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1、被动语态专练1. 这项工作能够在两天之内完成。 The work _ _ _ in two days.2. 孩子们将会在聚会上唱一首英语歌。An English song _ _ _ in the party by the children.3. 教室每天都有人清洁。 The classroom _ _ every day.4. 白天看不到星星。 Stars _ _ _in the daytime.5. 这些照片是在长城拍的。 The photos _ _ on the Great Wall.宾语从句1.你知道在哪里买这种鞋子吗? Do you know _ _ _ this kind of

2、shoes?2.我不明白他们为何对黄致列如此疯狂。 I cant understand _ _ _ so crazy about Huang Zhilie.3.我想知道为什么你今天又不交作业。 I want to know_ _ _ hand in your homework again today.4、我经常请教英语老师怎样才能够学好英语。 I often ask my English teacher _ _ _ learn English well.5.琳达还没有决定去哪买裙子。 Linda hasnt decided _ _ _ a new dress yet.6.妹妹问我是否可以送她一

3、本书。 My sister asked me _ _ _ _ her a book. 感叹句1. 多冷的天气啊! _ _weather it is!2. 他是一个多么聪明的人啊! _ _ _ man he is!3. 他们跑得真快啊!_ _ they are running!4. 这种食物真美味!_ _ the food is!5. 多么漂亮的花啊!_ _ flowers they are!定语从句1.他的哥哥在一家离家近的工厂上班。His brother works in a company _ _ near his home.2. 他就是上周我在会议遇到的教授。Hes the profes

4、sor _ _ _ at the meeting last week.3.她是一个来自英国的女孩。She is the girl _ _ _ England.4. 老人讲的故事很有趣。The stories _ the old man told _ very interesting.5.我仍然记得在俱乐部的学生和他们的书写。I still remember the students and their handwriting _ I saw in the club.6.这是我在她桌面上能找到的唯一的一封信。This is the only letter _ I can find on her desk.物用which 人用who, 有人有物就用thatonly、最高、序数、不定代词只用that


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