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1、八年级(上)英语单项填空题(7)( )1. Please _ the TV, I want to watch the football match.A. turn onB. turn offC. openD. turn down解析:此题主要练习词语用法区别 - 打开电气设备,不能使用open,排除C;想watch the match当然同turn off(关上)和turn down无关,排除B/D。( )2. There is no water in the cup. Please pour some _ it.A. inB. intoC. throughD. with解析:此题主要练习介词

2、的用法 - 未说明伴随关系,排除D;through表示从中穿越而过,不符逻辑,排除C,pourin不能带宾语,排除A。( )3. The radio is too loud. Would you please _.A. turn down itB. turn up itC. turn it downD. turn it up解析:此题主要练习可分性短语的用法 - turn up/turn down都是可分性短语,代词用作宾语时,应位于短语之中,排除A/B;既然too loud,就需要turn down,排除D。注意:可分性短语(注意宾语的位置):动词同副词(in/out/up/down/ove

3、r/off/away等)构成的短语为可分性短语,如带宾语,需考虑宾语的位置(同宾语的词性有关),名词作宾语,可以放在整个短语后,也可位于短语中,但是,如代词作宾语,只能放在短语中。( )4. Here are some fruit. Now lets _ fruit salad.A. doB. cookC. takeD. make解析:此题主要练习介词结构同动词的关联 - cook是指通过煎炒炸煮烤等方法,将食物由生变熟的过程,而制作fruit salad不需通过这一过程,排除B;上下文意义同带走无关,排除C;制作菜肴不能使用do,排除A。( )5. There are _ on the ta

4、ble. One is for you, and one is for me.A. two cup of teasB. two cups of teaC. two cup of teaD. two cups of teas解析:此题主要练习名词数量的表示方式 - tea是不可数名词,不能使用-s形式,排除A/D;表量词组中的表量名词为可数名词,用于数词two后,需使用复数形式,排除C。注意:名词数量的表示:名词数量的表示主要有定量和不定量两种方式:一、说明不定数量:借助表示不定数量的限定词表示数量。e.gLast week Mr. Brown bought many new books for

5、 his students.Im thirsty. Please give me some water.二、说明具体数量:说明具体数量时,需根据名词是否可数,考虑使用不同的方式:1. 不可数名词具体数量的表示:不可数名词没有自身的量词,在说明其具体数量时,应借助于表量的限定词组(数词 + 表量名词 + of)来说明其具体数量。注:表量的名词为可数名词,应随其前的数词考虑其单复数形式。e.gWed like a cup of coffer and two cups of tea, please.2. 可数名词具体数量的表示:可数名词自身含有量词,因此可以直接用数词说明其具体数量(使用自身量词时)

6、;如使用的量词不是该名词的自身量词,仍需借助于表量的限定词组来说明其具体数量,此时的名词应使用复数形式。e.gHe has five English books.他有两本英语书。(“书”的自身量词是“本”,所以我们直接用数词five说明具体数量)e.gHe bought a bag of apples.他买了一袋苹果。(“苹果”的自身量词是“个”,不是“袋”,因此我们需借助于表量限定词组a bag of说明其数量。注:表量词组后的可数名词应使用复数形式)。( )6. I want to make a sandwich. Do you have a recipe _ a super chicke

7、n sandwich?A. forB. ofC. withD. to解析:此题主要练习介词同名词的关联 - recipe for为固定短语。( )7. _ sandwiches would you like to have?A. How longB. How manyC. How muchD. How big解析:此题主要练习wh-词同名词的关联 - wh-词后带有名词,排除A/D(how long/how big后不能直接带名词);sandwich为可数名词,排除C(how much后带不可数名词)。( )8. _ bread does Mary want to buy?A. How lon

8、gB. How manyC. How muchD. How big解析:此题主要练习wh-词同名词的关联 - wh-词后带有名词,排除A/D(how long/how big后不能直接带名词);bread为不可数名词,排除B(how many后带复数可数名词)。( )9. Do you like sandwiches _ lettuce?A. inB. ofC. onD. with解析:此题主要练习介词同名词的关联 - 说明伴随关系,介词用with。( )10. Its bright enough in the classroom. Please _ the lights.A. turn of

9、fB. turn onC. turn upD. turn down解析:此题主要练习上下文意义同选项的关联 - 既然bright enough,那么就应该关灯。( )11. The watermelon is too big. Lets _.A. cut it upB. cut them upC. cut up itD. cut up them解析:此题主要练习可分性短语的用法 - cut up为可分性短语,代词用作其宾语时,必须位于短语之中,排除C/D;代换上文的单数名词,不能用them,排除B。(解析见第3题)( )12. Im _. Would you please bring me s

10、ome bread?A. thirstyB. hungryC. tiredD. excited解析:此题主要练习上下文意义同选项的关联 - 想要些bread,当然同hungry有关。( )13. “Can you _ the bananas for fruit salad?” “Sure. But where is the knife?”A. mix upB. put upC. cut upD. turn up解析:此题主要练习上下文意义同选项的关联 - knife当然与cut相关。( )14. Tina finished _ the milk shake an hour ago.A. mak

11、eB. madeC. to makeD. making解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - finish后的动词用-ing形式。( )15. We still need _ for the children.A. three bottle of milkB. three bottles of milksC. three bottles of milkD. three milks解析:此题主要练习名词数量的表示方式 - milk是不可数名词,不能使用-s形式,排除B/D;表量名词是可数名词,应根据数词考虑单复数形式,排除A(解析见第5题)( )16. “Lets make some banan

12、a milk shakes.” “_.”A. Thats a good ideaB. No, please dontC. Thats all rightD. Do it by yourself解析:此题主要练习交际英语的用法 - Lets句式提出建议时,不能使用No回答,排除B;Thats all right用于回答表人表示感谢或歉意的句子,排除C;do it by yourself强调要求别人自己动手去做,不能回答表示建议的句子,排除D。注意:回答别人提议的方式很灵活,但主要使用的句式有:同意别人的提议,常用句式有:Thats a good idea. / That sounds good.

13、 / Good idea. / Great. / Id love to.等等。不赞同别人的提议,常用句式有:No. / That sounds boring. / Thats too personal.等等。( )17. “_ honey do you need for the fruit salad?” “Two.”A. How manyB. How many teaspoons ofC. How muchD. How much teaspoons of解析:此题主要练习句式结构及答语同选项的关联 - honey是不可数名词,不能使用how many修饰,排除A;teaspoon是可数名词,

14、不能同how much连用,排除D;使用how much询问数量时,不能直接用数词回答,排除C(how much询问数量时,答语应为表示不定量的词语或表量词组)。( )18. “_?” “Yes, please. Id like some sandwiches.”A. What can I do for youB. What would you likeC. Can I help youD. What do you want to buy解析:此题主要练习答语同问句的关联 - 特殊疑问句不能用yes回答,排除A/B/D。( )19. “What do you need for the sandwich?” “Some _.”A. chickens and lettucesB. chickens and lettuceC. chicken and lettucesD. chicken and lettuce解析:此题主要练习名词的可数与不可数的判定 - 制作sandwich不能使用活着的chicken,因此该处的chicken应为不可数名词,不能使用-s形式,排除A/B;lettu


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