第三版《大学英语 》1 一课一练Unit 3.docx

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1、第三版大学英语 1 一课一练 Unit 3北京团结年夜教年夜教英语II课程(上中教版)一课一练北京团结年夜教年夜教英语课程(上中教版)一课一练试卷(Unit Three,Book One)(注:只管接纳实习册内里的标题以及学问面)Part I Writing (30 minutes) 注重:此全体试题正在问题卡1上。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of XXXXX. You should write at least 120 words follo

2、wing the outline given below:Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Good Manners. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1天下上的人皆瞧重优秀的止为活动.2正在大众场所的一些优秀的止为活动.3假如每一团体皆培植起了好的

3、止为活动Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). For questions 8-10

4、, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.注重:此全体试题请正在问题卡1上做问。Someone said to a man, Travel and see the world.He answered, Why should I? People are the same everywhere. They are born. They are babies. They are children. They are adults. They grow old. They die. While they are

5、 alive, they have the same emotions. They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness, security and fear, pride and shame, comfort and discomfort. That is why I do not want to travel. I can learn everything here. Im going to stay home.The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the same, but peop

6、le are also different. They all have the same pattern of life birth, youth, old age, and death. But these stages of life have different values in different cultures. Also, while all people have the same emotions, the causes of these emotions are different. A situation that may bring happiness in one

7、 place may not bring happiness in another place.For example, in many countries old age is a happy time. Young people in these countries show respect to the old people. Young people listen when old people speak because they believe that an old person is a wise person. In that kind of society old peop

8、le receive honor, privilege and satisfaction. In Korea, old people are honored and respected. When they are too old to live alone, they live with a son, daughter, or other relatives. When they become sixty-one years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests.

9、They receive many gifts. This birthday even has a special name. All other birthdays are called sing il (born day). The sixty-first birthday is called huan gup (beginning of new life). The sixty-first birthday has a special name because when people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their fami

10、ly and their community change toward them. The younger people call then grandfather or grandmother, even if they are not related to them. Their position in life is good because they receive honors and respect. Everyone looks forward to this time.In the United States, it is quite different for old pe

11、ople. Most old people do not live with their children or relatives. If they have enough money, they buy houses or apartments in places where other old people live. If theyare not healthy and strong enough to live alone, they live in special homes for old people. There, strangers take care of them. F

12、or many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to stay thin and they act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attent

13、ion. Also, businesses do not want old people to work for them. So, old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.So we can see that the man who stayed home was wrong. People are different in their customs and their values. There a

14、re young people and there are old people in Korea and in North America, but it may be better to be young in North America and old in Korea.1. The man didnt want to travel because _.A. he was too old and in very poor healthB. he could not speak a foreign languageC. he thought he could learn everythin

15、g about life without travellingD. he preferred to stay home to enjoy his old age2. The word security in the first paragraph might mean _.A. safetyB. careC. dangerD. freedom3. All over the world people are the same because _.A. they have the same habits and customsB. they have the same stages of life

16、C. they have the same emotionsD. both B and C4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. People are the same, but people are also different.B. Stages of life have different values in different cultures.C. All people have the same emotions, such as love and hate, happiness and sadness.D. All people feel the same emotions in similar situations.5. In Korea old people are happy because


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