度,常见短语为at the/a speed of 以的速度;atspeed。如:Please drive at (a) safe . 请以安全速度行驶。It moves fifty kilometers an hour. 他以每小时50公里的速度移动。(2) speed 可作动词,其动词组

3、为speed up, 意为“加速”。如:You notice that your breathing has a bit. 你注意到自己的呼吸加快了一些。4.through作介词,自始至终,从头到尾;穿过,通过。如:The river runs our village. 这条河穿过我们的村子。辨析across和through两者均可表示“横过,穿过”,前者across表示从某物的表面“横过”,而后者则指在里面或在空间范围内“穿过”。如: I draw a line the page. 我在那一页上面画了一条线。 He walked the forest alone. 他独自一人穿过森林。5.r

4、ide 作名词,乘坐(游乐设施),(乘车或骑车的)短途旅程。常见短语为 give sb a ride to 让某人搭便车到。如:All my family enjoyed the car . 我们全家都享受这次汽车之旅。He the market. 他让我搭便车去市场。6.magic作名词,意为“魔术”,其形容词为magical, 意为“魔法的,有魔力的,迷人的”。如:Do you like Liu Qians ? 你喜欢刘谦的魔术吗?The world is full of things patiently waiting for us to find out.这世界充满了神奇的事物,耐心地

5、等待着我们来发现。7.feel为动词,感觉到,意识到,其过去式、过去分词为felt, 其名词形式为“feeling”。(1)用作实义动词。表示“感觉”,属感官动词。如:We all the house shake. 我们都感觉这房子在震动。 I something crawl up my arm. 我感觉有什么东西顺着我的胳膊向上爬。(2)用作连系动词,注意以下用法:表示某人的感觉,以人作主语。如:We all rather worried. 我们都感到很着急。表示某物摸起来给人的感觉或表示使人感觉起来有什么特征等,通常要以被摸或被感觉之物作主语。如:Your hand cold. 你的手摸起

6、来很凉。8. couple 作名词,两人,两件事物,或者是几个人几个事物,常与of连用。如: The arrived at the party very early. 这对夫妻很早就到了聚会。 We met in Moscow weeks ago. 两周前我们在莫斯科见面了。9.dead 作形容词,意为“死的”。(1)辨析:词性词义例句die动词原形死亡His pet dog died last week. death名词死亡She cried bitterly after knowing her husbands death.dying形容词奄奄一息的The dying man was sa

7、ved by a kind-hearted lady.dead形容词死的He found a dead bird in the garden.10.sailing为名词,意为“帆船运动,航行”,其后动词形式为sail,意为“航行;起航;驾驶帆船”。如:My brother Jack is interested in . 我的哥哥杰克对帆船运动感兴趣。 去航海11.except为介词,意为“除了”。(1)辨析:except, besides 和 except for 作介词用时,这三个词都有“除之外”的含义,except表示“除之外(不包括在内)”时,表示从整体中剔除一部分;而besides作“

8、除之外(还)”时则表示“另外附加”的含义。如:He did nothing watching TV yesterday. 昨天他除了看电视什么也没做。We need 3 more persons to finish the job us two.除了我们两个人之外,我们还需要三个人来完成这项工作。except 与except for的用法区别: Except 后排除的内容与主语往往是同一类的,而except for后所排除的内容与主语往往不是同一类的。如:All the buildings are excellent this one. 除了这个其他的建筑物都很好。All the buildi

9、ngs are excellent their location. 除了位置之外所有的建筑物都很好。12.flight为名词,意为“航班”,其动词形式为fly。如:BA 286 was too hours late. 英国航空公司286次航班晚点两个小时。Which are you going to take? 你将要乘坐哪趟航班?13.point作名词,要点。如:Keep the discussion short and to the . 讨论要短且切中要点。Why is that last so important? 为什么最后一点如此重要?(1)point 作动词,意为“指着”,常见短语

10、为point at,意为“指着”,常含敌意;point to,指着,一般距离比较远。如:Dont others with your index finger. 不要用食指指着其他人。He is the hill over there. 他正指着那边的小山。【例题解析】一、单项选择题:( )1.-The World Cup is coming. I wont any game! -Im looking forward to every watch of it, too.A. miss; to watch B. miss; watching C. to miss; watch D. to miss

11、; watched( )2.-How was your summer camp, Ben? - ,I made so many friends. A. Fantastic B. Not really C. Boring D. Of course( )3.The sweet smell of the flowers in the garden comes in the open window, making us feel a good mood(心情).A. on B. with C. through( )4.The more you smile, the you will feel. A.

12、happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily( )5.- are you leaving for Beijing? -In a couple of days.A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long( )6His grandma has for 5 years.A. died B. been died C. been dead( )7.-We are all here Lily. Where is she? -Shes gone to the library. A. beside B. beside

13、s C. except D. of ( )8.Uncle Li has been away for two weeks. Hell return in three days.A. on show B. on duty C. on business D. on time( )9.-Do you know the latest information about F MH370? -I have no idea. Lets turn on the TV to watch the news.( )10.Ill review the main at the end of the class.A. points B. views C. pencils D. vegetables 二、完成句子:1. We should . 我们应该注意每个细节。2. -Whats the c of England? -Its London.3. These plants must be shel


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