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《Eating in Italy.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Eating in Italy.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、窗体顶端窗体底端 Eating in ItalyEating a leisurely Italian meal is one of the pleasures of traveling in Italy! Italians are very proud of their cuisine and rightly so, for their food is renowned throughout the world. Italian cooking is still very regional with the different towns and regions having their ow

2、n traditions and specialities. Understanding how Italians traditionally eat will help you get the most out of your travel experience.1.Where to Dine in Italy:There are some more formal dining establishments ,such asosteria ,trattoria and ristorance.If you just want a sandwich, you can go to a bar. A

3、 bar in Italy is not just a place for drinking alcohol and there are no age restrictions. Having a cup of coffee at the bar is a daily Italian ritual, at breakfast, mid-morning or after lunch .Whether it is an espresso coffee, a cappuccino or one of the many other versions of coffee in Italy, it is

4、generally consumed standing at the bar rather than sitting down at a table. 2.The Italian Menu:Traditional Italian menus have five sections. A full meal usually consists of an appetizer, first course and a second course with a side dish. Its not necessary to order from every course, but usually peop

5、le order at least two courses. Traditional meals may last one or two hours or even longer.Italians often go out for a long Sunday lunch with their families and restaurants will be lively. Its a good chance to experience Italian culture. Italian Appetizers - Antipasti: (意大利开胃菜-开胃:)Antipasticome befor

6、e the main meal. One choice will usually be a plate of the local cold cuts and there will probably be some regional specialties. Sometimes you can order anantipasto mistoand get a variety of dishes. This is usually fun and can be more food than youd expect for the price! In the south, there are some

7、 restaurants that have anantipasto buffetwhere you can select your own appetizers. The First Course - Primo:第一道菜The first course is pasta, soup, orrisotto(rice dishes, especially found in the north). Usually there are several pasta choices. Italian pasta dishes may have less sauce than Americans are

8、 usually used to. In Italy, the type of pasta is often more important than the sauce. Some risotto dishes may say minimum of 2 persons. The Second or Main Course - Secondo: 第二或主菜-二:The second course is usually meat, poultry, or fish.It doesnt usually include any potato or vegetable. There are someti

9、mes one or two vegetarian offerings, although if they are not on the menu you can usually ask for a vegetarian dish. The Side Dishes - Contorni:配菜Usually you will want to order a side dish with your main course. This could be a vegetable (verdura), potato, orinsalata(salad). I sometimes order only a

10、 salad instead of the meat course.The Dessert - Dolce:甜点At the end of your meal, you will be offereddolce. Sometimes there may be a choice of fruit (often whole fruit served in a bowl for you to select what you want) or cheese. After dessert, you will be offeredcaffeor adigestivo(after dinner drink)

11、. 3.Drinks:Most Italians drink wine,vino, and mineral water,acqua minerale, with their meal. Often the waiter will take the drink order before your food order. There may be a house wine that can be ordered by the quarter, half, or full liter and will not cost much. Coffee is not served until after t

12、he meal ,and iced tea is rarely served either. If you do have ice tea or soda, there will not be free refills.4.Italian Meal Times: 意大利餐时:In the summer, Italians usually eat fairly late meals. Lunch will not start before 1:00 and dinner not before 8:00. In the north and in winter, meal times may be

13、half an hour earlier while in the far south in summer you may eat even later. Restaurants close between lunch and dinner. In large tourist areas, you may find restaurants open all afternoon. Nearly all shops in Italy are closed in the afternoon for three or four hours, so if you want to buy a picnic

14、 lunch be sure to do it in the morning! 5.Top 8 Must Eat Foods in ItalyI am sure that everyone wants to know about the Italian food, so let me recommend 8 Italian food for you.Pizza Margherita玛格丽特比萨Traditional Italian pizza is a thin crust, similar to baked pita taste and texture. Each family owned

15、business features their special sauce, basil and mozzarella cheese. It sounds simple and boring, but trust thy Roman palate, the exquisite sauce and cheese combinations will make you believe that every fine pizza should be created, Roman style. So the next time the moon hits your eye like a big pizz

16、a pie, devour it.传统的意大利披萨是薄薄的一层,类似于烤皮塔饼的味道和质地。每个家族企业特征的特殊的酱,罗勒和芝士。这听起来很简单,很无聊,但是相信你的古罗马的口味,精致的调味汁和奶酪的组合会让你相信每一个精致的比萨都应该被创造出来,罗马风格。所以下次月亮像一个大披萨饼一样打你的眼睛。Gelato冰淇淋There is no shortage of gelatarias in Italy, or flavors for that matter. In a cone or a cup, experience the true bliss of gelato. The texture is softer than ice cream and made with different ingredients. Southern Italy founded the dair


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