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1、课时作业8No Drugs.阅读理解AThe clock always seems to be ticking rather too fast in the doctors office and the queue of patients outside the door seems to be pressing rather too hard. Some say its high time for the model of short, sharp onetoone appointments to give way to shared medical appointments (SMAs)S

2、MAs are doctorpatient visits in which a group of patients receive patient education and counseling (咨询), physical examination and medical support in a group setting. Typically SMAs are designed to have one or more doctors attend to a group of patients who share a common illness or medical condition.

3、 In contrast to onetoone visits, SMAs provide a longer appointment time frame as well as the opportunity for patients to have improved access to their physicians and meanwhile pick up additional information and support from peers.However, doctors who have pioneered the shared appointment approach re

4、port that there are significant challenges involved. Dr Sumego, director of shared medical appointments, Cleveland Clinic, identifies culture change as the most significant challenge. Physicians and nurses are trained in a model of personal service and privacy; the SMA approach is a fundamental chal

5、lenge to those fixed ideas. They need shared goals and a way of testing the innovation against agreed standards. Dr Sumego says, “The physicians may be worried about the possible chaos and efficiencies that are marketed. They also have to make the patients understand what their appointment is, and w

6、hat the expectation is.”“So, if an organization was looking to start shared medical appointments, I would advise them to start the buyin from a few champion physicians, develop the workflow and develop some experience. Provide some support behind what that best practice should look like. Create some

7、 standards so that, as the concept spreads, you can employ that experience to start the next shared medical appointments and the next.”面对一对一的医患就诊模式,有人提出了共享医疗预约的就诊方式;这种共享形式的预约以小组为单位,进行集体医患交流,提高了效率,但在实施过程中也存在一些问题。1What is the purpose of the SMA approach?ATo improve medical service.BTo promote doctors

8、reputation.CTo conduct medical research.DTo meet patients expectation.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Typically SMAs are designed to have one or more doctors attend to a group of patients who share a common illness or medical condition.access to their physicians”可知,SMAs旨在让一名或多名医生照顾一组有相同疾病或病理状况的患者。这为患者提供了更长的会面时

9、间和更好地与医生接触的机会。由此可知,共享医疗预约的目的在于改善医疗服务。故选A。2According to Dr Sumego, what prevents the SMA approach from being widely adopted?APersonal service. BFixed ideas.CLack of equipment. DShared goals.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Physicians and nurses are trained in a model of personal service and privacy; the SMA appr

10、oach is a fundamental challenge to those fixed ideas”可知,医生和护士接受的培训是基于一种个人服务和隐私保护的模式,而SMA方法则是对那些固定观念的挑战。由此可知,他认为阻碍这种方法被广泛采用的障碍,就在于先前的这些固定的观念。故选B。3What can the underlined “buyin” in Paragraph 4 be replaced by?ASupport. BOrganization.CPurchase. DPractice.答案:D解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“I would advise them to star

11、t the buyin from a few champion physicians.Provide some support behind what that best practice should look like”可知,Dr Sumego建议选择一些优秀的医生开始实行SMA,并在这种最佳实践的背后提供一些支持,“the buyin from a few champion physicians”与“that best practice”相对应,此处的buyin指实践,故选D。4What can be learned about the SMA approach in the last

12、paragraph?AIt is currently being questioned.BIt is impractical in some areas.CIt will enjoy wide popularity soon.DIt should be carried out step by step.答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“start the buyin.Create some standards so that, as the concept spreads, you can employ that experience to start the next shared

13、medical appointments and the next”可知,共享医疗预约的发展是一个逐步实施的过程。故选D。BHow some companies fight the curse (祸害) of presenteeism (超时工作)? Ronald Reagan famously joked that “its true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?”Beyond_a_certain_level,_extra_effort_seems_to_be_selfdefeating.

14、 Studies suggest that, after around 50 hours a week, employee productivity declines sharply.But that doesnt stop some managers from demanding that workers stay chained to their desk for long periods. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, the Chinese ecommerce group, recently praised the 996 model, where

15、employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week, as a “great opportunity”. Yet presenteeism is the curse of the modern office worker.There will be days when you do not have much to do; perhaps because you are waiting for someone else in a different department, or a different company, to respond to

16、 a request. As the clock ticks past 5 pm, there may be no purpose in staying at your desk. But you can see your bosses hard at work and, more importantly, they can see you. So you make an effort to look busy.The consequence is often wasted effort. Rather than work hard, you slave to make bosses think that you are. But presenteeism has more serious consequences. As wel


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