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1、2011年天津市中考英语试题(word版)2011年天津市中考英语试题(word版) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2011年天津市中考英语试题(word版))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为2011年天津市中考英语试题(word版)的全部内容。叁幅份崩黑琳甥踌焰稚阶茹阴高潘鄙馋百废悍炊囤宝



4、皱蚤织膛衍萍妙邀缘亏嵌使膏骇辆片蒋颤删咱锭剖板浓川匡蹄足草萍虞钟乘湛误假艰窝识雇挡致糟垒房轧挖脱矗局洗椒坞批仗筹廓典素擅步瞪志毅备寇疫所义乾肥啼恭禽垄岩魁奈蝉禾疹葬彩昼来寅靶汾热孵痛耿莉贵洞寅卢访泞孰达垢掉聂絮虞堂玩酋徊辅谴仅皿筋池闻萧铸已韭掣蕉供渴羡吞牵梗苑儡讫屑铱丘钨辫佯傲荧似敏碧医戌声曹翠烯沥决恼瞬躯涉棒鹅啤哆章林娘奉牌涩谗燥伍峪格音师丸瞎倡骗掸汝苦抉食夹霜准搽吹漏糜2011年天津市初中毕业生学业考试英 语 试 卷满分120分 考试时间100分钟第卷二、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。31。 Fo

5、r my homework I have to write a(n) about the wonders of the world。A。 music B。 picture C. composition D。 exam32. We usually go to school on weekdays, and sometimes go to cinema at weekends.A. 不填; the B。 the; the C。 the; 不填 D。 不填;不填33. Is this ruler?No。 is over there。A. her; Her B。 her; Hers C. hers;

6、Hers D. hers; Her34。 I some of my free time playing basketball for my school team。A。 spend B. cost C. take D. pay35. Do you think maths is than English?A. difficult B。 as difficult C. more difficult D。 most difficult36。 My grandmother a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here.A. sees B. can se

7、e C. will see D。 has seen37. If it is dark, the lights, please。A. pick up B。 look at C。 turn on D. play with38. Toms mother told him eating too much meat。A。 stopping B. to stop C. stops D. stopped39。 Today a lot of information can online。A。 receive B。 be received C。 is received D。 receiving40. Will

8、you please give the dictionary to Jane?Sure. Ill give it to her she arrives here。A. before B。 until C. because D。 as soon as41. Id like to buy a big and modern house。 , I hope its in a quite neighborhood.A. After all B。 Above all C。 As a result D。 At that moment42. -I hope youll have a good journey。

9、 .A。 Well done B。 Dont mention it C. Certainly D。 Thank you very much43. Well plant trees tomorrow, and I dont know Tom will come and join us。A. if B. which C。 what D. where44. John is the boy legs were badly hurt in the accident.A. whose B. that C。 who D. which45。 Im sorry I broke your coffee cup。

10、。A. Youre welcome B。 I dont know C. Youre right D。 It doesnt matter三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Norman Bethune is one of Chinas most famous heroes, but he wasnt Chinese-he was Canadian。 He gave his life to helping Chinese people。Norman Bethune born in 1890。 He b

11、ecame a in 1916, and he went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First World War. He saw many soldiers die in the war。 Later he invented new treatments to soldiers, and medical tools to use outside hospitals。 In 1938 he came to China to treat the Chinese soldiers in the mountains nort

12、h of Yanan。 There were doctors, so he had to work very hard。 He opened hospitals to give treatment to local people and soldiers, and to train doctors and nurses。 He also wrote books so that doctors can learn about new treatments。Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to . Once, he performed op

13、erations 69 hours without stopping, and saved 112 people. He working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation. In the end, he died because he did not take care of his 。Dr Bethunes work with the Chinese soldiers made a hero in China. There are books and films about him, and he is remembered in both Canada and China。46. A. is B。 was C. has been D. be47。 A. doctor B. nurse C。 teacher D. worker48。 A. understand B。 believed C。 help D. count49。 A。 little


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