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1、2023年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Drivers run the red lights, or they will lose 6 points at a time.AcantBneedntCmay notDmustnt2、The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are built close toeach

2、 other.AwhoBthatCwhatDThey3、The photos successfully show the rich culture _makes Shiyan so famous.AwhatBwhichCwhoDwhy4、I hear a big fire _ at midnight in the town last night.Abroke down Bbroke outCput out Dput down5、Nowadays, more and more students are learning English online with smart phones. They

3、 think those apps for English language learners can help improve oral English. But they cost a large of amount of money.Athem; theirBtheir; themCthey; themDthem; they6、I hear a bridge _ over the Qiongzhou Channel(琼州海峡) in several years.Awill be builtBis builtChas built7、“_ theres still much work to

4、be done, the peoples government will not let the people down.” Premier Li said on March 5 in Beijing.ABecauseBUnlessCIfDAlthough8、May I watch TV now? No, you _. You _ do your homework first.Amay not; can Bcant; mayCmay not; must Dcant; must9、In April, the weather in some places changes a lot. People

5、 remember when they have four seasons in one week.AorganizedBdescribedCexpressedDexperienced10、Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?ADisturb.BDentist.CDirect. 完形填空11、 Special homework was given to the students in Grade Four at a primary school in Foshan, Guangdong th

6、is April, that is to say, the children must 1 100 million grains (颗粒) of rice. A maths teacher Miss Chang asked her students to 2 the homework in two days. If some students 3 to finish in time, they would go on counting the rice at the weekend. Some parents thought that if it took a 4 to count three

7、 grains, it would take more than a year to count 100 million grains of rice. 5 , others thought it was a good idea. A parent surnamed Lin said it could 6 students to use their brains. “I will 7 my daughter to count 100 or 1,000 grains of rice first, and then 8 them and multiply (乘以) the figure to re

8、ach 100 million grains of rice. So she will have a clear 9 of the number 100 million,” she said. “The special homework could 10 help develop childrens patience,” Lin added.Some Internet users also praised the special homework for encouraging children to 11 new ways to do their homework.Miss Chang sa

9、id earlier this week that she hoped the students could learn knowledge 12 practical activities. She said she was 13 that 10 of her more than 40 students had finished the special homework by using cups or other 14 to count the rice. The homework helps students develop their abilities to 15 problems.

10、Its good for them.1AcookBbuyCcountDpick2AstartBfinishCmasterDcopy3AhadBwentCfailedDasked4AsecondBminuteChourDday5AButBHoweverCSo farDFirst of all6AinviteBallowCtellDencourage7AaskBletCmakeDhope8AcutBweighCcookDtaste9AanswerBunderstandingCtaskDgrain10AstillBalreadyCyetDalso11Athink aboutBthink ofCthi

11、nk overDthink out12AfromBinCbyDon13AsadBangryChappyDenjoyable14AtoolsBmachinesCfactsDopinions15AfindBdiscussCdeleteDsolve. 语法填空12、请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置上。Small talk and chitchat(闲谈) are the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family ev

12、ents or work.Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not w1. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers.Many people find these small conversations about unplanned subjects difficult. Some people say they hate it. Others say small talk is a w2 of time. They may even

13、 call it useless chitchat or useless chatter, meaning it doesnt do anything. They c3 small talk not important.However, small talk is important. These exchanges can open doors that may lead to l4, more meaningful conversations. When you first meet someone or talk to someone you dont know well, it wou

14、ld be awkward(尴尬的) to b5 a conversation about a really deep subject such as war, politics or the meaning of life.Small talk also gives you the c6 to decide if you want to get to know that person betteror not. Lets say you make small talk with someone at a party. But they only want to talk about cats

15、. You may not want to build a friendship with them u7 you really, really love cats.Chitchat can also increase your feeling of understanding toward people you know but not well. Chatting with a workmate about their child may help you to understand more of their life outside the o8. This could help build



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