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1、工程光学实验 F-P干涉仪实验九 法布里-珀罗(F-P)干涉仪测钠双线的波长差实验目的1了解法布里-珀里(F-P)干涉仪的结构,掌握调节与使用F-P干涉仪的方法;2用F-P干涉仪观察钠双线的实验现象。仪器和装置法布里-珀里(F-P)干涉仪,钠光灯,测量望远镜 法布里-珀里(F-P)干涉仪是由两块间距为h,相互平行的平板玻璃G1和G2组成,如图1所示。为了获得明亮细锐的干涉条纹,两板相对的内表上镀有高反射铝膜或多层介质膜,两反射面的平面度要达到1/20 1/100波长,同时,两板还应保持平行。为了避免G1、G2外表面反射光的干扰,通常将两板做成有一小楔角。将G2固定,G1可连续地在精密导轨上移动

2、,以调节两板间距h。图1 F-P干涉仪光路原理图F-P干涉仪属于分振幅多光束等倾干涉装置。可用有一定光谱宽度的扩展光源照明,在透镜L的焦平面上将形成一系列很窄的等倾亮条纹。与迈克耳逊干涉仪产生的双光束等倾干涉条纹比较,F-P干涉仪的等倾圆纹要细锐得多,如图2所示。图2 两种干涉仪产生的干涉图a) F-P干涉仪产生的多光束干涉图 b) 迈氏干涉仪产生的双光束干涉图一般情况下,测量迈氏仪产生的圆条纹时读数精度为 1/10条纹间距左右;对F-P干涉仪产生的圆条纹,其读数精度可高达条纹间距的 1/100 1/1000。因此,F-P干涉仪常用于高精度计量技术与光谱精细结构分析。 实验原理如果投射到F-P

3、干涉仪上的光波中含有两个光谱成分1、2,其平均波长为,则在L的焦平面上,可以得到分别用实线(2)和虚线(1)表示的两组同心圆条纹(21),如图3所示。两波长同级条纹的角半径稍有差别。对于靠近条纹中心的某点(0),两波长干涉条纹的级次差图3 波长1和2的两组等倾圆纹(9-1)另外,由图3可知(9-2)式中,e是两波长同级条纹的相对位移量,e是同一波长的条纹间距。比较上两式,当12时,可得到 (9-3)式中,平均光波长由分辨本领较低的分光仪预先测定。因此,只要测出e、e 和h就可按式(9-3)计算出波长差。 应该注意的是,利用上述方法测量时,不允许使两组条纹的相对位移e大于条纹间距e,即不允许发生

4、干涉级次的交错现象。内容和步骤1. 调试仪器(1) 转动手轮1将G1与G2间的间距调至2mm左右,再分别调节G1、G2背面的螺钉3使之松紧程度大致相同。(2) 点亮钠灯,调节光窗位置,使之处于G1板的正前方。(3) 在钠灯光窗的毛玻璃上画一个十字线,则在G2的透射光中可看到十字线的多个象,分别调节螺钉3和微调旋钮4,使各个十字线象完全重合。此时,视场中应有条纹出现,将圆纹中心调至视场中央。左右移动眼睛,仅圆条纹中心随眼睛移动,而环径大小不变,这表示G1和G2内表面平行。换用望远镜观察,略微调节旋钮4,便可得到图2所示的圆纹。2观察现象 旋转微调手轮2,缓慢减小G1和G2的间距。注意用力均匀轻缓

5、,不能使两者相碰。然后反方向旋转微调手轮2,增大h。必须沿一个方向旋转手轮,不得中途逆转,以避免回程误差。这时视场中条纹数逐渐增加,并且开始分离出双线。注意观察实验现象继续增大h,当e=e时,1的第m级条纹与2的第m1级条纹重合,称此为重级现象。若再继续增大h,将出现ee,发生级次交错。在测试中是不允许出现级次交错。思考题1. 分振幅双光束干涉条纹与多光束干涉条纹的强度分布有什么不同?原因是什么?2. 开始调节F-P干涉仪时,圆纹中心往往偏在一边甚至不在视场内;或者圆纹中心虽在视场中央,但移动眼睛时,圆纹中心不仅移动,环径也随之改变,这些现象如何解释?如何纠正?Experiment 9 Use

6、 of Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure wavelength difference between sodium doublet linesExperimental Objectives1. To understand the configuration of Fabry-Perot interferometer and master the operating technique of F-P interferometer2. To observe sodium doublet lines interferogram by F-P interfer

7、ometer.Apparatus and SetupFabry-Perot interferometer, sodium lamp, and measuring telescope As shown in Fig. 1, Fabry-Perot interferometer consists of two glass plates, which are parallel to each other with the separation of h. In order to obtain bright and sharp fringes, high-reflection aluminum fil

8、m or multilayer dielectric film is coated onto the internal surfaces of the plates. The flatness of two reflection surfaces is of 1/20 1/100 wavelength. In addition, the two plates must be kept strictly parallel. Usually, the plates are wedge-shape to prevent the disturbance of reflection lights fro

9、m external surfaces. G2 is fixed, and G1 can be moved continuously along a precision track to adjust the separation h.Reflection filmFig. 1 Principle of Fabry-Perot interferometerF-P interferometer is an amplitude-splitting multiple-beam equal-inclination interferometer. When a light source with cer

10、tain spectrum width is used, a series of very narrow equal-inclination bright fringes will be produced on the focal plane of the lens L in F-P interferometer. As shown in Fig. 2, these fringes are much narrower than those produced by double-beam equal-inclination interference of a Michelson interfer

11、ometer. In most of cases, the reading accuracy for Michelson interferometer is about 1/10 fringe separation, whilst that for F-P interferometer can reach 1/100 1/1000 fringe separation. Therefore, F-P interferometer is usually used for high-accuracy measurement and fine-spectrum analysis. Fig. 3-2 I

12、nterferograms produced by two interferometersa) Interferogram produced in F-P interferometer b) Interferogram produced in Michelson interferometer Experimental Principle For the light projected to F-P interferometer, there are two wavelengths of 1 and 2, whose average value is . On the focal plane o

13、f L, two concentric circular fringes (21) appear, denoted with solid line (2) and broken line (1) in Fig. 3. Please note that there are slightly differences in angular radius for the same order fringes produced by two wavelengths.Fig. 3 Two equal-inclination circular fringes for wavelength 1 and 2 F

14、or a certain point close to the center (0), the order difference of two fringes is.(9-1)In addition, from Fig. 3, we have(9-2)where, e is the relative displacement for the same order fringes, and e is the fringe separation for certain wavelength.Comparing the above two equations, when 12, we have(9-3)where, the average wavelength is pre-determined by a spectrometer with relatively low resolution. Therefore, once e, e and h are determined, the wavelength difference l can be calculated using Eq. (9-3).Please note that, when using this method to determine l, it is not allowed that th



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