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1、初四语法总结第一讲 名词1. 单复数同形的名词 sheep fish deer Chinese Japanese yuan li 2. 名词作定语的常见用法 man woman 作定语单都单,复都复 sports 永远复数 其它名词在中心词上加s two meters long ; 110 meters hurdles ; 110-meter hurdle ; a five-minute walk ; five minutes walk 3. 量词 plenty of / a lot of / lots of +n(c/u) a number of / many / a few +n(c) m

2、uch / a large amount of / a great deal of / a bit of / a little +n(u)4. 名词所有格 Lucys and Lilys rooms Lucy and Lilys room a friend of my fathers a friend of mine 5. elses 6. a boys soccer boys soccer a childs soccer childrens soccer a womans dress womens dresses 7.常见的不可数名词 fun advice news information

3、weather work bread 8. “1.5小时” 的表达方式 one hour and a half one and a half hours 第二讲 冠词1. 26个字母中前加an 的有 a e f h i l m n o r s x 共12 个2. 1-10 中 只有8前要加an 3. 前加a 的短语有:a uniform a university a European country a usual day a one-way street a useful book 前加an 的短语有:an honest boy an effort an hour an unusual da

4、y an exciting day an island an example take an active part in an honor an easy way an excellent student an English boy 4. 零冠词的常见情况 have lunch make/elect him monitor in space by bus at night 5. 又一,再一 a second a fifth 6. 定冠词的用法 the more , the more the +比较级 + of the two 第三讲 数词1. 分数的表达方式 one second two

5、thirds 2. 基数词中特殊拼写 forty 序数词中特殊拼写 123单独记,8加h ,9去e , ve 常用f 替,遇到几十几只变尾数就可以。(first , second ,third , eighth , ninth , twelfth , twenty-first )3. 2000学生 two thousand students 数以千计的学生 thousands of students 这些学生当中的2000人 two thousand of the students 4. 在某人20多岁的时候 in ones twenties 在20年代 in the twenties in

6、the 1920s in the 1920s 5. 在2011年12月19日的下午3点 at three p.m. on December 19 , 20116. in the morning 有两种情况把in 变on on a cold morning on the morning of December 197. A 是B的3倍= A比B大两倍 A is three times as big as B. = A is twice bigger than B . = A is three times the size of B . 第四讲 代词1. 比较级中代词代替,单数用that 如:we

7、ather temperature population 复数用those = The weather in Beijing is warmer than that in Harbin . 2. How many / much ? None . What ? Nothing Who ? No one / Nobody . 3. every one of 分开写可以和of 连用4. 二者都both 三者都 all 二者否 neither 三者否 none 二者任一 either 三者任一 any either / neither of +限定词+ n.(pl) + 谓语(单数) either /

8、neither of + 代词宾格复数 + 谓语(单数) either / neither + 名词单数+ 谓语(单数) none of + 名词复数+谓语(可单可复)5. a little / little+nu a few / few +nc 带a 表示肯定,不带a 表示否定6. other / the other / others / the others / another other a. pron. one the other / one another the other / some others other + n(pl) = others 带the 的表示范围内的其它所有的

9、 another = an + other + n (单数) 三者以上的另一个 another two apples = two more apples one more apple = another apple 7. on both sides of the street = on either/each side of the street 8. too much + nu much too + a./ad. too many + nc第五讲 形容词和副词1. 常见的表语形容词 asleep afraid alone alive 2. 以ly 结尾的形容词 friendly lovely

10、 weekly monthly lonely 3. 不规则变化的比较级和最高级 bad/badly/ill worse worst good/well better best far father/further fathest /furthest many/much more most oldolder/elderoldest / eldest 4. the + a. 表示一类人,谓语复数5. Shanghai is the biggest city in China . = Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China .= Shangha

11、i is bigger than the other cities in China . = Shanghai is bigger than any of the other cities in China .Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan . 6. 可以修饰比较级的词 a little / a lot / even / still / far / a bit / no / much 7. 序数词+最高级= China is the third largest country in the world . 8. 副词,+ 句子(副词修饰整个句

12、子)9. 半系词 become get go feel look seem sound smell taste turn grow stay keep come 10. bigger and bigger more and more expensive 11. 下行比较 less cheap least cheap = Why didnt you like the movie ? Because it is the least interesting . 12. “价格”用高低,“东西”用贵贱= The price of the car is high/low. = The car is ex

13、pensive / cheap . 13. alone 无感情色彩,客观上独立。 lonely 有感情色彩14. 常见的多个形容词的修饰关系 :大小新旧颜色15. sometimes 有时 some times 几次/几倍 sometime 某时 some time 一段时间16. 要下雨了。 It will rain . It will be rainy . There will be rain . 第六讲 情态动词1. 推测 否定推测用cant 肯定推测must be一般现在时 / must be doing现在进行时 must have done 一般过去时 反义疑问句 must 去掉b

14、e 还原= He must be a student , isnt he ? 2. 答语 May ? Yes, may . No , cant / mustnt . (依语境而定) Must / Need ? Yes , must . No , neednt . / dont have to . Could ? (委婉语气) Yes , can. No, cant . 第七讲 时态1. 现在完成时总结 a. 常用句式 主句(现完)+since + 从句(一过) 段时+ has passed + since + 从句(一过) It is / has been + 段时+ since + 从句(一过)b. have been to 去过 have gone to 去了 have been in 待在某地c. for + 段 、 since + 点 、 how long 用现在完成时,用持续性动词 非持续性动词持续性动词非持续性动词


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