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1、托福词汇题精选001. Most of these leaders were invo Ived in public life as reformers, activists working for wome ns right to vote, or authors, and were not represe ntativeat all of the great of ordi narywome n.The word represe ntative is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) typical(B) satisfied(C)

2、supportive(D) dist in ctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffa ny (1843-1933) was the most noted exp onent of this style, produci ng a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today.The word prized is closest in meaning to wh

3、ich of follow ing?(A) valued(B) uni versal(C) un com mon(D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 un til 1915, although its in flue nce continued throughout the mid-1920s. It was eve ntually to be overtake n by a new school of thought known as Functi

4、on alism that had bee n prese nt since the tur n of the cen tury.The word overtake n is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) surpassed(B) inclined(C) expressed(D) applied004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of in ches p

5、er day. However, at in tervalsof 10 to 100 years, these glaciersmove forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word in tervals is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) records(B) speeds(C) dista nces(D) periods005. The in creas ing water pressure un der the glacier might lift it off its

6、 bed, overcoming the frictio n betwee n ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders dow nhill surge glaciers also might be in flue need by the climate, volca nic heat, or earthquakes.The word free in g is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) push ing(B) releas ing(C) stre

7、ngthe ning(D) draining006. A flood of ice would the n surge in to the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, caus ing sea levels to rise eve n higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in moti on a vicious cycle.The word pl un ge is close

8、st in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) drop(B) exte nd(C) melt(D) drift007. Group members look to in strume ntal leaders to get things don e. Expressive leadership, on the other han d, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social groups members.The word collective is closest

9、 in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) n ecessary(B) typical(C) group(D) particular008. They offer sympathy whe n some one experie nces difficulties or is subjected to discipli ne, are quick to lighte n a serious mome nt with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group.The wor

10、d resolve is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) avoid repeat ing(B) talk about(C) avoid thinking about(D) find a solution for009. Thousa nds of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil rema ins. Major excavati ons were un dertake n that esta

11、blished the sig nifica nee of this remarkable site.The word no ticed is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) predicted(B) announced(C) corrected(D) observed010. Si nee then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 millio n from vertebrates, 2.5 millio n from inv ertebrates, have bee n recovered, ofte

12、 n in densely concentrated tangled masses. The word ta ngled is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) buried ben eath(B) twisted together(C) quickly formed(D) easily dated 011. The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would ofte n

13、have bee n con cealed by leaves and dust.The word con cealed is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) highlighted(B) covered(C) tran sformed(D) con tam in ated 012. The ocea n bottom - a regi on n early 2. 5 times greater tha n the total la nd area of the Earth - is a vast frontier that even

14、 today is largely un explored and un charted, un til about a cen tury ago, the deep-ocea n floor was completely in accessible , hidde n ben eath waters averag ing over 3,600 meters deep. The word in accessible is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) un recog ni zable(B) un reachable(C) unu

15、sable(D) un safe013. The DSDPs drill ship, the Glomar Challe nger, was able to maintain a steady positi on on the ocea ns surface and drill in very deep waters, extract ingsamples of sedime ntsand rock from the ocea n floor.The word extracting is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) break i

16、ng(B) locat ing(C) rem oving(D) an alyz ing 014. Today, largely on the strength of evide nee gathered duri ng the Glomar Challe ngers voyages, n early all earth scie ntists agree on the theories of plate tect onics and continen tal drift that expla in many of the geological processes that shape the Earth



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