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1、2020年广东省深圳市新洲中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析 20xx年广东省深圳市新洲中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _ since her marriage to Father. A. shoulders? B. shouldered? C. is shouldering? D.has been shouldering 参照答案: D 考点:视察时态。 解析:在本句since 表示自从过去到现在, 所以用现在完成时, 现在完成进行时为现在完成时的一种。 2. The Chin

2、ese Women Volleyball Team, _ by Lang Ping, won the gold medal in the Rio Olympics. A. coaching B. coached? C. to be coachedD. having coached 参照答案: B 考查非谓语动词的过去分词。句意:由郎平教练指导,中国女子排球队在里约奥运会赢得金牌。用过去分词作状语,The Chinese Women Volleyball Team和coach是被动关系,用过去分词作状语。应选B。 3. Not until all the fish died in the riv

3、er _ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realize C. the villagers did realize D. didnt the villagers realize 参照答案: A 试题分析:考查倒装句。否定词放在句首主句使用部分倒装,助动词提前,句意:直到河里所有的鱼都死了,村民们才意识到污染是多么的严重呀。依据语境选C。 4. _ Im not good at art, I do have a good appreciation of art product

4、s. A. Because B. Since C. If? D. While 参照答案: D 试题解析:句意:无论我不擅长于艺术,但是我对艺术品还是很有品鉴能力的。while无论应选D。 5. We stayed in a quiet hotel, _. A. next to it was a thick wood ? B. next to which a thick wood was C. next to it there was a thick wood? D. next to which was a thick wood 参照答案: D 6. - You may make more mi

5、stakes if your paper is left_. - Thanks a lot. And would you give me some advice on how to polish it? A. being unchecked? B. to be unchecked? C. to check D. unchecked 参照答案: D D 考查非谓语动词。leave sth +宾补,这里用unchecked 来对助于进行补充说明。句意为:你可能会犯更多的错误,如果你的文章不加检查的话。非常感谢。你能给我一些如何修改它的建议吗?应选D。 7. I told you that you

6、shouldnt waste your time playing the computer games,_? A. didnt I B. did I? C. should you D. shouldnt you 参照答案: A 8. Yesterday I saw a woman _ in the street, with a little boy _ on her shoulder. A. walking; seating? ?B. walk; sat C. walking; seated D. to walk; sitting 参照答案: C第一格空是see sb. Doing 结构, 应

7、用walking;第二个空作宾语补足语,表示小男孩是坐着的。故C是最正确答案。 9. This time next week Ill be on vacation .Probably I _ on the beach. A. am lying B. have lain C. will have lain? D. will be lying 参照答案: d 略 10. The young backpacker always_ at the youth hotel when hes in Kathmandu. A.puts up? B.sets down? C es out? D takes up

8、 参照答案: A 【考查方向】考查动词短语的用法。 句意:年轻的背包族在Kathmandu的时候,常常在这个青年旅馆住宿。A. puts up竖立,张贴,住宿,B. sets down记下,C. come about发生,D. takes up占据,从事,开始学习。依据句意选A。 11. Is this the computer you _ last week? ? Thats it. Ahad it repaired? Brepaired it? Chad repaired Dhad repair 参照答案: C 12. Its said that Mary and Joan quarrel

9、ed yesterday, but they _ soon afterwards. A. put up B. brought up? ? C. made up? ? D. set up 参照答案: C 略 13. She was likely to tell the whole truth, in cases ? ? other people would have kept silence. ? A. whereB. thatC. whoD. which 参照答案: A 14. The Three Gorges will offer you a wonderful trip, _ youll

10、remember all your life. A.? what B. that? C. it? D. one 参照答案: 【知识点】A2? 代词 【答案解析】D。解析:One替代前面的可数名词trip,和trip是同位关系,one后面接一个定语从句,省略了关系词that。句意:三峡之行为你提供出色的旅程,让你铭记终生的旅程。 【典型总结】it指代的是同类同物,that指代的是同类异物,one指的是上下文中提到的同类事物中的一个。 15. Oh, how depressed! Im bound to lose to him in tomorrows competition. Cheer up!

11、 In fact, he is _ than you. A. no less nervous? B. not more nervous? C. no more nervous? D. a little more nervous 参照答案: A 16. In more recent decades, California has become _ home to more people from Asia. ? A. a B. an? C. the? D / 参照答案: D 17. He said that he didnt know _ to deal with the matter, so

12、I left. A. whatB. whenC. whereD. how 参照答案: D 18. Park Geun-hye, _ president of the Republic of Korea, will take_ office this month Athe; / B/ ;/? C/;an Dthe; an 参照答案: A 二、 短文改错 19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线

13、()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只同意修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 I read a story about a girl last week. The girl carried a pot of milk in her head to the market. Walked along the street, she began calculating what she would buy before she sold the milk. She said to her, Ill buy a new d

14、ress, and when I go to the ball, all the young man will lance with me. When she spoke, she shakes her head happily. The pot immediately fell onto the ground, and milk was spilled(洒出) The girl went to back without anything. She felt very sadly. Her mother comforted her and said, “My child, dont count your chickens before they are hatching. 参照答案: I read a story about a girl last week. The girl carried a pot of milk in her head to the market. ? on? Walked along the street, she beg


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