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1、2013年合肥地区名校联考七年级下英语试卷(试题卷)一、单项选择(20分)( ) 1.When I walk in the park every night, the moon is always _ the trees in the east or west. A. onB. inC. underD. above( ) 2. My sister can _ the bus at Gulou Stop. The supermarket is near it. A. get onB. get toC. get offD. get up ( ) 3. From Dashu Mountain, yo

2、u can see _ of Hefei _ a clear day. A. most; inB. many; inC. most; onD. many; on( ) 4. _ you walk along the Changjiang Street, the Linings Clothes Shop will be on your right. A. BeforeB. AsC. AfterD. Because( ) 5. -What can you see _ the Xinhua Street? -Let me see. Oh, its a KFCs shop. A. in the end

3、B. in the end ofC. at the endD. at the end of( ) 6. Why not _ with us?A. have a picnicB. to have a picnicC. having a picnicD. will have a picnic( ) 7. Zhang Jie is _ a pop(流行的) singer. We all like his songs.A. good for B. famous forC. famous as D. good at ( ) 8. Could you tell me _ the bank? -Of cou

4、rse. It is opposite the cinema.A. how I can get B. where I can getC. how to get to D. where to get( ) 9. To get to the museum, you must go across the _ street.A. stupid B. busy C. real D. poor( ) 10. The bridge is _ your right.A. inB. onC. ofD. at( ) 11. _ can we go to London Eye?A. WhereB. WhichC.

5、HowD. What( ) 12. Its raining now. You cant drive _ the bridge _ the river.A. cross, onB. across, overC. across, onD. cross over( ) 13. Can you tell me how to learn Chinese well? -Sure. The best way _ Chinese is often using it more.A. in learnB. learningC. to learnD. of learn( ) 14. The baby was bor

6、n(出生于) _ a warm morning.A. inB. onC. atD. of( ) 15. The History Museum is a very famous museum _ lots of old things.A. inB. onC. forD. with( ) 16. If you want to visit the city of Sansha, you should (应该) _.A. take a busB. take a boatC. by boatD. by plane( ) 17. I think its difficult for me _ English

7、 well.A. studyB. studiesC. to studyD. studying( ) 18. I would like _, please. A. two bags of milks B. two bags milk C. two bags of milkD. two bags milks( ) 19. The T-shirts are half price. Why not _?A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them( ) 20. This is the gym. Opposite it, on _ sid

8、e of the road, is my school.A. the other B. other C. another D. others二、完形填空(10分) Do you know Ethiopian (埃塞俄比亚的) children well? Children 1 football but they dont have much 2 to buy it. They have to play with a paper football. Like all children, they find time to play 3 they also have to do a lot of

9、work. Some children have to help their parents 4 young brothers or sisters from five years old. Many young boys have to look after animals and the girls have to help their mothers 5 water. Now only 1/3of children go to primary school. They dont have so 6 schools. The classes have to be very 7 . In o

10、ne school, there were 90 children in a 8 ! The children there do not have many vegetables to eat. This is very 9 for children. There arent buses in this poor 10 . Children have to walk to school. Many walk for two or three hours. ( ) 1. A. dislike B. have C. get D. like( ) 2. A. time B. money C. tic

11、ket D. cards( ) 3. A. and B. or C. so D. but( ) 4. A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look up( ) 5. A. carry B. drink C. buy D. get( ) 6. A. good B. many C. little D. big( ) 7. A. small B. good C. quiet D. large( ) 8. A. class B. school C. room D. club( ) 9. A. bad B. usefulC. good D. healthy(

12、) 10. A. room B. city C. country D. part(地区)三、阅读理解(20分)AA train stops at a station. Many people come out to buy food and fruits. A young man wants to come out, but it starts to rain. A boy stands under an umbrella. The young man says to the boy. “Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and

13、 one for me? Here are two dollars. Be quick!”“Great!” says the boy and then he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He eats a hamburger.“Where is my hamburger?” asks the young man.“Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I eat my hamburger. Here is your dollar.” ( ) 1. What does the young people want to buy when the train stops?A. water B. juice C. a hamburger D. an umbrella ( ) 2. The boy goes to buy hamburgers for him because he has _. A. a hamburger B. an umbrella C. a raincoat D. a dollar( ) 3. Why is the boy so happy to buy them? Because_


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