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1、仁爱英语七年级下期末复习材料Unit5-Unit8一、频度表示频度可以用频度副词和短语来表达如:alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldom never,once a week, twice a month, three times a year, everyday等等I always (总是100%)go to school by bike.I usually (经常80%)go to school by car.I often (通常60%)go to school by bus.I sometimes (有时40%)go to school by subway.I

2、seldom (很少10%)go to school on foot.I never (从不0%)go to school by train.He goes to school everyday.She goes to Shanghai twice a month.对频度的提问,应该用how oftenHe always goes to the park on foot.how often does he go to the park on foot?She goes to see her mother every week.how often does she go to see her m

3、other?They go to Shanghai twice a month.how often do they go to Shanghai?二、交通方式的表达:By+交通工具或动词短语构成by bike, by bus, by car , by plane , by train , by subway,by land, by air, by sea, by water, on foot,ride a bike, take a bus, take a plane, take a train, take the subway, walk to.交通工具名称:bike, bus, plane,

4、 air, train, subway等问交通方式则应该用how, 如:How does he go to school? How do you go to the park? How does she go to work?三、现在进行时:现在进行时:表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作。由be+doing构成。现在分词的构成情况:1.直接加ing:playing, doing, reading, singing2.以不发音的e结尾的动词,把e去掉,再加ing: dancing,living, taking, hiking, loving3.最后一个闭音节重读且后面只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写这个

5、辅音字母再加ing,如cutting,swimming, running, sitting,4.以ie结尾的动词,要把ie变成y再加ing,如diedying,lielying句子举例:He is playing basketball. Is he playing basketball? What is he doing?She is reading a book. Is she reading a book? What is she doing?They are running on the playground.I am swimming in the swimming pool.四、Th

6、ere is/are句型:There is/are句型:表示某处有某处,没有指明所属是其最大的特点,运用时单数用is,复数则用are,当出现多个物品时,则要考虑到就近原则。There is a book on the desk. There are two buildings in front of my house.There is an apple and two pears on the table.There are two pears and an apple on the table句型的变化:Is there a book on the desk? Are there any b

7、ooks in the schoolbag?What is on the table?(特殊问句)其中be动词,只能用is.五、表示地点或方位:On the desk/table/floor/playground/Xinhua Street/Nanjing Road/the corner of the classroomIn the classroom/the pencilcase/drawer/box/room/my pocket/schoolbagUnder the desk/table/bed/chair/sofaAcross from 在对面 betweenand 在.和.之间 nex

8、t to 紧挨着 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在.的前面 at the back of 在后面 at back of 在.后面 behind 在后面 in the neighbourhood 在附近 near 在附近六、问路:Is there a post office near here?Where is the post office ,please ?Do you know the way to the post office ,please?Which is the way to po

9、st office ,please?How can I get to post office?Can you tell me the way to post office?I want to go to post office .Do you know the way?指路:Its over there .Its next to the supermarketIts across from supermarketIts behind the supermarketIts between the supermarket and bookstore .Walk/Go along this stre

10、et.Its about 100 meters from here.Take the first turning on the left.Walk on and turn right.Turn left/right at the first/second/third crossing/turning, walk on to the end.七、时间表达:几点:介词at+点钟(几点的表达有两种,顺读和逆读,逆读有两种情况,一用past,小于或等于30分时,二用to,大于30分时,此时整点部分应该加1)如:at six at twelve at ten past eight at a quarte

11、r past eight half past eight fifteen to eleven 注:顺读:10:40 ten forty哪天:用介词on+星期或日期(日期的表达,英式是:the+序数词的日+of+月份,美式是:月份+the+序数词的日)如: on Monday on Friday on April the tenth on the ninth of April序数词:first第一 second第二 third第三 fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 twenty-first第二十一 twenty-second 第二十

12、二 twenty-third 第二十三哪年、哪月、哪个季节:介词用in (四位数的年,分成两个两位数来读)In 1996in nineteen ninety-six in January in spring八、谈论能力谈论能力:使用情态动词can ,其后动词用原形 结构可分为:sb can do sth. Sb cant do sthCan sb do sth? What can sb do?I/he/she/they can dance/sing/play the piano/basketballI/he/she/they cant dance/sing/play the piano/bas

13、ketballCan you/he/she/they dance/sing/play the piano/basketball?What can you/he/she/they do?注意:如果是过去时态的句子,需要把can改为could, cant改为couldnt.九、一般过去时:一般过去时:表示过去发生过的动作或过去所处的状态 动词过去式变化规则有五种情况:1. 直接加-ed played cleaned washed watched looked2. 以不发音的“e”结尾,直接加上-d lived loved liked danced3. 双写辅音再加-ed stop-stopped4

14、. 辅音字母加y,改y为i ,再加ed worried carried5. 特殊情况:没有规律,分为AA AB 型is/amwas arewere can-could have/hashad gowent do/doesdid句子类型及变化:肯定句结构为:主语+动词的过去式+其它。如:He went to the toy store yesterday.否定句结构为:主语+did not (didnt)+动词原形+其它。如:He didnt go to the toy store yesterday.一般疑问句的构成:Did+主语动词原形其它?如:1) -Did you go to Beiji

15、ng last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didnt.)2) -Did you meet the businessman before? -No, I didnt. (Yes, I did.)特殊疑问句的构成:特殊疑问词did+主语动词原形其它?如:1) -What did you do last night? -I did my homework.2) -Where did you go last week? -I went to Shanghai with my parents.十、季节和天气询问天气:一般现在时:how is the weather? What is the weather like? Its sunny 一般过去时:h


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