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1、M11 U3 The secret of success 一 单词1. mayor n. 市长 mayoress 女市长2. improvement u.n. 改善 c.n. 改进处;改善的事物3. resign v. 辞职 4. facility n.设施;设备5.合成词 self-educated adj. 自学的 pocket-sized adj. 袖珍的6. calculator n.计算器 7. receipt n. 收据8. ridiculous adj. 可笑的; 荒唐的9. tire vi (使)疲劳; 疲倦10. fold v. 折叠 11. cycle v. 骑自行车12.

2、 will n. 意志; 毅力;遗嘱13. plug v. 插上;堵塞; n. 插头14. economical adj. 节约的;实惠的 economic adj. 经济的15. downsize v. 裁员,精简16. unsure adj. 没把握的;不确定的17. survivor n. 幸存者 survive v. 经历仍活着;比活得长18. informer n. 提供情报者 inform v. 19. offshore adj. 海外的;境外的20. scratch v. 抓;挠;刮破21.taxpayer n. 纳税人 porter n. 行李员22. unemployed a

3、dj. 失业的23. faith n. 信心;信仰 24. fibre n. 纤维25. optional adj. 非必要的;可选的26. thirst n. 渴望;渴求 thirsty adj.渴望的27. microscope n. 显微镜28. drive n. 干劲 29. bless v. 保佑;祝福30. nursery adj. 幼儿教育的 n. 托儿所31. mop v. 用拖把拖地 n. 拖把32. shrink v. ( shrank / shrunk; shrunk)缩水;缩小33. dignity n. 自尊;尊严二词组1. make improvement in /

4、 on / to sth. 改进Theres still room for improvement in 尚有改进的余地expect to see further improvement 期待会有进一步的改善a steady / significant improvement稳定的 / 重大的改进home improvements 住房的整修improvements to the bus service公共汽车服务的改善2. resign from sth. 辞职;辞去(某职务)resign as manager 辞去经理的职务resign oneself to sth. 听任;顺从resig

5、n oneself to the fate 听天由命3. pull out 退出;脱离4. the last minute / moment 最后一刻5. put out 公布;广播;出版6. take off 快速成功;突然流行7. put together 组装; 汇集8. tire of 对 感到厌倦9. throw oneself into 积极从事;投身于10. fold up 对折;折叠11. be economical with the truth 有所隐瞒12. body count(战争)死亡人数13. survive the crisis 渡过危机survive sb. b

6、y 3 years 比某人多活三年14. scratch the surface 隔靴搔痒15. inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事inform on sb. 告发某人16. be allergic to sth. 对 过敏 / 反感 / 厌恶17. employment agency 职业介绍所18. capital punishment / death penalty死刑19. have / lose faith in sth.对 有 / 失去信心break / keep faith in sth. 对守 / 不守信用restore ones faith in human

7、nature恢复对人性的信心in good faith 真诚;诚心诚意地in bad faith 存心不良;背信弃义地20. for the taking 供自由取用21. God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!be blessed with 赋有(能力);享有(幸福)give ones blessing to sth. 批准 with ones blessing得到某人的同意Its a blessing that 幸好 a blessing in disguise 因祸得福;祸中有福17. nursery rhyme 童谣;儿歌18. shrink from (doing) sth.

8、回避 19. die with dignity 死得有尊严 the dignity of work 工作的尊严 beneath ones dignity 有失尊严;有失身份 stand on ones dignity保持尊严;要求得到应有的礼遇巩固练习一 单词拼写:1. She is ane_housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply. 2. A holiday isnt ano_extra. In this stressful, frantic world its a must3. Hong Kongs manufacturing industry di

9、d not start froms_in the post-war period. 4. The room was divided by af_screen.5. This workshop aims to help youngu_people in Grimsby to find work and support themselves.6. Afamilytreeisad_withbranches,showinghow themembersof afamilyare descendedandrelated.7. If you talk about thed_of people or thei

10、r lives or activities, you mean that they are valuable and worthy of respect.8. Itsr_that weshouldhavetoqueue, when wehavealreadygotourtickets.9. Something or someone that isf_is able to change easily and adapt to different conditions and circumstances as they occur.10. If you say that something isu

11、nder the m_, you mean that it is being studied very closely, usually because it is believed that something is wrong with it.二 单项填空:1. -Tommy, were in great need of your help here and -Look, _. Im not coming and thats that A. Id love to B. thats nice of you C. it doesnt matter D. just forget it 2. Mr

12、. Smith stated that in no other way _.A. the matter could be explained B. the matter could explainC. could the matter explain D. could the matter be explained3. What are you considering? _ my job.A. Changing B. To change C. Change D. Changed4. Mum, please let us, Mary and me, go to Jacks birthday pa

13、rty tomorrow, _?A. can you B. will you C. shall we D. may we5. In our newly-built library there are many tables, _ you can sit there to read books before you borrow them. A. where B. near which C. and D. which 6. I couldnt answer the teachers question. And _ in my class could answer it either.A. not any B. no one else C. none D. somebody else7. You can use a large plastic bottle, _ cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in.A. the top is B. with its top C. whose top D. the top of which8. Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? _. A. Id rather you didnt, actually B. Of course not, its not allo


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