【精校版】江西省高中英语Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period 5 Language Points导学案 人教版必修3

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【精校版】江西省高中英语Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period 5 Language Points导学案 人教版必修3_第1页
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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank NotePeriod 5 Language PointsHistories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.Bacon 历史使人明智;诗歌使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辩 培根Learning Goals:1. To master the

2、 key words, phrases and sentences: amount; take a chance; manner; bow; You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.2. To use the language points in the proper context and develop the learning skill.Step 1 Leading in Read the words and expressions in the last lesson with passion.Step 2

3、 Thinking 1. amount n.数(量);总额 vi.(to)合计;接近 He has a huge amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天都有大量的邮件要回复。 Can you really afford this amount? 你真付得起这个总数吗? The cost amounted to 250. 费用共达250英镑。【短语拓展】a (large/small) amount of + n.u + v. ( 数) (large/small) amounts of + n.u + v. ( 数)Masses of/ quantities

4、 of/ varieties of +nu/nc + v. ( 数)in (large/small) amounts 作状语 amount to. 【即学即用】 (1) A large of amount of money (spend) on the project.(2) Large amounts of time (waste) in playing computer games, so he falls behind his classmates.(3) Food was provided .(供应多少不等).(4). The total cost of repairs (总计) $1

5、00.【思维拓展】修饰可数名词:a number of, a good/ great many, many a, quite a few, scores of, dozens of 修饰不可数名词: a large amount of, a great deal of 可数名词和不可数名词均可修饰: plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, quantities of, a mass of , masses of 2. take a chance = 冒险,碰运气 He took a big chance when he made t

6、he investment. 当时他投资时是冒了大风险的。 A person who has no spirit of taking a chance will achieve nothing in his life. 没有冒险精神的人一生将一事无成。【短语拓展】by chance 偶尔;意外 = give somebody a chance a chance of lifetime have/there is a good chance/no chance/not much chance of (doing) sth / that. have a chance to do sth. _the

7、 chances are (that). 很可能= 【即学即用】 (1). The guide book didnt mention there being any hotels, but we decided to .(2). I met her quite .(3). What are the chances (介词) his coming?(4).在他家找到他的可能性很小。 (5). Volunteering gives you a chance lives, including your own. A. change B. changing C. changed D. to chang

8、e3. manner n. 方式;方法;举止(常用 数) 礼貌;规矩 (常用 数) Parents cant bear the sight of the living manner of the generation after 80s. Its bad manners to talk with your mouth full. I had hoped you would behave in a more responsible manner. 【短语拓展】in a .manner in this/that manner It is good /bad manners to do sth. t

9、able manners 【词汇辨析】manner/method/way/means这四个词均有“方法;方式”的意思。(1)manner指个人的、独特的或有特色的“方法;方式”,常与in连用,如in this manner。(2)method指合理的或系统的“方法”,包括抽象的观念和具体的步骤,如为完成教学、调查、医疗等各项工作而采取的一系列步骤或方法,常与with连用,如with this method,而做某事的方法,译为the method of doing。(3)means指为达到某种目的而采取的“手段”或“方法”,常与by连用,如by this means,而做某事的方法,译为the

10、 means of doing。(4)way为普通用语,可以代替method, manner或means,但way更富有表达力,常与in连用,如in this way,而做某事的方法,译为the way of doing/way to do。【即学即用】(1)He invented a new of teaching English.(2)I dont like his of walking.(3)By no can theory be separated from practice.(4)You can finish it by this .(5)There are a lot of to

11、make friends.4. bow bau vi.&vt. 鞠躬;弯腰 bu n.c 弓,蝴蝶结;鞠躬 We all bowed to the Queen. 我们都向女王鞠躬致敬。 His back was bowed with age. 他因年老而驼背。【短语拓展】bow to/before sb. bow to sth. 【即学即用】(1) . The boss the demands of the workers.(2). The cast as the audience applauded.5. You must come whenever you want and have wh

12、atever you like. 您只要想来随时欢迎,您想吃什么尽管吃。(1)疑问词+ ever可引导名词性从句,相当于 如: Whoever says that is a liar. = Anyone who says that is a liar. You can choose whatever you like in the shop. = You can choose anything that you like in the shop.(2)疑问词+ ever还可引导让步状语从句, 相当于 。如: Whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished. = No matter who breaks the rule, he must be punished. Whenever you have problems, you may turn to me for help. = No matter when you have problems, you may turn to me for help.【即学即用】(1) . (无论何时) I have t


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