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1、关于初一英语小短文带翻译:英语短文带翻译 专业英语作为一项重要的工具,是同学就业和适应.进展的必要手段。特地用途英语(ESP)也在各高职院校中引起了广泛的重视。本文是关于初一英语小短文带翻译,盼望对大家有关心! 关于初一英语小短文带翻译:without loophole 完美无缺 Long ago, there lived a man named Guo Han. 从前, 有一个叫郭翰的人。 It was a hot summer. He couldnt fall asleep in his bedroom, so he went into the yard to sleep. 由于夏每天热,

2、 在屋子里无法入睡, 就到院子里去睡觉。 Not long after he lay down he saw a woman dressed in white floating down from the sky. 躺下不久,正看着天空, 突然观察一个白衣女子从空中渐渐飘流下来。 She said to him: I am the celestial weaver. 她对郭翰说:我是天上的织女。 Looking at her Guo Han noticed that there were no seams in her garments. 郭翰看着这个女子,发觉他的衣服全身无缝。 He tho

3、ught this was very strange. 他觉得很惊奇。 He asked her: Why are there no seams in your clothes? 他就问她:你的衣服怎么没有缝呢? She answered: The garments of the immortals are not made with a needle and thread. How would they have seams? 女子回答:天上神仙的衣服,不是用针线缝出来的, 怎么会有缝呢? 关于初一英语小短文带翻译:江郎才尽 The well of inspiration has dried

4、 up.Creative well has dried up. Jiang Yan lived during the Liang dynasty of the Northern and Southern Dynasties Period, in the area now known as Henan province. 南北朝时,有一位名叫江淹的人,居住在现在的河南省。 Although he came from a poor family, he as extremely hard working, and so became a high-level civil official. 江淹出

5、身贫寒,但他非常刻苦,所以后来便当上了一位本地的高官。 Jiang Yan was very talented in the area of literature. Both his poems and his essays wereoutstanding, and he was known by nearly all the scholars of his time. 江淹非常有文采,在诗词歌赋都非常优秀,在当时的学者中都极富盛名。 Jiang Yan once had a dream that a man came to him and said, My name is Guo Pu. O

6、ne of my pens has been here with your for several years. Please give it back to me now. 有一天,江淹在凉亭里睡觉,做了一个梦,梦中有一个叫郭璞的人对他说:我有一支笔放在你那里已经许多年了,现在应当是还给我的时候了。 In his pocket, Jiang Yan found a multi-colored pen, which he returned to Guo Po. 江淹摸了摸怀里,果真掏出一支五色笔来,于是他就把笔还给郭璞。 As Jiang Yan grew older,the poems an

7、d essays that he wrote were not as good as those he had written when he was younger. 从今以后,江淹就再也写不出犹如年少时写的奇妙的文章了。 Everyone said that when Jiang Yan gave away his multi-colored pen, he used up the last of his talent. 因此,人们都说江郎自从放弃了他的五色笔之后,他的才华已经用完了。 看了关于初一英语小短文带翻译的人还看了: 1.英语美文观赏小短文初一 2.七班级英语短文带翻译 3.七班级英语小短文带翻译 4.初一英语励志短文带翻译 5.关于animals的初一英语作文带翻译


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