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1、市 政 与 环 境 工 程 系MUNICIPAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT前言本工程项目是高层酒店建筑给水、排水、消防工程的设计计算。该高层建筑位于吉林省长春市,是一栋以办公为主体含有宾馆、餐饮、洗浴的综合性高层建筑。建筑物总高度46米,总面积为,主楼是十五层建筑,并且还含有地下一层。根据设计资料及设计要求,给水系统采用并联水泵分区给水系统,分为:高区(十二至十五层)、中区(七至十一层)、低区(半地下室至六层)。根据本建筑物的特点,该工程排水系统采用:单立管排水系统;公共厨房与卫生间排水分开;厨房排水单独排出,集中除油处理再排放;地下室消


3、有了更扎实的基本功。关键词:给水工程;排水工程;消防工程;PrefaceThis designed project is the design of the water supply system, drainage system and fire fight system of the GuoShui office building in Changchun city. The building lies in Changchun city, Jilin provice, which is an integrated high-rise structure that accompanies

4、with guest house, meal and drinking, bathing, and so on. The building is about 87 meters high, which is 31,059 square meters area. Its main floor is 21th layers, and the both sides are six layers, but also there are two layers underground.According to design data and request, water supply system is

5、used shunt pump and zoning. There are three partitions: high zone (14th layer to 19th layer), mid zone (7th layer to 13th layer), low zone (underground layer to 6th layer).Based on the characteristic of the structure, there are five manners as following in the drainage system of the project: First,

6、single standpipe drainage system. Second, public kitchen and toilet effluent is designed the independent drainage system. Third, kitchen wastewater is designed theindependent system, and centrially removed oil before it is discharged. Four, collecting sump is located in the underground fire elevator

7、 shoot, pumping room, fire control, bathing and so on, and the drain water is discharged by submerged pump. Five, the wastwater of guest room toilet is discharged after being collected in the equipment room (technique interlayer). Fire system and living water system are dividually set up. Fire cock

8、system and automatic spraying system are commonly designed. The layout manners of fire cock system are as following: the arrangement of high area and low area guarantees well flowing of three strands inlet (pump inlet, pump adapter inlet, water tank inlet). High area and low area are used a pipeline

9、 by the water block supply, the between of which is installed reducing pressure valve that assures the pressure of the low area. The layout manners of automatic spraying system are as following: the high area (10th layer to 19th layer) is installed two wet alarm valves, and low area (undergroud 1th

10、layer to 9th layer) is installed three wet alarm valves. They guarantee well flowing of three strands inlet the same as they assure the trouble-free operation of all inlet water before the warning valves are started.Accoding to the design, I not only am proficient in the design points and the design

11、 contents of high buildings water supply project, drainage project, fire fight project and so on, but also there is better the basic skill to the engineering drawing.Keywords: Water supply project; Drainage project; Fire fight project不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印- III -目录前言IPrefaceII第1章 设计概论11.1 设计题目11.2 设计目的1

12、1.3 设计范围11.4 原始资料11.4.1 工程概况11.4.2 土建资料21.4.3 城市给排水资料21.5 设计任务及要求21.5.1 方案选择及确定21.5.2 图纸绘制要求3第2章 设计水量计算62.1 生活水量计算62.2 消防水量计算92.2.1 消火栓水量计算92.2.2 消防水池与水箱计算102.3 生活水箱与消防水池,进水管确定10第3章 生活给水系统设计113.1 给水系统分区113.2 给水系统设计方案选择113.3 给水管网敷设原则123.3.1 给水管网室外敷设原则123.3.2 给水管网室内敷设原则123.4 给水系统水力计算133.4.1 高、中、低区给水系统

13、水力计算133.4.2 低、中、高区水利计算表及水利计算图163.5 水泵确定243.5.1 高区水泵确定24第4章 排水系统设计264.1 排水系统选择的原则264.2 排水系统敷设原则264.2.1 排水系统的敷设原则264.2.2 排水系统的敷设几个常见问题274.3 排水系统的水力计算284.3.1 排水系统水力计算依据284.3.2 排水水力计算表和水力计算图31第5章 消防系统设计495.1 消防系统分区495.1.1 建筑耐火等级495.1.2 消防系统分区原则505.2 消防系统给水方式525.3 消防系统布置525.3.1 消火栓系统布置原则:525.3.2 消防系统布置53

14、5.4 消防系统水力计算535.4.1 消火栓系统计算535.5 消防系统水箱增压设备及减压阀计算595.5.1 消防水箱气压罐计算59参考文献63致谢64千万不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印。在目录上点右键“更新域”,然后“更新整个目录”。打印前,不要忘记把上面“Abstract”这一行后加一空行- V -第1章 设计概论1.1 设计题目某酒店给水排水、消防设计。1.2 设计目的毕业设计是在本科生学完教学计划所规定的全部课程后进行的最重要的也是最后一个实践性教学环节。它可以使学生综合运用和深化所学的理论知识,并且较系统地、完整地将所学的专业知识应用于实际、培养学生独立分析与解决实际问题的

15、能力。使其受到工程师的基本训练。它还能使学生,初步掌握专业工程设计的内容、基本要求、计算方法、设计步骤、绘图能力与某些技巧,为毕业后的专业工作奠定必要的基础。毕业设计又是以前各教学环节的继续、深化、总结与检验提高的过程,其效果将直接影响毕业生的质量。1.3 设计范围高层建筑给水排水工程毕业设计范围包括:建筑内部给水、排水、消防,的方案选择、技术经济分析、工艺设计计算、施工图设计,还包括自选或指定专题设计内容。1.4 原始资料1.4.1 工程概况设计建筑物位于长春市,是一栋以酒店为主体含有宾馆、餐饮、洗浴的综合性高层建筑。建筑物总高度56.8米,总面积为。主楼是十五层建筑,并且还含有地下一层。地下一层为变压房、泵房、制冷机房和空调机房,其面积为,层高为;地下室设有停车场和公共洗浴;一层设有大堂、西餐厅、备餐间、空调机房、消防控制室和员工电梯间,其面积为,层高为;二层左侧设有餐厅宴会厅包间、厨房,右侧为办公室、商店、美容美发室、库房和总机房,其面积为,层高为;三层左侧设有会议室健身房和休息大厅,右侧设有办公区和包厢,其面积为,层高为;四层右侧为洗浴区,其面积为,层高为;五到十四层是客房,其面积为,层高为;十五层为客


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