沪教牛津版初中英语九年级下册Unit 1知识点梳理

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1、沪教牛津版初中英语九年级下册 Unit 1 知识点梳理 Unit1 单词voyage v d 航行 n.repetition rep t ( )n 重复 n.American mer k n 美洲的 adjcontinent k nt n nt 大陆 n.*route ru t 路线 n.discovery d sk v( )r 发现 n.rise ra z (rose ,risen) 变得更加成功或重要、强大 v official f ( )l 官员 ndevelop d vel p 增强;加强 v.relation r le ( )n 关系;交往 n.trade tre d 贸易 v. 以

2、物易物;互相交换 n.foreign f r n 外国的 adj.*fleet fli t (统一调度的)船队;机群 n.Africa fr k 非洲 n.nowhere n hwe 无处;哪里都不 adv.silk s lk 丝织物;丝绸 n.giraffe d r :f 长颈鹿 n.besides b sa dz 除之外(还) prep.development d vel pm( )nt 发展;壮大 n.*region ri d ( )n 地区 n.1pioneer pa n 先锋;先驱 n.people pi p( )l 民族;种族 n. wealth wel 财富 n.spread s

3、pred (spread,spread)传播 v.open up开辟go on a trip去旅行set upset sail建立;设立起航(be) known as被称为as well as也;还lead to导致compare . with .Unit1 课文把与对比The voyages of Zheng He郑和下西洋Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1405, he set off from Chinaon the first of seven great voyages. This was nearly a century bef

4、oreChristopher Columbus first set sail on his journey of discovery to America. His travels were so important that they are still studied today.郑和是中国著名的探险家。公元 1405 年,他离开中国,开始了第一个 7 年的航行。这次壮举比哥伦布发现美洲大陆要早了将近 100 年。郑和的航行如此重 要,以至于学者们至今仍在研究。2Zheng He was born in Yunnan in 1371. He rose to become a trusted

5、official of the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The emperorordered Zheng He to visit and explore the lands outside China. His taskwas to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries.In a few years, he built a great fleet of ships, the biggest in the world atthat time. The shi

6、ps were known as treasure ships. They were bigenough to carry 25000 people as well as very large quantities of goods.公元 1371 年,郑和出生在云南。他迅速成长成为明朝永乐皇帝最信任的官员之一。皇帝命令郑和探索走出国门,远征探险。他的任务就是与国外建立外交关系,开通贸易的航线。几年后,他建立了一只世界上最庞大的舰队,这些船 被称为宝船。舰队可以搭载 2 万 5 千人以及一些大型的货物。From 1405 to 1443, Zheng He went on seven trip

7、s and visitedSouth-East Asia, the Middle East and even the east coast of Africa. Itseemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. These voyages allowed China to trade valuable goods like gold, silver and silk. At theend of each voyage, Zheng He returned with many things that wereseen in China for

8、 the first time, such as a giraffe from Africa. Besidesdeveloping trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange ofcultures and technologies. They helped the development of those countries and regions.从公元 1405 年到公元 1433 年,郑和连续 7 次率领海上远征探险,访问了东南亚、中东、甚至非洲东海岸的一些国家。对于郑和来说,没有什么地方是他3的舰队不可以到达的。探险使得中国可以与这些

9、国家进行贵重货物如黄金、白银以及丝绸的贸易。每次航行结束回来,郑和都会带回许多在中国见不到的东西,比如他就从非洲带回了长颈鹿。除了发展贸易,郑和的探险也促进了中国与这些国家的文化和技术交流。郑和的远航也帮助了这些国家和地区的发展。Zheng He died in 1433 during his last voyage. However, his voyageswere such a huge achievement that people still remember him as apioneer in opening up cultural contacts between differe

10、nt peoples around the world.公元 1433 年,郑和在最后一次航行之后离世。但是,他的远征航行产生了深远的影响,人们至今都把郑和当作是开启世界上不同种族文化交流的先驱。 Marco Polo 马可波罗By West Lake, in the city of Hangzhou, there is a small statue of a traveller. His name was Marco Polo.在杭州市的西湖边矗立着一座小型的马可波罗的雕像。Marco Polo grew up in the city of Venice, in present-day It

11、aly. In 1271,when he was 17 years old, he set off on a journey to Asia with his fatherand uncle, and did not return home until 24 years later. His travels tookhim across Asia, along the Silk Road and throughout China. He lovedHangzhou so much that he described it as the finest city in the world.马可波罗

12、出生于意大利的威尼斯。公元 1271 年,当他 17 岁的时候,他和父亲以及叔叔启程前往亚洲,直到 24 年后才回到家乡。他的旅程横跨亚洲,沿着丝绸之路通过中国。他非常喜欢杭州这座城市,并把它称之为“人间天堂”。4When Polo finally returned to Venice, there was a war and he wascaptured. While he was in prison, he told the stories of his travels toanother man there. This man wrote the stories down in a bo

13、ok calledThe Travels of Marco Polo. Because of the interesting descriptions ofAsian life in the book, Polos travels soon became well known in Europe.当马可波罗回到威尼斯的时候,正好赶上了一场战争,然后他被逮捕了。在监狱里,他和狱友们讲述了他的旅行见闻。这名狱友于是把这些故事写成了一本书,书名叫马可波罗游记。由于书里对亚洲的描写十分生动有趣,马可波 罗的游记很快便传遍了整个欧洲。The stories gave many Europeans the

14、ir first look at the life and cultureof the people in Asia. Polo told of many amazing things that wereunknown to Europe, such as paper money. He also wrote about Chinasdevelopment, with its large cities and systems of communication. Hisbook made Europeans more and more interested in the East. It alsoinfluenced many other explorers, including Christopher Columbus. Polo died in 1324. His last words were: I did not tell half of what I saw.这些故事让许多欧


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