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1、英语情景口语对话 初中英语对话教学是整个初中英语教学中培养学生口头交际能力的一个必不可少的组成部分,而培养学生的口头交际能力是初中英语的主要目的之一。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习! Steven has been married for a month. Tom comes to see him and asks what his married life is like. 史蒂文结婚已经一个月了。汤姆来看望他,并且问候他婚后的生活怎么样。 Tom: Hello, Steven. Congratulations! 汤姆:你好,史蒂文,恭喜你! Steven: Thank you. 史蒂文:谢谢

2、。 Tom: Hows your married life? 汤姆:你婚后的生活怎么样? Steven: Were happy together now. We both think that were a well-matched couple. 史蒂文:我们在一起很开心,我们都觉得彼此很般配。 Tom: Thats very good. Its said that marriage is the tomb of love. But the words may not be right. 汤姆:那太好了。有人说,婚姻是爱情的坟墓。但是,这句话不一定对。 Steven: The situati

3、on differs in person. 史蒂文:情况因人而异。 2 Julia is going to marry Steven. Annie comes to visit her and see if everything is ready. 茱莉娅就要和史蒂文结婚了。安妮来探望茱莉娅并看看是否一切准备就绪。 Annie: How are your wedding plans going? 安妮:你们的婚礼筹备得怎么样了? Julia: Very well. We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rus

4、h to getthings done. 茱莉娅:还不错,我们很早就开始淮备,就是为了避免到最后手忙脚乱。 Annie: When will your wedding take place? 安妮:婚礼什么时候举行? Julia: At ten oclock on the morning of next Sunday. We have invited all our relatives to thewedding. 茱莉娅:下周日上午十点。我们邀请了所有的亲戚来参加。 Annie: It will be a large church one. Is your wedding dress rea

5、dy? 安妮:那将是一次大型的教堂式婚礼。你的婚纱准备好了吗? Julia: Yes, its design is very elaborate and the designer took many weeks to make it. 茱莉娅:准备好了。这套婚纱设计精美。设计师用了好几个星期才完成。 Annie: You will be very beautiful on your wedding day. 安妮:你在婚礼当天一定会很漂亮。 Julia: Thank you! 茱莉娅:谢谢你! Annie: Which hotel will the reception be held at?

6、安妮:婚宴定在哪个酒店? Julia: The Palace Hotel. 茱莉娅:皇宫大酒店。 Annie: lts excellent. A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect,though very expensive. 安妮:这个酒店特别好。我的一个朋友结婚时就定的这个酒店,她说虽然特别贵,但一切弄得很完美。 Julia: It will be expensive, but we think it will be worth. 茱莉娅:肯定会很贵,但是我们都觉得值了。 Annie:

7、 I think you made the right decision. 安妮:我认为你们的决定是对的。 3 Steven meets his old friend Tom on the street, and tells him that he has got married. 史蒂文在街上遇到了他的老朋友汤姆,告诉他自己已经结婚了。 Steven: Tom, I married Julia last month. Have you already known it? 史蒂文:汤姆,我上个月和茱莉娅结婚了,你知道了吗? Tom: No, I havent. Im so surprised

8、at the news. 汤姆:不,我还不知道。这个消息真令我惊讶。 Steven: Indeed, we got married too soon. 史蒂文:确实,我们结婚太快了。 Tom: Congratulations. But have you heard the proverb that if one gets married too hurriedlyone may regret it for a long time? 汤姆:恭喜你!不过你听过“结婚 匆匆,后悔无穷”这句谚语吗? Steven: Yes. However, I believe that marriage comes

9、 by destiny. I knew I would marry Juliawhen I met her at the first time. 史蒂文:我听过。不过,我相信姻缘天注定。当第一次见到茱莉娅时,我就知道将来会和她结婚。 Tom: Hows your married life? 汤姆:你们婚后的生活怎么样? Steven: Were happy together now. 史蒂文:我们俩都感到很幸福。 Tom: I have to say youre a well-matched couple. 汤姆:我不得不说你们俩很般配。 Steven: Thank you! 史蒂文:谢谢你!


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