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1、Unit6 What time is it?教学内容:译林版英语三年级下册Unit 6 What time is it ? Fun time &Cartoon time教学目标:1、通过复习,加深学生对A版块课文内容的理解。2、通过Fun time的游戏活动,促进学生熟练运用句型What time is it? Itsoclock谈论时间,巩固生词eleven和twelve。3、能了解cartoon time的幽默内涵,在情景中准确运用语言表演。4、通过绘本阅读,培养学生在新的语境中综合运用所学语言进行交流,实现知识的有效迁移。教学重点和难点:重点: 通过Fun time的游戏活动,促进学生熟

2、练运用句型What time is it? Itsoclock谈论时间,巩固生词eleven和twelve。难点:通过绘本阅读,培养学生在新的语境中综合运用所学语言进行交流,实现知识的有效迁移。教学准备:1.听磁带,预习朗读cartoon time.2 .根据fun time内容,准备一个时钟。教学过程:Step1: Warm up1. Free talk2. Play a gameT: Boys and girls.First , lets play an interesting game. “Listen,read and judge ”. Look, if you think it is

3、 true,say “Yeah,yeah,yeah”, if you think it is false , please say” No no no”, You like English.You are very clever.You are 9.Its ten oclock.Its time for bed.T: Its time for our English class.Step2: Revision1.Look and sayT: Look at Liu Tao. He is sleeping. What time is it?S: Its seven oclock.T: Is it

4、 time for bed?S: No, its time for breakfast. T: Yes. Lets chant together. Firstly, listen to Miss Hao. Can you help me? Show me your hands. 2.Say a chat“What? What?. What time is it?Seven,seven .Its seven oclock.”Breakfast, breakfast.Its time for breakfast.”This time its your turn. Ready go?(学生齐读cha

5、nt.)Now, choose one picture and chant in pairs.Now, which pair can try?(请两组学生来说一说。)T: You speak English very well. When we talk about time .We need a -clock. . Review the wordsNow, look at this , whats this? (S s: A clock.)How many numbers are there?Ss: Twelve.Lets count.(From 1 to 12)Watch carefull

6、y,.Which number is flashing quickly?(数词闪动,学生说出数词。)Great. The clock has 12 numbers.And it always has 2 hands. What time is it, please?S: Its nine oclock.T: What time is it, please?(课件时钟变化)S: Its eleven oclockStep3:Presention1. Fun timeT: Boys and girls , when we ask about the time ,we should be polit

7、e. Use”please”.T: Id like to play a guessing game about time . I need three students. Who would like to play with me?(邀请三个学生上台) I have a clock. But you cant see the time on it?T: What time is it, please? Guess.S: Its oclock. (三个学生猜测时间)T: No, you are wrong. Now, who can be a little teacher. Lets cont

8、inue the game. (四人小组换一个组长来示范游戏。)T: Now, lets play this game in four. (学生四人一组玩游戏。)T: Do you have fun? Now, lets watch and answer.(播放动画,让学生跟着动画回答。).2. Cartoon timeT: You like cartoons, I think. Now. I have a funny cartoon story. Lets enjoy the cartoon.Turn to page 41. Read it by yourselves first. Try

9、to know . Whose bag are they?T: Its Tinas bag. This is Bobbys bag.Bobby takes Tinas bag. Lets learn more details about the story.Look. What time is it?Ss: Its eight oclock.(出示课件句子) Listen to Bobby. Can you read? What time is it ? Its eight oclock.(老师带学生读第一幅图的句子,学生听第二幅图的句子,自己体验朗读。) T:Good, try to imi

10、tate. Now, read the sentences together.(学生连读两句)Look at the picture. Bobby takes Tinas bag. Tina is very worried. What does she say? Listen.Try to repeat . (老师让学生模范Tina, 并带读)Bobby is in the classroom. He looks very worried. What does Bobby say? (学生听录音,然后模范朗读。老师拿出一个小包示范句子,并让学生边说边做动作体验情绪。)T: Look. What

11、s this? Its a mirror. What are these? Combs. (老师拿出实物边演示边生词,让学生体会意思。)Follow me: Whats this? What are these?(多带读几遍)(老师示范Bobby, 手拿镜子和梳子。并要求学生模仿Bobby,说一说)T: Wheres Bobby bag?Listen !S: Bobby. Heres your bag!(学生模仿朗读。) T: Now ,lets watch the cartoon and read after it.T: Good job.You can choose your way to

12、 enjoy the reading time.I think you read very well and you can act well, too.Lets try to act. Who can be Bobby and Tina? (让学生两人演一演)Step4: ConsolidationT: I have a good time with you today. I would like to say.Time flies like an arrow.So please cherish time .Step5: Homework1.Share the story with friends.Try to act . 与好友分享故事书,并尝试表演。2.Read “cartoon time ” for 5 times. Try to repeat. 读5遍卡通故事,并复述。3.Try to tell the time in English能用英文表达时间。板书设计: Unit 6. What time is it? A: What time is it? B : Its oclock.



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