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1、Lesson 4Offers一、含义报盘又称发盘,是商业交易磋商中买卖双方必经的过程。通常是一方先向另一方提出某种交易条件(如:上平名称、数量规格、交货期以及付款条件等),而另一方愿意接受此条件,即交易合同成立。在国际业务中,报盘分实盘和虚盘两种。实盘是卖方按其所提供的条件达成交易目的的肯定承诺,一旦买方在规定的答复期限内接受了报盘,卖方将不得对盘中任何条款作任何修改。虚盘则对卖方没有这种约束力,在某些情况下,报盘中的具体条款仍可修改。一般来讲,quotation and offer 都当报价讲,但是quotation 是指报价,没有实盘和虚盘之说;而offer 可以是firm offer o

2、r non-firm offer.Firm offer 是发盘人按其提供的条件已达成交易目的地明确表示,具有法律效力。受盘人(offeree)一旦在有效期限内接受实盘中的内容和条件,发盘人就无权拒绝售货。一项实盘必须具备以下内容:发盘的内容和词句必须肯定,不能用about, reference price(参考价) 等模棱两可的词。发盘的内容明确完整,其内容应该包括quality, quantity, packing, price, shipment, payment and validity, etc.发盘中不能有保留条件,如:以我方最后确认为准(subject to our final c

3、onfirmation)或以货物的未售出为准 (subject to goods being unsold) 。虚盘是发盘人所作的不肯定交易的表示。凡不符合实盘所具备的上述三个条件的发票,都是虚盘。虚盘无须详细的内容和具体条件,也不注明有效期。它仅表示交易的意向,不具有法律效力。出现下列一类,皆视为虚盘:Without engagement.(不符任何责任)Subject to prior sale. (有权先售)All quotations are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise. (所作报价,除特别注明外,须经我方确认后

4、才能生效)Our offer is subject to approval of export license. (出口许可证准许签证,我方报价才有效)报价一定清楚、完整、具体。报价属于中性信息,布局采用平铺直叙法。例1:实盘Dear Mr. Ali;Thank you for your letter of April 8, inquiring about our lithium rechargeable batteries for mobile phones. We are glad to offer you 5000 pieces lithium rechargeable batterie

5、s, style No.MTA190 at US 3.40 per piece FOB China. Shipment will be effected within 20 days after receipt of the relevant sight L/C in our favor issued by a bank acceptable to us.This offer is valid for 10 days.We are manufacturing various models of lithium batteries for mobile phone, and for many o

6、ther applications. Please refer to the catalog enclosed for complete list of models and their specifications.As you can see, prices from other makers are at least 20% higher than ours. We hope you can take advantage of this introductory price and send us your acceptance immediately.If we can be of a

7、ny further help, please let us know. We are only too happy to be of any service to you.例2:虚盘Dear Jones,We offer 300 metric tons of polished long grain rice, 2005 crop, 15% broken, at USD220 per metric ton FOB Huangpu, for shipment during October/November 2005. Payment is to be effected by irrevocabl

8、e sight L/C.This offer is subject to goods being unsold.Since the market is advancing, you will surely find our price competitive and we are looking forward to your immediate acceptance.Yours truly,二、Effective writing: Using common words三、完整报价函的写作步骤1. Thank the reader for his enquiry.Thank you for y

9、our letter ofWe have received your letter ofYour letter of has been received with thanksWe are in receipt of your letter2. Show detailed information regarding price, discounts and payment termsWe will allow you 5% discountsWe can offer you 3. Show promise of shipment or deliveryWe can assume you of

10、our prompt shipment.Shipment is to be effectedDelivery date is 4. Show validity of the offerThe offer is valid forThe offer is subject to 5. Express the wish that the offer can be acceptedWe are awaiting your order.We look forward to receiving your favorable reply.Your early reply is appreciated.四、E

11、xercilesI.Choose the best answer:1. _c_we would like to close the business with you, we find your bid unacceptable.a. Muchb. However muchc. Much as d. Despite 2. _a_ your counteroffer,we regret that we cant accept it.a. As regards b. In regards to c. With regards d. In regards 3. the firm offer crea

12、tes a power of acceptance,permitting the _b_by accepting the offer to transform the offerors promise into a contractual obligation.a. offer b. offereec. firm offer d. non-firm offer 4._b_I in your position,I would decline this offer.a. Was b. Were c. Be d. Am 5._a_the low stock of such goods,we woul

13、d advise you to accept our offer immediately.a. Owing to b. Because c. Since d. As 6. _a_you like other items,please let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.a. In case b. In the case c. In this case d. In that case 7. _a_our representative calls on you next week,he wil

14、l make you an offer _we feel sure will meet with your approval.a. Whenwhich b. Whowhichc. Whenwith that d. Whomwith it 8. Although the articles you require are _b_,we can offer you a substitute. a. dropped b. out of stock c. sold out d. heavily committed 9. As our stocks are rapidly _c_,the maximum

15、quantity we can supply is 100 tons. a. running b. shortage c. diminishing d. stopping 10. As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement as _a_.a. follows b. follow c. following d. followed 11. We are sending you by separate airmail a complete set of samples _b_you will find them satisfactory.a. to hope b. hoping c. hopefull



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